Darth Veles
Sweet Avreet
Darth Veles, the greatest Mon Calamari Sith who ever lived, patiently awaited an Acolyte who had asked him for a friendly spar, as friendly as a duel between two Sith could be. Avreet would naturally do his best not to harm the Acolyte, at least not permanently. Force sensitives should not be wasted, definitely not when the Sith desperately needed more members and thus could not afford to weed out the weak by the traditional means. Whether this particular Acolyte was weak or strong remained to be seen, but she could always be made stronger. Or maybe she'd be skilled enough to defeat him? Whatever the case, this fight would only benefit the two combatants, as Sith should always use any opportunity to become stronger.
Kneeling on the floor of a room where the duel would be taking place, the Mon Calamari wore his usual apparel minus the cloak and armor. Both of those offered no protection against lightsaber and would only get in the way. This also meant Avreet's twin lightsabers could be seen hanging on his belt, his instruments of death. The amphibian's large eyes remained closed until he felt the Acolyte in the Force, her familiar presence coming closer. This produced a smile on the Mon Cal Knight's face, though the smirk disappeared almost immediately and Avreet's eyes slowly opened, revealing the amber orbs that darted around the room. By intentionally placing several chairs and tables in the dim lit area and scattering sand over the floor, he would teach the Acolyte more things than just simple dueling, provided she did not know them already.
When she appeared, he stood up from his kneeling position and one of the lightsabers on he belt flew into his right hand as he jumped backwards and landed on a table, standing at the far edge. "Attack me first, Acolyte." He ordered, pointing the lightsaber hilt towards the table and igniting it, giving birth to a crimson plasma blade. His free hand remained ready to block any Force attack she might throw at him or to telekinetically catch any object flying his way. Makashi in its finest, one hand holding the blade while the other remained free.
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Kneeling on the floor of a room where the duel would be taking place, the Mon Calamari wore his usual apparel minus the cloak and armor. Both of those offered no protection against lightsaber and would only get in the way. This also meant Avreet's twin lightsabers could be seen hanging on his belt, his instruments of death. The amphibian's large eyes remained closed until he felt the Acolyte in the Force, her familiar presence coming closer. This produced a smile on the Mon Cal Knight's face, though the smirk disappeared almost immediately and Avreet's eyes slowly opened, revealing the amber orbs that darted around the room. By intentionally placing several chairs and tables in the dim lit area and scattering sand over the floor, he would teach the Acolyte more things than just simple dueling, provided she did not know them already.
When she appeared, he stood up from his kneeling position and one of the lightsabers on he belt flew into his right hand as he jumped backwards and landed on a table, standing at the far edge. "Attack me first, Acolyte." He ordered, pointing the lightsaber hilt towards the table and igniting it, giving birth to a crimson plasma blade. His free hand remained ready to block any Force attack she might throw at him or to telekinetically catch any object flying his way. Makashi in its finest, one hand holding the blade while the other remained free.
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]