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We've got a lot of the Protectorate gera, and a lot of fun things going on!
Currently we've got the more diplomatic dominion of Suarbi 7, the complete disaster zone of Yag'Dhul and redeeming and protecting the civilians of Eriadu from mass murdering First Order soldiers.
Thanks a bunch! Glad to be here. I was reluctant to join initially, just because I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this character, but after some thought, this really does make the most sense. Now I just need to figure out what she'll be able to actually do to help...
Cole Sear: I see dead people. Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?
[Cole shakes his head no] Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?
[Cole nods] Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins? Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead. Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them? Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.
We have been losing ground to the Architects and the Final Order, and those Sith bits, so... maybe getting ready to help us forsee attacks, and find refugees and understand where we're needed.
So we can build a big fleet and take Coruscant away from the Sith.
It'd be cool to get... I dunno, a group together that go chasing the visions, to see what knowledge can be gained by a Remote Sensing type person (I direct you to the US Government's Stargate Program for where I'm thinking)