Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hai everyone

Kyla Foy

Hai everyone!

Well so as you all might know, I am a member of the Zambrano family, but I lost my memory and in the end came in the caring strict hands of the fellow Sith Spawn [member="Syn"]! He's my master and I hope we will have a good time together

Connor Harrison

[member="Aeshma Zambrano"]

You have taken your first steps into a large world - welcome to the Silver Jedi, young one.

Kyla Foy

[member="Anastasia Rade"]
[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]
[member="Emma Prinn"]

Thankies everyone! Ooh and my uncle is not happy that I lost my memories! He's very angry, lol! Am I happy Syn doesn't use me for a long time within a dominion or invading xD

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