Gamorrean Warlord Gughox leading the charge against militia
NAME: Gughox
RANK: Kapitan
SPECIES: Alchemized Gamorrean
AGE: Unknown
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 7' 4''
WEIGHT: 340 lbs
SKIN: Green
+ Might Makes Right: He's big. He's strong. He's JOHN CENA.
- Might Makes Dumb: He's big. He's strong. He's dumber than lighting a candle with two bricks.
- Tech Deaf: He's big. He's strong. He'll smash the console to open the door, every time.
- Strategy: He's big. He's strong. Smash their heads in. Didn't work? Smash their heads in again. That don't work? Regroup, then go back to smash their heads in. Sooner or later their heads are getting smashed in.
Gughox is your typical Gamorrean in that he's big, burly, and dumb. Really, really dumb, like, for real. Beady red eyes stare out from beneath a heavy brow, his tusks have turned to sharp teeth, and his skin, leathery and tough, looks like it would shrug off a blaster bolt or seventeen without much pain. Stuffed with so much muscle he walks in a hunch, he fills just about every starship corridor he stands in - both in height and width. He dwarfs even other members of his species.
As with most of his lot, his head seems almost too small for his body, but don't let that fool you - it's harder to break than a Jedi's pants; the old kind, from back when they didn't have babies. His nose has been broken a couple hundred times too many, and he's covered in scars that have been patched up haphazardly at best, and it looks like his cybernetic enhancements are crude (if you're feeling generous) and literally bolted into his skin.
Gughox was born in the Outer Rim, on a planet of nasty gits. His people are one of the many 'failures' left behind in Disciple's ancient journey through that lawless space. Over the millenia, as the Dark Clown perfected his alchemical craft, he left a trail of violent, dangerous, deadly, murderous, (sometimes stupid, but not always) trail of species in his wake.
Having taken a number of Gamorrean clans (sows and children included) he heightened their aggressive tendencies and muted whatever passed for intelligence in their brains. They were dumb to begin with, but they at least had fortresses and decent city streets. By the time he was done with them, they were a slobbering, warlike lot best suited to being pointed in a direction and told 'smash.'
They're really good at smashing. Like, really, really good, for real.
However, unlike their piggy cousins, these Gamorreans can actually speak a hint of basic; the benefits of the Dark Side, perhaps. It's stilted, awful, guttural, but it's understandable. That lingering Dark Side taint in their blood, however, has only heightened their violent tendencies over the years, and they quickly devolved into massive civil wars. Their entire planet is often in a state of unrest, clans fighting for control of fortresses, land, and all manner of things.
The biggest and strongest are able to afford crude starships, with which to patrol the spacelanes and capture slaves to work the mines at homes. They've used these ships to expand to other nearby worlds, and they can be found living in extremely curious locales across the Outer Rim. They're still rare, but everyone knows when something big, metal, and green walks into the cantina, you give it a wide berth and don't make fun of it's voice.
Especially when that big, metal, green sack of stupid and muscle is Gughox, the most feared pirate of his kind. Feared by his own people, but still feared. He's plied the space lanes for countless years (they don't really have a concept of time,) and taken his fair share of ships, slaves, blasters and goods to send home to his clan. He's always looking for a fight, or something to steal, so he's slowly making a name for himself as a particularly capable mercenary for when you want brawn, not brains.
He's often found on Lok, punching other pirates in their mouth for looking at him funny. Alternatively, if you really want to find him, just be rich. He'll likely come beating down the door soon enough. How you think he got the scars that make his face look like a child's paper cutout snowflake? Give you a hint; it wasn't from thinking things through.
SHIP: Coming eventually