Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Guilty Feet Have No Rhythm


Location: New Corv Jedi Temple
TAG: M'ra Thii M'ra Thii

The feel of the grassy terrain beneath his feet was refreshing. It felt more like his home planet than the cold metal durasteel that was so prominent in this galaxy. Wookies aged so much slower than humans did so while still considered a youngling Kuhbee had been around this galaxy long enough to know humans didn't always appreciate nature the way they should. His people believed the tree spirits were guardians of the planet and that the tribe of Wookies just shared the space, but did not own it. This was a foreign way of thinking in this galaxy though but the youngling hoped when he met more Jedi they might feel differently. He knew the younger students but today was his first day as a padawan and he was looking forward to proving himself.

As he entered the garden he smiled and for a moment just let the sunlight touch his fur. His new master was out here. From what he'd read on her file she was a Neti, a species he'd never met but had been quick to research so he didn't accidnetly offend her. When he learned that she was a living tree it seemed like destiniy that she should be paired with a Wookie padawan.

He could feel her in the Force and offered a soft growl greeting in his native Shyriiwook tongue.

[Master Thii I hope I am not disturbing you]



TAGS: Kuhbee Kuhbee

The tree that was M'ra had watched the young wookie as he entered the gardens, noting the way he carried himself. A smile touched his face and it warmed her to see him happy. A hearty species, it wasn't often that they expressed happiness away from the forests of their homeworld. She understood. Being away from the trees that you knew was not an easy task. How long had it been since she'd been to the moon of Ossus? She didn't even remember the last time she'd been there.

Sensing her, the padawan spoke, expressing a hope that she was not being disturbed. If she'd had a mouth in that moment she might have laughed, she certainly did inwardly. Disturbing her was precisely what he had intended to do, of course. It was a common phrase uttered by many when they did actually mean to. She'd always found that humorous, even when she was younger and had done the same herself!

The tree shook a bit and shifted as she focused on changing her form back to that of the humanoid woman that she normally appeared as. The natural form of a Neti was all well and good for most people, but over time she had grown accustomed to the smaller, faster shape of the humanoid. Although, even small she was rather large compared to the females of most species, standing over six foot tall. The young wookie was tall, less than a foot shorter than she was, but he still had to look up at her.

"You were expected, Kuhbee," she said as she reached a hand over and ruffled the hair atop his head. "So no, no disturbance."

He was an adorable - little? - guy, that was for sure.

"Expected, but I'm afraid I do not know much about you. What is it you seek here?"

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