Darth Voracitos
Chaos-God of Gluttony
Voracitos had a long and arduous recollection of his time spent on Korriban. He was born in this graveyard, he became a Dark Lord in this graveyard, he reigned as Emperor in this graveyard, and one day his remains would rot in this graveyard, should he have anything to say about it. Maybe more than once if it can be helped; death seemed to be awfully forgiving these days once Chaos had opened up...Taking his own time, and finally breaching his usual seclusion within the high towers of his palace on Lorrd, the Dark Lord descended upon a personal transport made in his name. The starship would carry his weight into the depths of space, and cut into Hyperspace before arriving within the Horuset star system, containing the birthplace of the ancient Sith, and the site of pilgrimage for the modern Sith. Voracitos took his own pilgrimage now, to his old birthplace, but not for any particular sentiment for the planet.
No, Voracitos descended upon this world out of word of new renovations... a new place of learning for a new generation of Sith. A cauldron to heat and form a new blade to cut the galaxy into its appropriate segments. However, any blade worth its edge, will be made of a metal of the utmost quality... as such, any impurities found within the cauldron shall be burned away.
Voracitos came for the impurities.
The shuttle landed far from the temple, just outside the Valley of the Dark Lords. Obviously, there was not spaceport, and no obvious defenses. It was an inconvenient hassle on himself, but one he took lightly and appreciated the significant effort they made in ensuring the safety of their new temple, through the use of secrecy and deception as a shield. From what he heard of Korriban's reclamation, obvious targets placed upon the world they did not have the resources to adequately defend, was foolhardy. He was gleefully amused when he heard of it, at the hypocrisy a Jedi Order showed. Allowing any bombardment, whether or not they commissioned it, was certainly a blow to them he reveled in.
The hovering mass of the Dark Lord approached the entrance to the subterranean Academy. He waited to be greeted, and taken into the Academy.