Gna Grimwasp
Bad ass space fairy

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Intent: A personal vehicle for Gna and any As-Aki
Development Thread:if needed
Manufacturer: gna
Affiliation: Gna / the Commonwealth
Modularity: yes can be fitted with most small blasters
Production Semi-Unique
Material: Durasteel and Carbonfiber
Role: Assault Speeder
Height: 2 inch / 0.0508 meter
Length: 7 inch / 0.1778 meter
Width: 1/2 inch / 0.0127 meter
Weight: 7 lbs / 3.17515 kg
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Propulsion: Wheels
Top Speed: 77 KM/H
Armaments: any hand held blaster
4 rocket darts ( mandalorian knee pad darts.)
Squadron Count: na
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 0
Misc. Equipment: none
Strengths: Small light ans maneuverable
Weaknesses: no armor or shielding and exposed rider.
Description: Made to be light and fast the bike is as sturdy as a brick ans a tiny small target.
the Hovprandir is a tiny war horse made to carry a small weapon like a hold out blaster.
Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)