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Character Gulranor - Gen'dai Mercenary and Bounty Hunter


AgeFour Thousand and Six Hundred Years Old
Height10 feet tall(3.06m)
Weight2,400 kg (5,291 lbs)
Force SensitiveHe is non force-sensitive.


Not usually seen outside of their armor, which is uh... yeah, look at the holo-pict.


Customized AV-1A Assault Armor (Forged with Beskar looted from dead Mandalorians as well as Songsteel alloyed into it, boosts his height to 15'0" or 4.57m)

It bears the following modifications: Flame Projector, Dart Shooter, Wrist Laser, Gatling Gauntlet, Personal Energy Shield, Portable Fusion Generator (replaces standard power packs, granting sizable amounts of power for long-term operations)

Weaponry: Assault Cannon (Five-Barreled Variant), MiniMag Proton Torpedo Launcher, RSKF-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (2x, Upscaled), Beskad (One-Handed Axe Variant but impossible to wield for others due to size and weight, made of Beskar)

Starship: The Sour Note (Modernized)

Gulranor can be best described as a mildly homicidal, slightly egomaniacal, but devout and to-the-contract-letter neutral. He doesn't believe in politics or specific factional goals; he cares about a paycheck first, and second being to attain infamy. Preferably in a pragmatic, logical way. He may want to kill other things smaller then him, but his loyalty to his contractor is as notable as his propensity for speaking loudly, bluntly, and directly. The Gen'dai is old and seasoned, and yet even though slight brain degradation has made his grasp on reality only very slightly tenuous, he's still capable of competing with the big boys. Having been born during a time-period of the galaxy, he's seen many events, though largely kept a low profile if mainly due to his race being seen as homicidal murderers. Durge did not do them any favors, needless to say, during the Clone Wars. Working for a number of neutral clients in the years leading up to the current time-line... well, Gulranor is eager to get chomping at the bit and take some substantially larger jobs. That being said, he doesn't have a particular love for Force-Users (or Mandalorians), but a job is a job, and Gulranor is nothing if not determined to make his mark on the galaxy though well-paying work.


Being a talented warrior, mercenary, and bounty hunter, Gulranor by any means has no equal ((at least, in his opinion)) when it comes to those before him. He's able to wield blasters as easy as breathing and swordplay is nothing new to him as is other weapons. Blessed with an eidetic memory and technical knack, he's capable of maintaining his armor, weapons, and ship with ease. He's also a superb pilot on top of his accounting ability (needed for jobs and paychecks, of course), and can fly a ship as well as he can do paperwork for his contracts. He's a Gen'dai of few talents, but a master of those talents and near impossible to move when he's fully kitted out.


Being so massive and hulking, Gulranor is by no means a deft or agile fellow, and as a consequence, he's not going to win any acrobatic competitions. Being a Gen'dai means he's more vulnerable to electrical-based weaponry as his body does not have fat, being effectively a formless cluster of nervous system and such. He's also poor with medical treatment due to his own regenerate physiology, and by any and all means suffers heavily from slight delusions due to his brain ((namely, he believes himself to be superior to any other bounty hunter in existence as well as possessing mild homicidal tendencies towards others)) slowly giving way to degradation from age ((though medical treatments could fix this)) and such. He's very much also prone to being rough when it comes to greater military strategy and tactics as well as logistics - his role is a bounty hunter and mercenary, and any commanding of forces he'd do would likely see hilariously large casualties. Finally, he often struggles with small doorways and hallways due to his stature alone on top of others means. Expect him to make improvised entrances, needless to say.


While little is known about Gulranor's exploits, largely due to him keeping a low profile (as much as you realistically can for a Gen'dai of his age, anyway), he was known to be born before the Mandalorian Wars with the original Neo-Crusaders, and of course, rose to infamy as a "true neutral" Bounty Hunter. Taking on the nastiest beasts and the most dangerous sentients, Gulranor largely worked in the Outer Rim and Wild Space, though his venturing into the more internal regions of the galaxy did occur. Able to keep going on in large part because of his financial management being surprisingly good, the Gen'dai got a reputation for robbing dead Mandalorians - and not a good one. Able to be considerably enhanced over the thousands of years through gene-augmentation and cyber-surgical methods, he became a viciously threatening foe... though he was also not an entirely heartless bastard like Durge was. For the last nine hundred years up to current time, he's been largely working on his own exploits in Wild Space and the Unknown Regions - returning now to the known galaxy in order to begin accruing more well-paying work. After all?

It was time to get to the nuna-ball and earn his paychecks...
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