Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Guns and the Force


So I've been thinking. The majority of the lightsaber forms use the Force in some form or another as guidance for some of its tactics and maneuvers. Lightsabers, being especially tricky weapons, are seen blocking blaster bolts, being thrown (and dodged) with the Force, and even wielded telekinetically as supplementary weapons.

Curiously enough, wouldn't it make sense for an adept Force user to be able to manipulate firearms in the same fashion? What I mean is, wouldn't a Force user be able to use the Force to sense their enemies and foresee their movements, and simply fire where and how they would typically swing? The same thing applies to the acrobatic aspect, as it literally has nothing to do with what's in their hand that enables them to perform such maneuvers.

What comes to mind are things like the Matrix, or Equilibrium, which I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with.

It might be useless against other Force users, who will for the most part just dodge or block the majority of shots, but it still seems as practical as a highly lethal and penetrative lightsaber against non-Force users like droids and infantry commandos.

INB4 army of rage posts.
Personally, I agree with you. The only part I know for certain is that most jedi see blasters as "Clumsy", so they elect to not use them over lightsabers.

HOWEVER, I think a Jedi that uses blasters with a lightsaber, for example, makes perfect sense and is really cool! Heck, one of my characters here does just that.

[member="Kass Sja"]
[member="Kass Sja"]

I think I have a couple of characters who channel lightning through their guns to overclock them, but your idea sounds better :p
Doing that with actual slugthrowers in star wars, or verpine shatter guns, would be rather viable. Including mind against force users. Dont underestimate the mass drivers!

[member="Kass Sja"]
I'm all for writers using firearms in more creative ways. I only wish that gunfire wasn't portrayed in movies and tv shows as so easily able to be dodged.

For example in that Eliquibrium clip, Christian Bale's character is loldodging out of way too many shots. I know the point of that movie is not realism, but still, it's ridiculous to think that he wouldn't get hit a few times. The Star Wars movies in particular are a pretty big culprit of this misconception as well.
[member="Sage Bane"]

Mythbusters! Excellent choice to prove your pointe.

I have always thought the dodging of blaster fire was always alittle over the top. Take the Clone Wars. Millions of blaster bolts are being shot off and I'm to believe that a Jedi or Sith can avoid all those shots on a battlefield. I guess Lucas never heard the term "Lucky Shot." In the movies we do see Jedi die from blaster bolts in Episode 2 but that scene was confined to an arena and not a battlefield.

I don't know who brought up the topic of Force users seeing their opponents movements before they happen but the future is not certain. What they see one second could drastically change the next. As Yoda said "Always in motion the future is." Force users that can deflect blaster bolts are not seeing the future but rather the Force is enhancing their reflexes to do so.
One of the most important things that Force users do, one of the most basic aspects of the Force that all Jedi and Sith and everyone else tap into, is the ability to sense your surroundings. The only reason Jedi can even dodge and deflect blaster bolts in the first place is through the use of precognition. Perception powers are basic, and they also have plenty of potential for a form a combat that is primarily influenced by accuracy.

So yes. Force-augmented marksmanship could absolutely be a thing.

Equilibrium gun kata, on the other hand...that's a bit silly, even for psychic laser ninjas.


Equilibrium was always a bit... cheesy over-the-top? Meant for it to be taken lightly. :p

But coupled with martial training, I could definitely see this being a thing.

It makes me wonder how one might account it into long-range weapons such as sniper rifles.


Disney's Princess
[member="Kass Sja"]

This is a thing. It can be done. It's easily nerfed. There are stronger abilities.

That said. The strongest Force ability you can have in PvP, is a good relationship with other writer. :D

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