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Approved NPC Gwaihir

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Prince of House Solidor

  • Intent: To flesh out a cute pet.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: A pet companion in possession of Daedalos Solidor.
  • Permissions: Not Applicable.
  • Links: Not Applicable.
  • Age: 63.
  • Force Sensitivity: Force User.
  • Species: Corellian Banshee.
  • Appearance: Weighting 9 kgs (19.8 lbs.) with a wingspan of 3.3 meters (6.5 feet). Their wingspan length is much larger than other large birds because they need to maneuver in densely forested habitats. Gwaihir is a beautiful male example of its species, being both mighty and very proud.
  • Name: Gwaihir.
  • Alias: "Swift Death that Comes From Above".
  • Loyalties: Daedalos Solidor.
  • Notable Possessions: Tracking device on its leash, personal energy shield.
  • Personality: As is typical of bird personalities, their high metabolisms make them edgy and unable to remain in one place for long. This fascinating creature is a natural explorer and nothing gets its juices flowing more than an exotic locale, a very brave and almost independent creature, Gwaihir is never far from it's owner as Daedalos treats the eagle with a lot of respect and honors its desires. He is always willing to accept challenges, is more than used to living inside his room and watching him sleep, Gwaihir is loyal and very cunning.
  • Training: Trained by Daedalos himself ever since he was young, the young elzeri asked for his sister to help him with his training and due to her interference, the eagle is more than capable of understanding complex oral sentences said in High Elzaar by Daedalos Solidor, which made Gwaihir immune even to mind-altering Force powers, except in the improbable case of a High Elzaar fluent Force user. Gwaihir learned the hardships of hunting, battling and fighting both with its claws and beak. The eagle due to her training learned to use the Force to find its prey, knowing how to track down and sense the presence of living being around him, and has demonstrated a certain amount of skill by using force speed while chasing her prey, but its greatest skill is that of making itself completely invisible in the Force. This raptor has extremely long talons and such a strong grip capable of breaking a human’s arm and crushing the skulls of other animals, its beak powerful enough to easily rip a human's eye out and do much worse to other soft spots of flesh.
  • Combat Function: Armed with only his talons and beak, the creature can be a deadly and dangerous thing to face. Either by slicing them with her talons, or crushing their skull's and arms, or by simply piercing through with her beak. And perhaps can use her claws to cut through metal and flesh.
  • Force Skills:
    • Force Speed
    • Force Body
    • Force Scream
    • Force Sense
    • Force Sight
  • Versatility: An eagle is the perfect example of one nature's greatest predatory birds. With great strength in its body as suited for the members of his species, Gwaihir has more than enough power to be a deadly thing to face. More than capable of ripping male wookies apart and crushing skulls with her talons and yet, not relying on its greatest quality, being his speed. A ridiculously fast animal, Gwaihir can fly through great distances and has more than enough strength in his body to carry a male wookie in its talons.
  • Screams: This creature is famous for its loud screams. The Corellian Banshees are known for being heard for miles away, and is used by this predatory bird to flush prey out of undergrowth. That itself, alongside much training involving the 'force scream' skill has given Gwaihir a dangerous screech more than capable of stunning and maybe leading those caught off guard for suffering severe sonic damage.
  • Force Bonded: Sharing a bond with Daedlalos Solidor caused this eagle to have sharper vision-sight, to understand his commands spoken both with words and mentally. As Daedalos has spent years with this bird, control over the banshee comes very easily to him.
  • Vulnerable: This force sensitive bird is not immune to voidstones and other sorts of force nullifiers. It is unknown what would happen to it if he were to be in range of this sort of disturbance, can be speculated that it would go feral and become to wild to control or command.
  • Claustrophobic: Due to its size, this bird needs to be kept in a large aviary.
  • Unbroken: This bird is not owned by anyone, it simply chooses to obey your commands by its own needs. Either treat it with respect or the bird will loose its confidence on its master and turn against him.
  • Hide: Although with great pain resistance, their hide is not immune to most weaponry in the galaxy as a lightsaber can easily pierce through their hide.
From her days on her home planet,
Kaikielius the Jewel of the Core, Lunafreya was famous for being a creature devoted to rampant and unnecessary shopping. On one of her trips to the obscure parts of the capital, the princess found herself at an auction, one of the famous events held at the flea market in the capital of Enfer in Kaikielius. She purchased the egg of a corellian banshee by herself and presented that same gift to her brother, Daedalos, as a token of her affection and, as said by her "So as the bird grows, so will you.", and that proved to be true.

Naming the creature Gwaihir, Lunafreya showed a lot on regarding to training to Daedalos which he applied as the banshee grew. He taught him the best way he could, and infused the creature with his will and love. Over time, the two created a bond and became as inseparable as they could be. The banshee would sleep in his quarters and follow him around wherever he would go.
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Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ
Hello there! I'll be doing the primary revision for your sub. Since I'm a trainee codex judge, this will require a secondary approval.

This is a neat sub! There are only a few things I'd like to suggest before stamping it.

1. Appearance.
  • Here you mention that:
    "These raptors have extremely long talons and such a strong grip capable of breaking a human’s arm and crushing the skulls of other animals (...)"
    I was unable to find reference to this in the Corellian Banshee's wookieepedia article. If you could, please clarify where you are drawing this from. As it reads, it sounds like these are traits inherent to the Corellian Banshee species. Otherwise, I suggest rewording this to state these are Gwaihir's attributes, you could justify this with his training and force sensitivity if that sounds good to you.
2. Strengths
  • This is just a reminder, depending on whether you found a source that backs up these traits for Corellian Banshees or chose to reword to make these Gwaihir's characteristics, the Versatility strength might need edits too.
3. Weaknesses
  • The two weaknesses listed here are in reference to the same thing: the bird's skin is vulnerable and will not protect it against weapons, conventional or otherwise. They would be better merged into one weakness.
  • I suggest choosing an additional weakness. Just to toss some ideas at you, you might consider Force Nullifiers such as void stones or ysalamiri or maybe bring into play a trait of the species that is mentioned in its article:
    "(...) they were extremely claustrophobic and had to be kept in a large aviary."
4. Historical Information
  • Please link Kaikielus to its approved codex page, since its a custom planet and won't be easily identified by any potential readers.

Again, very nice sub! Tag me when you've made edits.

Daedalos Solidor Daedalos Solidor

Fevris Derzelas

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄᴀʟ ᴏꜰꜰɪᴄᴇʀ
This is looking good! Just one more tiny thing from me and I'll pass it on for secondary review.

  • After the edits, the line "These raptors have extremely long talons (...)" is still featured in the sub, but in the Training field. Changing this to "This raptor has extremely long talons (...)" is more than enough to clarify these traits belong to Gwaihir and not Corellian Banshees as a whole.
Good job on the weaknesses and thank you for the sweet comment!
Daedalos Solidor Daedalos Solidor
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