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Approved Starship GU-10 Interceptor

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Image Source: Desuran, DeviantArt
Affiliation: The Primeval
Manufacturer: The Primeval Fleet
Model: GU-10 'Zeal' Interceptor
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass
Material: Alusteel, Glasteel
Classification: Interceptor
Length: 4.1 meters
Height: 1.2 meters
Width: 3.6 meters

  • x2 light-repeating laser cannons

Squadron Count: 38

Special Features:
  • Standard Targeting Computer
  • Subpar Navigation Computer
  • Subpar communications array
  • 40 minute oxygen-tank
Maneuverability Rating: 1.5
Speed Rating: 1.5
Hyperdrive Class: N/A

  • Very fast and agile.
  • High squadron count.
  • Small form-factor.
  • Fixed forward vision.
  • Very Weak hull & no shields.
  • Limited oxygen.
  • Not very well-armed.

Description: The GU-10 Interceptor is The Primeval's mass-produced short-ranged response fighter intended to take down enemy fighters and bombers. Due to its very small form factor, the pilot has to lay down flat on their stomach and face forward; thus it's limited to very near-human races only up to 2.3 meters in height. The pilot is then strapped in and because of the gun placement, field of vision is strictly forward and limited, making the starship extremely dangerous to fly without proper training. The starship is equipped with only basic computers for navigation, targeting, and communication and must rely on sensory data from their carriers rather than that of their own fighters. Due to limited oxygen the GU-10 can only stay in space for roughly 40 minutes before oxygen depletes, and optimally less if they intend on returning to ship.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a defensively weak short-ranged zerg rush interceptor.
Who Can Use This: The Primeval
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

While I appreciate the sentiment of making a cheap swarm fighter, and it's not a concept that has any issues at face-value, there is no way I could approve something with a squad count of forty-eight when its primary armament is two repeating laser cannons. If each fighter had a single repeating laser cannon, that would be the absolute max they could have and still be balanced to a normal squad of twelve.

Frankly, this seems -too- small to be a piloted vessel. The A-Wing is perhaps one of the smallest manned fighters out there and it's still almost 10m long. Your dimensions are going to need to be at least doubled if you intend on this being a manned vessel.
[member="Ayden Cater"]

If I may retort there:

I used the new standard loadout but did the old version's math; and taking away the warheads that are allowed to interceptors, makes the repeating laser cannons applicable. That said if it would be more appropriate I would be willing to edit the repeating laser cannons to light repeating, halving the firepower and bringing the squadron count down to 36.

As for the math, 3 meters is roughly 10 feet. I would be willing to bring up to 4 meters, though, which is the length of an average car. But seeing as the pilot has to be under 2.3 meters (7.5 feet) that leaves a pretty decent amount of space. The pilot lays down flat on their stomach, strapped in and surrounded by more or less exposed interior components; much like something straight out of the soviet union. Think of this as Chaos' rocket interceptor. It's fast, it's lightly armed, but most of all it's dangerous to use but cheap and easy to build.

If that doesn't work as a compromise please let me know what would. I really wouldn't want to bring it up to 6 meters if I don't have to.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

You can certainly edit the weapons and squad count. Until this is stamped or denied, you're free to edit things however you wish. Just let me know after the fact so I can make sure I get a fresh look at it. I don't want to deny a sub because I missed an edit.

As for the size, I was not too concerned with the pilot so much as the interceptor itself. Besides the pilot, the vessel needs to house the engines, the weapons, sensors, etc. Droid fighters can exist as small as four or five meters (The Droid Tri-Fighter is 5.4 meters long) because they don't need space for a pilot, life support, etc. That's where I'm coming from in my analysis for a fighter's size.

If you're okay with the understanding that a single hit will be sufficient in destroying the interceptor given its tiny form, and removed the solid fuel booster as there's really no space for it that's not external which would affect its combat performance, I could approve it after you've made the edit and squad edits.
Ayden Cater said:
If you're okay with the understanding that a single hit will be sufficient in destroying the interceptor given its tiny form, and removed the solid fuel booster as there's really no space for it that's not external which would affect its combat performance, I could approve it after you've made the edit and squad edits.
That was actually my intention to begin with.

Changed weak hull & no shields to very weak hull and no shields to identify that. Otherwise I bumped it up to 4.1 meters, lowered to 38 squad count and light repeating.
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