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Approved NPC Hakar

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Nasir Drayen

  • Intent: To resubmit a right hand for the Prince.
  • Image Credit: Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game - Shadow Collective Lethality Card by Michael Pedro
  • Role: Exchange Fixer/Royal Security
  • Permissions: /
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  • Age: 25
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Trandoshan
  • Appearance: Olive green skin common among his people, Hakar's cranial ridges are pronounced and his teeth are filed to a hunter's standards. Tribal markings indicate him to be associated with the Blackscale Clan. By Trandoshan standards, he is closer to middle age than young adulthood, and is covered with scars to prove it.
  • Name: Hakar Blackscale
  • Loyalties: The Exchange
  • Wealth: Servant of the Prince's court on Dubrillion. Hakar is paid most handsomely for his protection and even more handsomely for his silence.
  • Notable Possessions: Little of any financial value aside from his gear. Lives a mostly ascetic life.
  • Skills:
    • Marksman
    • Jar'Kai
    • Tracker
    • Stealth
    • Pilot
  • Personality: Deeply spiritual and fearless even of his superiors. Hakar lives as best he can according to the Scorekeeper's principles. He is a cunning warrior with a cold-blooded sense of ethics.
  • Weapon of Choice: Trandoshan Double-Blade or a Trandoshan Hunting Rifle are his preference, but he can use a disruptor or blaster when the situation calls for it.
  • Combat Function: Hakar is the Prince's personal bodyguard and meant to neutralize or at least occupy anyone who threatens his master with physical harm.
  • Bodyguard
  • Lieutenant
  • Dishonor
  • Superstitious
Promising young slave hunter of the Blackscale Clan. Travels to Hutt Space where he earns credits and fame in their gladiator pits. Finds work as a bounty hunter and mercenary. Job goes bad and one of the Hutt clans place a death mark on his head. Gains the attention of Nasir Drayen, royalty from the Outer Rim and a powerful crime lord. Nasir enjoyed bloodsport and was a fan of Hakar's career. He purchased the trandoshan's forgiveness from the Hutts. In so doing the Prince acquired not only a capable fighter but a loyal confidante who was compelled by faith to honor the life debt tradition.
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