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Approved Ranged Weapon GSIA-83 Stinger

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Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge


Image Source: Blade Runner

  • Refined Tibanna: The blaster bolts fired from the Stinger are entirely invisible to the naked eye. This allows for stealthy kills, while also allowing for a much higher ammo count than a slugthrower would allow.
  • The Crude Option: The Stinger also has a built in slugthrower. Both use the same barrel, but separate triggers. It fires a FMJ round with an integrated silencer, allowing for stealthy kills regardless of your choice of method of deadly delivery service.
  • Shhhhhhh: Both the blaster and slugthrower have integrated silencers, allowing for shots that sound like they should be out of a holo-drama with how quiet they are.
  • Full Auto: Only available for the blaster portion, should the user need a quick way to lay down a lot of fire, the Stinger has the ability to throw out a ton of blaster bolts very quickly.
  • Big Boom: The Stinger is designed with the SIA in mind. Built into it's grip, a biometric scanner only allows designated users to handle the weapon. Should someone other than them pick up the weapon, the gun is designed in such a way that the power cell inside detonates instantly. This can also be set to a remote function that turns the gun into a small satchel charge.
  • Complicated: Overall, the weapon is a complex machine. Should any parts break, maintaining the weapon can be a process. Also, it could explode on you if you aren't careful. So there's that.
  • Small Ammo Count: The cost of making the weapon both a blaster and a slugthrower is that both required space for ammunition. Thus, neither are fully equipped to deal with sustained firefights. While overall the weapon has a large ammo count, neither are large on their own.
Designed by Si Tech originally as a prototype for the Fang, the newly overhauled SIA offered the buy the prototype and refine it to what became the Stinger, a weapon that would act as the SIA's new standard issue machine pistol, designed for stealth and assassination, as well as sabotage. Good luck agents, you'll need it.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a new standard issue pistol for the SIA
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Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Personal
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Durasteel, Internal Faraday Cage
Ammunition Type: Power Cell
Ammunition Capacity: Large
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very Low
Ranged Class: Pistol
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