Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gurbot Luk

NAME: Gurbot Luk
FACTION: The Silver Jedi
RANK: Rogue/NA
SPECIES: Dellaltian
AGE: 102
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 12.5 meters or 41 feet
WEIGHT: 1,200 pounds or 544 kilos.
EYES: Gray and low
HAIR: None-Green fin going down head/Blow hole.
SKIN: Light-Gray/Faded Green
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes-but not in any real control/unaware


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES : Gurbot is a massive Dellaltian, ofthe amphibious people of Dellalt. Gurbot's natural and extremely imposing size is an advantage given to all of his species, however this size also can be a detriment to his versatility. Luk also has an expert knack for large game hunting and swimming great distances and depths which over the years has significantly aided in the build up of Gurbot's endurance and overall strength. All of the above are natural predispositions to Luk's species as a Dellatian. Gurbot's time spent on his home planet and his surroundings has made him attuned and aware to various commercial activities, this inclination toward commerce developed into great incite into business and trading-Gurbot is a well experienced small-time mercantilist. Gurbot has always been mild-mannered and mellow in his countenance but his survivalist nature and large size has occasionally whisked him into the service of being a body-guard or general grunt for various individuals who needed a grunt. He has a general and well-rounded understanding of technologies and its uses. Gurbot does not fancy himself a technical individual and thus his education and awareness is left wanting-he wouldn't make a good engineer or pilot due to this, as well as his physical size. Its all about nature/knowledge and history.

Gurbot is reliable and is useful for most situations that require his services whether its just to be intimidating or to fix your equipment he'll be there.

APPEARANCE: Extremely tall with large flipper like hands and feet (webbed), grayish-green skin, large sloping head topped with a blow hole, large/sharp pointed teeth. for more info see: sauropteroid

BIOGRAPHY: Not much is known of Gurbot, being naturally reclusive and not very socialble due to his imposing physical appearance, Gurbot's life has been largely uneventful for the time he has been alive. Gurbot has like most of species, neglected to leave his home planet very often-Gurbot has been offworld throughout his life mostly on short stints involving various commercial activities. He and his family were like all Dellaltians and generally stayed in their home lakes where they fished and traded with the local populace that settled the dry land. He always had a knack for excelling at whatever he applied himself to though Gurbot has never been fully aware of this. For all of his long life he shrugged it off as mere luck and general well practice. Bouts of odd events have bedeviled him throughout his life that have hinted at a possible connection to the force-but they never really surfaced until this most recent hour- and now Gurbot stands at a threshold in his life and he wishes to see the galaxy and find someone/thing/place that can give him proper guidance and answers to what his destiny and place is in the galaxy.

SHIP: Although Gurbot has a semblance of operating the vehicles of his people, he does own a large dilapidated freighter he managed to get off of a pawn accompanied with some ancient droids to pilot it and cart him about. Gurbot is unaware of the freighters make or manufacture and generally he really doesn't care-it fits his needs of travel. Neither has he come up with a proper name for this behemoth, other than its hard-coded serial number 07-BNM22.
Gurbot requires guidance. ((OOC and activity on his thread! Go to the Open Roleplay forum and make yourself a part of: The Travails and Trials of Gurbot Luk.))

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