Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

- Intent: To create a heavy assault vehicle to provide air support.
- Image Source: Me, Star Trek: Online
- Canon Link: N/A
- Premissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Concord Specialized Technology
- Affiliation: Mandalorians
- Model: HA-1 Beskad heavy assault craft
- Production: Minor
- Material: Durasteel, Beskar
- Classification: Assault Craft, Dropship
- Length: 32 m
- Width: 25 m
- Height: 10 m
- Armament: Very High (Heavy laser cannons x4, Universal launch tubes x4, Quad laser turrets x3 [2 underside, 1 topside])
- Defenses: High (Shielding, Beskar armor)
- Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
- Maneuverability Rating: Average
- Speed Rating: Low
- Hyperdrive Class: Average: 1
Ion turbine engines x2
Landing gear
Heavy laser cannons x2
Universal launch tubes x4
Quad laser turrets x3
Beskar armor
Universal Latching System: The rear "tail" of the HA-1 possesses a universal latching system that allows the craft to operate as a dropship, even lifting vehicles not designed to be used with dropships. The system is compact, but light and fragile, making it a great target. Some base modules include:
Crew drop module (20 troop count)
Cargo container
Rocket pod (3 missile launchers)
Bomb pod
- Powerful armament.
- Good defenses.
- Universal Latching System.
- Slow
- Latching system is weak to fire.
- Very low squad count.
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