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Character Hal Karjos

Senator of Hosnian Prime


Hal Karjos

FactionGalactic Alliance
Political PartyExpansionist Shepherds
HomeworldHosnian Prime
Weight77 kilos
Force SensitiveNo


Hal is a young human male with handsome features and thick black hair with deep blue eyes. He has a average build and is of average height for his species. He isn't a fighter and doesn't come across as such. He is always dressed in the most fashionable and expensive garments as how you display yourself to others sets the tone for any meeting. He can always be seen looking and wearing his absolute best.


Personal Sidearm
Personal Transport


Hal is a brilliant young businessman turned politician which is not, if ever, separate. He was raised within wealth and taught from a young age about economics and how to manage logistics. Growing up in the business world and learning market economy is what was expected of him giving his families trader background even while his father passed the company to him while he entered politics in his later years. Now that Hal has become the Senator of his homeworld, he is adapting to a life in politics and learning intrigue and charisma are one in the same. He is respected among his people and seen as something of a extravagant playboy but below what the media says of him is a extremely competent business magnate and someone who cares about his planet and believes in what the Galactic Alliance is about.


Economist - Hal was raised under the tutelage of a wealthy trading family and grew up around marketers and traders of all types. He knows everything there is to know about market economy, free trade, galactic financing and more. If credits are involved; he is your man.

Charismatic - This young man has a face and voice that soothes the soul of even the most dismal of critics. His way with words and eloquent speech was learned and trained via endless business meetings and high class soirees. He can gossip with the best of them.


Newbie - While business and politics tend to go hand in hand, Hal is still learning the tricks of the trade so to speak. His position as Senator was only recently confirmed and all his contacts are back home on Hosnian Prime. Coruscant, and by extension the Federal Assembly, are new to him.

Non-combatant - While Hal does carry a concealed snub-blaster with him when out and about, guards or not, he isn't a fighter. Hell, he wouldn't even know where to start.


Hal Karjos was born and raised on the cosmopolitan ecumenopolis of Hosnian Prime in the megalopolis of Republic City. His family were very wealthy and well connected inside traders, investors and business owners. They owned a investment company with ample stock in many trading, droid production and mining companies. It was their investment firm which took the funds of big investors and turned them into even more credits. Therefore, they are very well connected to many large corporations to this day and still hold many stakes and income.

Being raised in wealth has its upsides and downsides. For one, Hal is very versed in high society and anything relating to economics. If Hosnian Prime was a monarchy government, which it indeed isn't, his family would certainly be considered nobility. The downsides being that Hal doesn't have a lot of real world experience and struggles to connect with some of his more low end constituents beyond pretty words and promises like any true politician.

Hal's father, Kris Karjos, was the patriarch and until recently the Senator of Hosnian Prime. He had left the family business to his son three years ago to chase a career in politics. However, on a diplomatic envoy to the planet of Ukatis his father was ultimately killed in the Enclave's attack on the planet. Now, Hal finds himself thrusted into the chair of Senator and trying to fill into his fathers shoes as he has had to do twice now.
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