Son of Smeg
The Rats Nest, Floor of Coruscant
Scrabble scrabble.
Itch itch.
All seemed quiet on the lowest levels of Coruscant. The vibrations from the bright world above set the scene as the constant low rumble that plagued the undercities hummed on and on. That was their backdrop. Dark, dank and another word beginning with d. Who, then are they? What destitute could possibly stand to inhabit this disgusting, this damp, this depressing?
Enter the Cthon.
Itch itch itch.
Once humans, they were cast down to these lowest of levels for crimes that are long past the statute of limitations. Pale pitiful creatures that trundled through the filth grunting and groaning all the while. Down here it paid to be tough, and that's what they were. The mindless bully-boys of lowest levels, but wait, who did they have to bully?
Meet the Skraal.
You can't have a city without vermin, and you can't have vermin without the city. In a fate similar to their troglodyte enemies the Skraal were once a different kind of rodent, bigger, smarter and with a better aptitude for daylight. They were long gone however, and in their place sat the festering horde. Can't see 'em though. Why?
We iz hidin', boss...
There's one of them now, Cthon, I mean. Hunched over, dragging it's knuckles across the filth of the streets, blood of some poor rodent smeared across its face like macabre clown lipstick.
He stops. Turns around. Eye moving rapidly underneath that thin devolutionary layer of skin. Did he hear something? No. No. You en't hearin' nuffink. Just something leaky, something rusty. Needing oiled. He turns back around only to be faced with a rusty dagger in the gut. Ssslchh. In shock he grabs the Skraal that had suddenly appeared before him by the snout. Ssslchh. Behind him another blade jammed into his back. He grunts. Where did they come from?
We wuz hidin'...
Three more Skraal scurry out of the metalwork, latching onto the poor excuse for a humanoid, dragging him to the ground and carving him up like the Sithmas Endorian Chicken. One starts sawing into his leg with a serrated machete, looks like the blade had been gnawed to have those points. Nasty nasty. The sawing makes sounds too visceral for most to handle, squelching and crunching but eventually he gets through and carries the limb off. Not for him, it's a tribute. He'll get a handsome wedge of cheese for this. The leg is the fattest part, the best part.
A feast fit for the king.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"], [member="Javik Quar-Kai"], [member="Vraska Yo'gand"], [member="Ratih Lah"], [member="Nam Karakk"]