Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Guidelines for Development Threads with Companies

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With the efforts to help clarify things that are a bit hazy with the factory, the Factory staff has been organizing and pointing out places that we need to focus on. One issue was the Companies. Companies are an amazing asset to the Creation forums giving members a chance to organize and have ways to fund and create their creations and sell them on the market. To help continue to improve the Factory, we've set up a list of guidelines for development for companies and their subsidiaries. As always any questions or concerns can be forwarded to my PM box or posted here. Please tag [member="Cira"] and myself when you ask a question to make sure that we see it promptly.

Thank you and happy holidays.

The Following can be found in the drop down menu where the company templates are found:

Guidelines for Development threads with Companies

The following is a standard guideline on what is normally allowed with little to no development for the creation of new companies. Anything beyond this may prompt a FJ to request additional development threads for their final approval.

  • Holding companies or Parent companies can be case-by-case. Requirements may include the funding of another Tier 4+ company, Minor, or Major faction.
  • Every additional new Location & Operation requested through the Company Modification Thread will require their own development thread.
  • As per the Standardization of Dev Threads a development thread is required to start a subsidiary of a Tier V+ company at Tier III.

Stand Alone Tier 2 and Below Companies

A character may start with a combination of the following Tier companies with little to no development. Anything more beyond that may require a development thread.
  • Tier 2: Up to 2 companies
  • Tier 1: Up to 3 companies
Number of Subsidiaries under a Parent Company

The amount below is the reasonable amount of subsidiaries for their respective tier with little to no development.
  • Tier 3: 4 Subsidiaries
  • Tier 4: 6 Subsidiaries
  • Tier 5: 10 Subsidiaries
  • Tier 6: 12 Subsidiaries

Company Locations and Operations
Start up companies normally have the following amount of Locations and Operations with little to no development. A FJ may request for a development thread beyond this standard based on reasonable complimentary locations and operations.
  • Tier 1: Up to 2 locations & Operations
  • Tier 2: Up to 3 locations & Operations
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