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Approved NPC GSL Referees Club

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  • Intent: To make a group for the referees of the GSL
  • ​Image Credit: N/A
  • Role: Referees Club
  • Links:
    Galactic Shockball League

  • Group Name: GSL Referees Club
  • Classification: Club
  • Headquarters: Adumar
  • Loyalties: Galactic Shockball League
  • Group Sigil: N/A
  • Description: The GSL Referees Club is an organized group consisting of all the referees under the Galactic Shockball League. Whenever a new referee is hired, they are immediately brough into the club. To the referees, however, it's more of a family. They watch out for each other, the more senior members give advice to the younger members, and they grow alongside each other and form bonds with one another.

  • Hierarchy: There is no hierarchy.
  • Membership: To be a member, you have to be a referee for the GSL.
  • Dogma/Doctrines:
    Be fair.
  • Have no bias.
  • Accept no bribes or tips.

  • Shiny whistles

  • Too ensure that every game of Shockball is played fairly.


Jato Ombu - Referee
Kevin Dunewalker - Referee
Mari Thuku - Referee
Hyth'maah - Referee


When the Galactic Shockball League was brought back by Cady Arwyn, she needed to fill the necessary ranks to run the company at peak efficiency. This required scouts, coaches, and more. Of course, referees are a necessity when making a sports league. The referees are the enforcers of good order and fair play in sports games. Shockball may be, what some call, a brutish sport, but there are still rules. And when there are rules, there must be those who enforce those rules. That is where the referees come in. When Cady brought in a group of folk to become referees, she wanted to give them something special in return for their work. She then created a club for them. This club gave each referee under the GSL great benefits including, but not limited to, a clubhouse, club jackets, and more.
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