Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Guest of the Academy (The Sith Order)

Voracitos had a long and arduous recollection of his time spent on Korriban. He was born in this graveyard, he became a Dark Lord in this graveyard, he reigned as Emperor in this graveyard, and one day his remains would rot in this graveyard, should he have anything to say about it. Maybe more than once if it can be helped; death seemed to be awfully forgiving these days once Chaos had opened up...

Taking his own time, and finally breaching his usual seclusion within the high towers of his palace on Lorrd, the Dark Lord descended upon a personal transport made in his name. The starship would carry his weight into the depths of space, and cut into Hyperspace before arriving within the Horuset star system, containing the birthplace of the ancient Sith, and the site of pilgrimage for the modern Sith. Voracitos took his own pilgrimage now, to his old birthplace, but not for any particular sentiment for the planet.

No, Voracitos descended upon this world out of word of new renovations... a new place of learning for a new generation of Sith. A cauldron to heat and form a new blade to cut the galaxy into its appropriate segments. However, any blade worth its edge, will be made of a metal of the utmost quality... as such, any impurities found within the cauldron shall be burned away.

Voracitos came for the impurities.

The shuttle landed far from the temple, just outside the Valley of the Dark Lords. Obviously, there was not spaceport, and no obvious defenses. It was an inconvenient hassle on himself, but one he took lightly and appreciated the significant effort they made in ensuring the safety of their new temple, through the use of secrecy and deception as a shield. From what he heard of Korriban's reclamation, obvious targets placed upon the world they did not have the resources to adequately defend, was foolhardy. He was gleefully amused when he heard of it, at the hypocrisy a Jedi Order showed. Allowing any bombardment, whether or not they commissioned it, was certainly a blow to them he reveled in.

The hovering mass of the Dark Lord approached the entrance to the subterranean Academy. He waited to be greeted, and taken into the Academy.
There was movement near the upper bluffs bordering the Valley of the Dark Lords, heavy footsteps roused the dirt from its slumber and sent pebbles careening down into the canyon below. [member="Darth Voracitos"]' arrival had not gone unnoticed, a pair of scalding eyes had tracked the shuttle's descent through the atmosphere from this high perch and had waited patiently as the bloated mass of Jonathan Boke carried itself towards the entrance of the rebuilt Sith Academy.

"Isn't he supposed to be dead?"

Carnifex was roused from his intense observation by a silky, somewhat feminine, voice originated from behind him. The Dark Lord tilted his head back to cast a warning glare at the middle-aged Zygerrian who had spoken out of turn, a sharp deterrent against any further unnecessary chatter.

"I did not kill Lord Voracitos, Maahir, I merely contained his presence beneath the earth." His gaze swept back over to the corpulent Sith as he finally neared the academy's entrance, "It would appear that he's broken free, but by how I do not know." He rose for he had been kneeling, lightly patting the front of his robe to knock free loose dust and debris that had clung to the fabric. "But he couldn't have done so without aid, so that begs the question. Who?"

A question that Carnifex would very much like to be answered.

[member="Darth Voracitos"]
Sith Academy, Korriban

Korriban. The ancient birthplace of the Sith Order, homeworld of the forgotten red skinned Sith species. Korriban was steeped in rich dark side history. Korriban had been mentioned in his teachings under [member="Darth Voracitos"], his lord and master and the individual to whom he was bonded. After he freed the Dark Lord from his prison and the pair moved in an elaborate scheme to conquer Lorrd once again in the name of the Shadow Emperor, the Spire Lords training truly began. So far his training had been truly enlightening, testing his resolve and his fortitude as he braved the judging gaze of the Dark Lord and incurred his frustrations. In truth it had been his first time as a true student of the dark side as it had been Voracitos's first true time as a teacher. But so far they were making progress despite the rocky road ahead of them.

A lone Daisya Infiltrator designated the Spectre glided across the sun scorched landscape, descending just outside the Valley of the Dark Lords. In truth Karn had come here in the name of his dark master to investigate the academy. As his apprentice he also functioned as his Shadow Hand, extending his vast reach across the galaxy. The towering graug swept from his transport clad in a simple set of black robes, a hood was pulled over his head and a mask holding the visage of a wicked demon sat on its front. The Horde-King had just begun to enter the Academy when the familiar presence of his master descended nearby, drawing his attention. As his dark visage came into view Karn knelt before him.

"My lord welcome to Korriban, I did not expect your presence." ​Karn said.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
There was no grave for him here, not yet.

Darkness surrounded the cloaked figure as he stood at the ramp of his Daisya Infiltrator, his pilot bringing the ship down to the dusty red surface below. He had history here, and it ran deep. From the tentarek he was flung at by his master, the murdering of the child and his own torture both also thanks to his "teacher", too many usurpation's of standing emperor's which he always found himself on the losing side of thanks to his foolish loyalty. The planet of Sith brought him nothing but great pain.

[member="Karn Zhakul"] and [member="Darth Voracitos"] both had alerted [member="Darth Carnifex"] to their presence. The reborn Kaine was no different than he had been in his first life from what Vindica could gather, and Voracitos? He hadn't heard that name or felt that presence in years, since he himself was a student at the Academy which his craft now touched down at as well in a different area. He and Kaine had never quarreled, Vindica had stood by him once in the halls of the Republic senate, and fought until he could no longer to protect Kaine against the Jedi which eventually resulted in them both imprisoned. The Sith Lord felt his odds of being flayed alive were slim, but not completely out of the question, it was Kaine after all.

The one accompanying Voracitos was not a presence he knew, but as the ramp of his shuttle opened and he stepped out he let himself sense the being. Gurag, like Volcanus. Not one to be underestimated, if trained properly, Gurag made some of the most powerful beings he'd ever known. This one's progress would be something to keep an eye on. Stepping onto the dusty surface and pulling up the hood of his cloak, Darth Vindica began his march.
There was a mustiness to the air that was wholly separate from the familiar stench of the dead world, and Voracitos was forced to hide a sneer of hatred. He knew what that stink was, and hadn't anticipated on broaching that particular subject. Voracitos knew he was around these circles, skulking about searching for things to put in the earth. Perhaps he should make him take a dirt nap too, and face the same bodily mutilation as he did. Considering killing people did nothing these days...

Unlike his apprentice, Voracitos was not surprised by his presence here at the academy. The nature of their bond allowed him to more intimately see through his apprentice whenever he wished or desired... he could see through all bonds which still existed in the galaxy, could feel them whenever they were wounded, as if the wound inflicted itself upon him as well. With so many bonded to him, it was difficult to resist the maddening sensations as his mind lost the numbness he had felt upon his awakening. His mind was now consciously receptive to every bond his mind threw out as life preservers... but now these life lines were pulling him down. They would drown him if he did not find them all and bring them before him. Pushing these thoughts away, Voracitos responded chidingly to his apprentice.

"My presence exists always with you, apprentice. My presence, is never without you. Merely because your thoughts failed not to expect my coming, does not make it any less your own fault for not trusting your feelings. There is more still you must hone, if you are to be a worthy hand." Voracitos' did not look at his apprentice as he made his pleasantries to his master. The Dark Lord's eyes were preoccupied searching for the source of the stench in the force. Kaine and Voracitos did not share any force bond, but nonetheless his rival Sith Lord left a mark on him in the force, and knew innately he was being watched by him. He found this displeasing.

"Enter the Academy apprentice... a foreboding presence looms over us, and your life endangers me." Voracitos and his apprentice would enter the Academy until the subterranean entrance would find itself being guarded by two Sith Knights, who would nod to Voracitos and allow the pair to enter, where a Sith Lord by the name Darth Laek waited for them.

"Welcome. I presume you are Lord Voracitos. What brings you to the Academy?" She said with a very regal-like Sith dismissal Voracitos approved of. Showing a curt smile, the Voracitos paused a moment, to wordlessly indicate what should be clear - it didn't matter what he was here for, there was nothing anyone here could do to stop him from doing what he wanted. This was all a formality he chose to play.

"I came to inquire about the price of admissions," Voracitos cheerfully sneered to his sarcasm. "Show me what you have built." Voracitos looked passed her now, guessing where she would take him first.

"Very well." Without so much as a huff, the woman turned and began to walk. Apparently, she was not opposed to the idea of being a Tour Guide. Clearly, she was a master of the dark side by the manner her emotions were so coldly kept in check... at least from her face and body, of which he paid close attention to, regardless of her homeliness.

[member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="Karn Zhakul"], [member="Darth Vindica"]

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