Dark Messiah

Affiliation: The Primeval
Manufacturer: The Primeval Fleet
Model: GU-10 'Zeal' Interceptor
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass
Material: Alusteel, Glasteel
Classification: Interceptor
Length: 4.1 meters
Height: 1.2 meters
Width: 3.6 meters
- x2 light-repeating laser cannons
Squadron Count: 38
Special Features:
- Standard Targeting Computer
- Subpar Navigation Computer
- Subpar communications array
- 40 minute oxygen-tank
Speed Rating: 1.5
Hyperdrive Class: N/A
- Very fast and agile.
- High squadron count.
- Small form-factor.
- Fixed forward vision.
- Very Weak hull & no shields.
- Limited oxygen.
- Not very well-armed.
Description: The GU-10 Interceptor is The Primeval's mass-produced short-ranged response fighter intended to take down enemy fighters and bombers. Due to its very small form factor, the pilot has to lay down flat on their stomach and face forward; thus it's limited to very near-human races only up to 2.3 meters in height. The pilot is then strapped in and because of the gun placement, field of vision is strictly forward and limited, making the starship extremely dangerous to fly without proper training. The starship is equipped with only basic computers for navigation, targeting, and communication and must rely on sensory data from their carriers rather than that of their own fighters. Due to limited oxygen the GU-10 can only stay in space for roughly 40 minutes before oxygen depletes, and optimally less if they intend on returning to ship.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a defensively weak short-ranged zerg rush interceptor.
Who Can Use This: The Primeval