Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Hadiyya Sa'ad

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[Credit - Halo: Last Light]

Name: Hadiyya Sa'ad, Sub-Commander
Loyalties: Commonwealth
Role: Fireteam Black Special Operations, Confidant
Development Threads:

Age: 26
Species: Human
Appearance: Hadiyya is notably tall for a woman, standing at six-foot-two. Growing up she was often ridiculed and found a sense of self-worth in associating herself with boys in school and the academy, and later men in the military. She shies away from dresses and prefers less traditional clothing. She's more comfortable in a suit of armor than a dress any day of the year.

Personality: Hadiyya doesn't share the same morale-boosting personality of her commander, instead she is one with often dry or dark humor. She is cynical of most people and situations, with an exception of Dean Letham. As such, she is quite protective of her commander from Marguerite Podolsky, the final member of Fireteam Black, believing Marguerite holds ultierior motives to her assignment on Fireteam Black.
Force Sensitivity: NFU

Weapon of Choice: Commonwealth slugthrowers
Skills: Special Operations training, Artillery training, Radio technician
Wealth: 76,500cr annual salary

Combat Function: Elite Soldier, Hadiyya is a member of Fireteam Black, a unit of Jaguar Commando's belonging to Section Zero, a highly classified sub-division of the Commonwealth Naval Intelligence. Hadiyya serves as Dean's right-hand woman and often is the one protecting his six. Together they work as a cohesive unit, each relying on one another. She is well versed with artillery operations but currently serves as a special operation force alongside Dean, either performing dangerous special operations on behalf of the Commonwealth or serving as the Commonwealth Security Council's personal security guard.

Notable Possessions: N/A
History: Hadiyya Sa'ad grew up on Uluru. Despite the high population of pro-monarchy insurgents after the civil war, Hadiyya was never involved in the movement. Growing up in the post-civil war Uluru, Hadiyya went to school with many students who would later become involved in the rebellion, but most were either jailed or forced to flee to another system.

By the time she moved onto a military academy she was consistently achieving top marks, moving on to become a radio technician for the then Commonwealth Army, later known as the Commonwealth Marine Corops after a decision by the Security Council for more mobilized ground forces. She enjoyed the standard training she received as a soldier.

She later discovered that the field was where she enjoyed to be, but nervous as she was, she only reassigned to artillery. She proved extremely adaptable and the CNI scanners quickly picked her up. By the time she was twenty-four she was reassigned to the Jaguar Program. It was in the Jaguar Program she met Dean Letham, together the two of them trained and operated together.

They would later be assigned as Commander and Sub-Commander of Section Zero, responsible for the management of Jaguar Commando's and missions. She was placed in Fireteam Black with Dean, alongside the CNI Field Agent Marguerite Podolsky. Since then she has served in many battlefields and security entail missions.

Intent: To assist with Faction roleplays, storylines and dominions, as well as fleshing out a member of Fireteam Black.
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