Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hai Isidro Solis


Jedi with a dark past

NAME: Hai Isidro Solis
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Elder Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Kiffar/Sephi - clone
AGE: Twenty Three (23)
HEIGHT: 7'3"
WEIGHT: 335.6 lbs
EYES: orange
HAIR: chesnut brown
SKIN: white


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+ Pure Genetics - Being a 'test-tube' spawned third generation clone, means that unlike the original subject and the two clones prior, Hai has genes that have turned him into a more appeasing person. While he still may be prone to sickness and such, these things do not come along as often due to genetic tinkering.

+ Knowledge - Knows more information than most would at his age, but again this is due to his being a clone an learning from flash-tech.

+ Lightsabers - his focus has always been on the lightsaber, he just learned powers along the way. He has been building and using lightsabers all the years he has been alive.

- The Grey - that area between the light and dark sides of the force. Hai fears the grey, as it is to him as stims are to a junkie and can lead him down a very bad path in which he has no desire to return to.

- Flare/Tattoos - his tattoos paint a target on Hai, as time and time again they have been seen over the ages, as all were passed down from one clone to the next, having started with the original (non-clone) Hai. There are many who would see the one bearing these tattoos dead, others fear the markings, and even fewer respect them. In most cases regarding the tattoos, most who see them want Hai dead, even if it is for something a predecessor clone might have done.

- Stomach - Hai has been known to get ulcers if he gets too upset with himself or overly violent encounters with sith destruction in the galaxy. He can only do his best to combat such things with herbal remedies, which don't exactly remove the problem, they just soothe temporarily.

N/A - rides via public transport ships

Hai was born on Coruscant, if you can even call being spawned inside of a cloning cylinder a way of being born. He was created more or less for the purpose of vanity and the appearance of everlasting life. He was the third specimen to be created by a line of Sith Alchemists. The original (Hai Isidro Solis) having died nearly a millennia ago had created a single clone and gave the instructions "Upon your death, a new clone must continue in your stead" And with those words, the original had passed had the two cloned specimens prior to Hai-Specimen 3. He flash learned everything in which had been laid out for him by his predecessor. He was trained to be a sith warrior and serve the sith for all the days of his life. But, even from a young age, Hai was secretly never a puppet of the sith. He had dreams of something different in life, something that was not pre-determined for him.

As Hai grew up, he learned the ways of the sith from his previous clone, an aging clone hellbent on fulfilling the destiny set before him. Hai learned from this man for ten years before he had had enough of the lies that were being pumped into his mind, body, and spirit. One night, as the elder clone slept, Hai crept in and slew his master with a newly crafted lightsaber. It was there, with the slaying of his master that he killed the old life and the ways of the sith in which he had known. He wanted a righteous path in life, one that could be sought from the jedi. And so, Hai set out in search of the Jedi.

It didn't take long for Hai to find the Jedi, there were still those on Coruscant practicing in the light arts under the banner of the Jedi. Hai came under the tutelage of a nautolan jedi knight named Gark Leoro. He learned under Master Leoro for eleven years. During his time with Master Leoro, Hai learned to center himself and expell most of the darkness within him. However, there would always be a very small part left deep within him, always causing him to have fear that he may one day give in to the dark again and do something he would regret and cast him from the jedi. However, even with this darkness, his master helped him to ignore it and to focus on light sided tasks that would draw his attention from it. At the age of twenty one, Hai was separated from his master, the elderly nautolan jedi having become one with the force. This left Hai a masterless elder padawan learner.

For the last two years of his training, some still given to him by the force ghost of Master Leoro, he has continued to study the ways of the jedi. While he has not yet found another master to continue his training, nor has another master found him, he does not give up hope. For as long as there is a jedi order, there is always hope.

Hai did find the Jedi....that much was for sure, but something changed. Whether it was him or the actual Jedi, he didn't know. But he wanted no part of it any longer. In turn he hopped in a starship and with the crew of said ship, they hit hyperspace, going wherever fate took them. As far as Hai cared, he would not be coming back to be a Jedi or doing anything of importance any time soon. He was just going to life the rest of his life as a faceless individual in the galaxy.




KNOWN FORMS: Form I - Personal Skill mastery
Form IV - Intermediate Skill
KNOWN POWERS: Core Powers - Personal Skill mastery
Force Lightning/Judgement - Moderate
Control Pain - Intermediate
Force Concealment - Moderate
Beat Language - Moderate
Hilt: curved hilt
Color Crystal: Dark Green
Effect Crystals: Adegan, Lorrdian


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Note: This character is no longer going to be used, I've lost ALL muse for him. Thus, I've sent him off into the reaches of space to do god-knows-what on his travels. So it's deuces from this Jedi. (I'll be focusing on other character(s) here on SWRP).

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