
AGE: 537
SEX: Male Programming
HEIGHT: 198 Centimeters
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Reaction Time - The Eris Memory Crystal gives HARDLINE a very fast reaction time, rivaling that of Jedi.
- Strength - HARDLINE is about as strong as a wookie.
- Speed - He can run significantly Faster than an average human.
- Cloaking Device - This is a personal addition, it works much like most other personal cloaking devices, dampening sensor and visual acquisition of the target.
- Intelligence - HARDLINE is incredibly intelligent, and is often 12 steps ahead of any competition.
- Super Spy - HARDLINE has a vocal replicator, meaning that if he has heard enough of a voice, he can replicate near perfectly.
- Weight - Hardline is incredibly heavy, even by droid standards
- Crystal Problems - If the Eris Memory crystal is somehow lost or removed he loses many of his cognitive and data processing advantages, in fact, without the crystal he loses: His ability to speak, his ability to render complex thoughts, emotion simulation among other things. Not to mention his reaction time becomes similar to that of a drunken man.
- Emotions - While some droids have the gift of a lack of emotions, HARDLINE has no such gift, he has all the emotional burden of a normal person.
- Ion - Ion weapons will almost certainly disable HARDLINE.
- EMP - EMPs definitely will disable HARDLINE
Hardline would appear to be a mostly average droid on first glance, however a more keen observer might be able to pick out that it is an odd model, unlike any other in the galaxy for that matter. His head bears strange and ancient markings unknown to anyone, even himself. There is little outside appearance to suggest his purpose or function, he likes it that way.
Hardline woke up one say in a wheat field, on a random backwater called Lothal. He had no memory of his origins or background, only knowledge of various languages and knowledge of his name. He quickly learned the way the galaxy work, wandering aimlessly for years, seeing everything the galaxy had to offer. He needed to figure out who he was, and what the galaxy was like. He did this for 100 some years, living through the peak of galactic society, he remember that zenith clearly, everything was working perfectly. Then the plagues started.
The galaxy started burning itself to the ground, he saw the perfect functional world he had learned for 100 years burn itself to the ground. This gave him purpose. He knew what he had to do, he needed to bring the Zenith back, any means necessary. He worked for 400 years behind the scenes, manipulating events subtly to help stem the damage caused by the plague. A few added genes in one person, nudging more people towards medicine to help find a vaccine. He did whatever he could to eventually end the reign of the plagues.
When the Plagues finally ended, he was greeted not with a return to the zenith, but something worse. Constant war. Suffering on a scale far greater than the Plagues ever caused. Factions rose and fell by the day, each one trying to grab power for themselves, it sickened him greatly. To get out of natural suffering to just cause suffering themselves was incomprehensible to HARDLINE, why would they torture themselves like this? He had to do something.
Using the skills he had acquired over the past 500+ years HARDLINE set out to make things right, one way or another.
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