Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Unwavering Hope, a diplomatic vessel bound for Myrkyr, was carrying various political figures to what would prove to be an abortive summit with the Mandalorians. Their new Alor would soon be dead under mysterious circumstances, leaving whatever progress made by the diplomats lost to the winds of fate.

But they say the journey matters more than the destination. Aboard the ship, there was a pleasant little dining hall. In addition to the promise of a fine meal, it gave the passengers a chance to rub elbows with people they might not otherwise interact with at all. Deals could be made or broken, new alliances forged, chances taken, fortunes won and lost.

One such encounter occurred the evening before their arrival at the ill-fated summit, when the newly elected Senator of Dahrtag, Marya Werdegast, went to dinner. She cut a cool and elegant figure in her black gown, her dark hair braided and pinned up in a charmingly provincial style. Her sole companion was a gray-furred Chandra-Fan, a personal aide who followed along silently at her side, datapad in hand.

She took a seat at a table in the corner of the room, chosen because it was otherwise empty, and glanced at the menu. A serving droid arrived to pour her a drink, then rolled away. The glass of ice water sat untouched.


You meet the most interesting of people at the crossroads.

Alicio had been in the dining room for some time. It began as an Alderaanian delegation meeting to talk political strategy for the upcoming negotiations. Then, it was a smaller discussion, and congratulations for Orso's marriage. The Senator's oldest aide had found a sweetheart on Fondor. They spent some time catching up, sharing a congratulatory drink. But after some time, it was simply Alicio, dark eyes scanning the worn pages of a book, and a half-empty glass of wine.

He was not enthusiastic about the GA's chances for a true alliance with the Mandalorians. Their strategy of throwing a hodge-podge of representatives at a potential ally, and hoping they could string together something coherent had achieved... mixed results, in years past. With the mandos... Alicio wasn't optimistic. Perhaps it would be beneficial to create a unified front before the summit, if that was even possible.

But for now, research.

He read slowly, pausing only a moment to take the tiniest sip from his glass.

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She first glimpsed his blurry reflection on the gleaming surface of her menu, a black hole ripped in a tapestry of color. He was sitting at another table behind her; they were almost back to back. Was this good or bad luck?

After a moment’s thought, she decided it was an opportunity. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched him sip his wine and read—

An actual book,” she said wonderingly, turning in her chair to face him. “I don’t see many of those outside of museums these days.

Her voice was low and airy and her diction was as refined as the rest of her. She looked and sounded like a high society woman, but there was an unnatural sense to her poise. As if she had been carefully shaped and molded into the role she was now playing, her lines dictated by someone offstage. Only her eyes were her own, dark and fathomless pools that gazed at him like an animal does a stranger, assessing if he were friend, foe—or prey.

Are you not afraid you may spill wine on it?” she asked.


He was about to be interrupted. Alicio studied the face of the woman behind him in the Future, recognizing her before he ever looked up from his book.

An actual book. I don’t see many of those outside of museums these days.

An airy smile snagged the Alderaanian's face, distracting him from his reading. "A basic translation of 'The Teachings of the Mandalore'." He closed the book and held up the cover to the woman, displaying the Mandalorian script on the cover. "I could've gotten the virtual version... but I like the feeling of turning a page."

Alicio let his glass touch his lips one last time, before setting down the drink and the book. "I'm careful," he assured her, before spinning halfway in his seat, and offering a hand to shake. "Alicio Organa." He usually introduced himself as just Alicio, but this time was different.

He looked to both Marya Werdegast, and her aide, waiting for them to introduce themselves.

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His sentiment about the feeling of turning a page was quaint, but then he was Alderaanian. He gave her his name, devoid of title or rank. She did the same, albeit for different reasons.

Marya Werdegast.” Her hand was warm and her grip sure. “Senator of Necropolis.” She used the more common name for her homeworld out of a desire to appear modern and progressive. Alicio would have to know she was talking about Dahrtag—and even if he didn’t, she wouldn’t permit him to think she was the representative of some obscure province. They were both Core Worlders, after all. “I recognize your name. You're the brains behind SELCORE.

Somehow, Alicio seemed to already know her too. Of course, if he really did know her, this would likely be a very short meeting... She suppressed that dour thought, her dark red lips curling into a smile. “I was just hoping to speak with someone from SELCORE, and here you are. That is, if you have the time to talk.


So it was Werdegast.

I recognize your name. You're the brains behind SELCORE.

A stray finger traced the geometric pattern of his book, a dark shadow to his thoughtful expression. "You flatter me." He might've actually been flattered, if he were walking into this situation completely clueless. "I recognize your name too, Senator. Congratulations on your election."

She framed the meeting as taking an interest in SELCORE. That was an interesting angle. The King's head canted curiously to the side, genuinely interested. He didn't enjoy the games of politics, never had. But, today, he took great interest in the player before him.

"I have time," the Alderaanian finally said. "I'll answer anything I can. What sort of questions do you have about SELCORE?"

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Thank you.” Marya gave him a little appreciative bow. “I desire nothing more than to serve my people.

"I'll answer anything I can. What sort of questions do you have about SELCORE?"

Not so much questions as a request,” she said. He was investigating the bait, but hadn't quite bitten yet. “I assume you know that my predecessor fought to stop the resettlement of refugees on Necropolis. For many of our citizens, the fact that we had elected a representative who would deny sanctuary to those in need was a source of great… shame.

Marya wasn’t lying. Sycorax Laveaux had drawn plenty of criticism in the press and from her colleagues, who derided her as a heartless bigot. She claimed Dahrtag wasn’t able to properly care for these people; her rivals scoffed at the idea of a Core World being too poor to support the displaced, just as they had scoffed at her resistance to droid rights. Marya Werdegast had conversely run on a philanthropic platform, championing charity and social conscience.

During my campaign, I promised that I would open Necropolis to those fleeing from violence,” she continued. “I intend to make good on that promise. But I acknowledge that it is a massive undertaking. Someone will have to manage the exodus, allot resources, build homes—we will need the best advisors, the best overseers. If you could recommend someone, Alicio, it would be of great help to us…


Thank you. I desire nothing more than to serve my people.

Alicio nodded in return, but his expression, thin-lipped and absent-eyed with thought, was incalculable.

"Senator Laveaux and I had butt heads a number of times during her incumbency." That much was true. But Alicio had always been surprised by how aligned their views became, at times. Alicio didn't know if he liked her, per se, but he'd always admired her pragmatism. And now... her warning rang in his ears.

As Marya talked, Alicio's inscrutability only intensified. He'd been burnt once before, trying to play games with Dahrtag, and had just recently dodged dire consequences as a result. Was he cut out for this? Should he really jump back into the fire, so soon?

He supposed he had no choice.

"I've had multiple talks with her about this very topic. She was against Dahrtag hosting refugees." He found his wine glass again, but didn't drink it. It was time to circle the drain, so to speak. "She wanted to distance her world from the Alliance, but her main argument against it was Necropolis' instability. Do you disagree?"

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"Senator Laveaux and I had butt heads a number of times during her incumbency."

Marya didn't know the full extent of Sycorax and Alicio's relationship, but it seemed rather complex. Despite disagreeing with her in public, he had purportedly been there at the hospital when a certain someone had tried to end her life, even fending off the would-be assassin. She didn't understand how he could go to such lengths to save someone he considered his enemy, but clearly they were not allies either.

She wondered if Sycorax had revealed her suspicions to him. How much did he know? She would find out by the end of this meeting.

"I've had multiple talks with her about this very topic. She was against Dahrtag hosting refugees. She wanted to distance her world from the Alliance, but her main argument against it was Necropolis' instability. Do you disagree?"

"Completely," Marya replied, leaning an arm against the back of her chair. "Necropolis is more resilient than she gave it credit. Compared to other worlds hit hard by the cost of war, our economy is stronger now than it has been in years. Our culture is thriving; we're in the midst of a golden age of music and the arts. We aren't perfect, certainly, but what society is?"

She had worked hard to make Necropolis into what it was today. Centuries of planning and guiding the planet into a new epoch, ripe and ready for just this very moment. No one had believed in her vision, yet now here she was, on the cusp of fulfilling her dream.

"Every star war presents an unprecedented opportunity," she had said years ago, pacing the floor of her father's office. "Billions of displaced people, all of them desperate. They'll take whatever they can get. The dirtiest jobs, the lowest pay... And no one is there to check on them if they go missing..."

Han Werdegast's eyes followed her everywhere she went. "It's too risky," he had said at last, shaking his head. "It would break our code."

She turned to face him. "You think I give a damn about the code? It's outdated and useless!" She held up a clenched fist. "This is the only code I know. My way. Call it war profiteering—"

"I call it wanton slaughter," Han interrupted. She glared at him. Sometimes she wondered if he was afraid of her. His own daughter. For a moment it seemed as if he were about to flinch, but he held her gaze unwaveringly, a cruel little smirk curling his lips. "You talk about the code being outdated, but you want to act like a bloodthirsty
voivode?" He tutted. "You're not the Devil's Daughter anymore, Marya. Your proposal, while creative, is lunacy. We can't survive the heat it would bring. The Republic would have all our heads on a silver platter. Yours included."

The Republic. She wanted to scoff. She had seen half a dozen galactic republics rise and fall. But she supposed he did have a point.
I'll just have to make sure they never find out, she thought. Or better yet, get them to play along...

In the present, Marya's expression grew serious and sincere. There was no calculation in her words or tone; she spoke like she meant everything she said. "It helps that we are prosperous, but what really matters is that we are accepting of others. My election proves that the people of Necropolis are ready to embrace the refugees with open arms."

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"Completely. Necropolis is more resilient than she gave it credit. Compared to other worlds hit hard by the cost of war, our economy is stronger now than it has been in years. Our culture is thriving; we're in the midst of a golden age of music and the arts. We aren't perfect, certainly, but what society is?"

"Indeed," Alicio said, letting his cautious tone go unchecked. Both eagerness and the lack thereof would give him away. "And you believe the people of Dahrtag are prepared to take on the economic strain?"

Alicio had been wanting to help stabilize Dahrtag for years. And now... there was a trap laid out before him, but opportunity, too.

She would've fooled him, had Sycorax not warned him this new opponent would be crafty, and if he hadn't had the experience of a world mistreating their refugee populace before. But he could also be cunning. As long as he was more careful, this time.

"If you draft a plan, I'd be happy to look it over with you. Then we can discuss an official proposal to SELCORE." It was what she wanted, but with just enough wary undertones to be believable.

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"And you believe the people of Dahrtag are prepared to take on the economic strain?"

"There is a saying, 'If you wait until you feel you are completely financially prepared to have children, you will die childless.'" She shrugged. "Perhaps it is a poor comparison. But it seems to me we must either take the leap now, or we will never be ready."

"If you draft a plan, I'd be happy to look it over with you. Then we can discuss an official proposal to SELCORE."

"Thank you," Marya said with a little nod. So far he had given her no reason to believe he suspected anything. If he had any inkling of her true intentions, surely he would not have given her instructions on how to formalize the process. "I will do as you suggest. Perhaps we could meet again after the summit?" She kept odd hours.


Alicio took a final sip of his wine, before scooping his book up, and standing. "I understand the sentiment, regardless. And... I agree. At some point, all there is to do is take a leap of faith."

There was hidden meaning, that Marya had yet to understand. It was him taking the leap, not her.

"After the summit, then. I'll try to get some paperwork in order for you, if I find some time." Alicio inclined his head, before exiting the area with measured steps. It wasn't long before he burned the alcohol from his veins, and sent for his aide.

It was time to get to work.

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Marya stopped herself from standing up with him; she had yet to eat her supper. Well, pretend to eat it. Instead she remained seated and bowed her head to Alicio in due deference.

Next time, then. I will look forward to seeing you again.

She watched him leave. “What do you think, Sandora?” she asked her aide. “Does he need to be persuaded further?

The Chandra-Fan chittered a response, then pointed a clawed finger toward something behind her. Marya turned sharply, catching the faintest glimpse of a figure, their face obscured by bandages and sunglasses, exiting the dining hall. Her brow furrowed. “Go, but be discreet,” she quietly ordered.

Hopping down from her chair, Sandora followed the figure, her batlike nose twitching.

Later that night, after most of the passengers of the Unwavering Hope had gone to bed, a cleaning droid sweeping the hallways discovered a pile of clothing, bandages, and a pair of sunglasses lying on the floor. It picked up the items, making a note of the location of their abandonment, before continuing its usual route.

Meanwhile, a living cloud made its way through the ventilation systems, passing various bunks before misting through a grate in Alicio Organa’s quarters. Gray fog spilled out onto the floor of the room, spreading out before billowing upward into a shape that wasn’t quite human, but did look vaguely figure-like.

Before you ask,” the Neo-Bespinian began, voice alien and strange. “No, I’m not here to kill you despite the spooky entrance. You're such a busy man, I doubt I could get an appointment in time—and I had to get past your guards somehow.


"That was my first question, yes."

Alicio was sitting at the foot of his bed, finally free of his jacket and cape, both of which were folded gently on a nearby table. The Teachings of the Mandalore rested on his lap, as if he'd just set it aside.

Unsurpisingly, the king didn't seem surprised, but nor was he entirely at ease. His body language was calm, relaxed... but the Force moved turbulently around the man, the Future sharp in his eyes. He didn't know who this was, what they wanted...

But he was willing to hear them out.

"And I imagine you can guess at a few more I have."

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"Let's introduce ourselves first. I already know who you are. I'd tell you my name, but you couldn't pronounce it." The Neo-Bespinian's cloudy form gradually became more transparent, as though it were breathing out impurities. "Call me Griffin.

"Unlike our good friend Lon, I'm still with the SIA. I was working with Sycorax before... Well, you were there. You know what happened." Griffin's presence drifted across the room. It apparently took a liking to Alicio's cloak, picking up the garment and draping it over its invisible form. "In her absence, the enemy has been busy. They managed to get a vampire elected. Not just any parasite, but a former voivode so bloodthirsty her father had to put her on a leash to keep her from massacring the planet." It laughed. "Ah, how I love Necropolis. It's my favorite planet in all the universe..."

With a sigh of fabric Griffin sank into a nearby chair, an empty cloak getting comfortable with the plush seat. "We need to stop her. You can help."


"Griffin." Alicio tested the name, before offering a slow nod. "Alicio Organa."

It was only polite, even if the smoky man already knew his name. As the Bespinian floated around the room, vaguely outlining his position, Alicio tracked him with eagle-eyed caution.

"We need to stop her. You can help."

The King finally stood, placing the book to his side, as the apparent SIA agent floated around the room. "Our mutual friend told me he was a current agent, too. Forgive me for my caution, but do you have a way to prove it?" He wasn't falling for that trick again.

If he was legitimate... It was the perfect opportunity. But Alicio wouldn't entertain this uninvited guest a second longer, not until he was sure it was the right move.

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"Our mutual friend told me he was a current agent, too. Forgive me for my caution, but do you have a way to prove it?"

He was a current agent at the time,” Griffin replied, then chuckled. “Shall I show you my badge?” He flashed an authentic SIA badge, somehow held aloft (and then hidden away) by his cloudy form. “Or how about I reveal some deep dark state secrets? If I told you, I’d have to kill you.

Griffin was joking. Probably.

I couldn’t help but overhear you and Marya having a conversation at dinner. Something about opening Dahrtag up to war refugees? If I were you I wouldn’t do anything she asks, no matter how benevolent or benign it might seem…” The Bespinian paused, his attention suddenly directed elsewhere. “Do you hear that?

Silence. Then there was a muffled thump from somewhere outside the door, like that of a body falling—and the door was blasted open by a tremendous force. Silhouetted by the dim light of the hallway behind it, a large bat-like creature flew into the room. With its leathery wings spread wide, the thing dove toward Alicio on his bed with incredible speed, bloodstained fangs snapping at his throat.


Alicio raised an unamused eyebrow. Griffin's joke hadn't quite landed right. Having an impromptu meeting with an alleged SIA agent who'd snuck into his room didn't really put Alicio in a jesting mood.

However, he was composed enough for business. He crossed his legs underneath him, unable to release himself of proper posture in the company of another.

Do you hear that?

Alicio canted his head to the side, eyes stolen by some unseen movement in the air. Then, he nodded, the Force suddenly sharpening around the book at his side. "Ready yourself!"

When the door burst open, Alicio suddenly sprang to his feet on the bed. The flapping creature dove towards him with unnerving speed, but Alicio was already vaulting over it, twisting in the air, his hand clawing down at nothing.

Then, the lightsaber hidden beneath his book ignited, and flung itself at the bat, twirling dangerously. Alicio landed gracefully, one hand poised gently towards his new foe.

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The bat-creature was befuddled by Alicio’s quick reaction. It adapted quickly, whirling around in midair to take another swipe at him—only for its left wing to be clipped by the spinning lightsaber.

Alicio's cloak tumbled in a heap on the chair as Griffin abandoned it, totally invisible once more. There was a sound like a gale of rushing wind; the wounded creature slumped, choking and gurgling, its lungs deprived of air.

Griffin thought that was the end of it… Until objects began flying around the room, tossed about as if by some poltergeist. “That isn’t me!” the Bespinian exclaimed, temporarily giving away his position with the sound of his voice. He was soon forced to move to avoid being dissipated by a thrown chair.

The bat-creature rallied, the manipulations of the Force around it serving as a distraction while it prepared to strike at Alicio with a claw.


Alicio winced. This was going to hurt.

Every second counted, and Griffin keeping the creature occupied gave the seer a chance to prepare. Alicio closed his eyes, once again gathering the Force around him. The flavors of the Force were spiced and tumultuous, but he focused on the taste of sea salt, gathering the strength he had.

His lightsaber had barely caught it's target, spinning past it and sinking into the wall, stuck in place behind the creature. He couldn't go get it, and it would arrive a breath too late if he tried to wrench it from the wall with the Force. No, the only thing he could do was rely on a new skill of his. Which was why the borrowed seconds were so important.

The creature finally shook itself free of Griffin's tricks, and dove for the senator, claws extended. Eyes shut loosely, hand still extended... Alicio exhaled.

He caught the bat by the foot, his grip tightening around it's ankle. He wasn't quite strong enough to stop it's momentum, only just barely able to pull it's slash to the side, it's claw sinking into the meat of his arm instead of his face. He grit his teeth, raised his other hand to catch whatever follow-up the bat had planned, and unleashed his power.

A single green lightning bolt flashed in his grip, threatening to sizzle the creature from the inside out.

- People of Necropolis People of Necropolis -

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