Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hala Jast

NAME: Hala Jast
FACTION: Outlaws
RANK: Captain
AGE: 25
SEX: Female
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown


+ Pilot: Hala is a natural pilot, having spent many years among Pirate Crews
+ Business Broker: Hala does good business and knows how to make credits talk. There's never a price too high.

-Wanted: Traversing Civilized systems can be hard for Hala, she's wanted on ten different systems in the core and all across the outer rim. Some people from the law, and some folks from the Underworld.

- High profile Chaos: Everywhere Hala goes chaos unfolds. She uses it as a tool, but really it just makes her high profile.

Hala is shorter than most with your typical smuggler look. Brown t shirt, dirty black vest and a gunbelt of leather slung on her hips. On a normal day she's sporting pilot goggles on her forehead and twin guns. Most of the time she's unkempt, and greasy from working on engines. Other times you can see her in her long brown coat, knee high boots ad shoulder holsters.

When she's exploring you can find her in a full exo suit, that provides her with extra strength, water, air and some other special features.


Born on Corellia the daughter of a Spice runner and a Underworld boss, Hala has been entrenched in the criminal element as long as she's been alive. when she matured of age she took to helping her friends rob shipping crates from starports and ran with a Swoop Gang on the streets.

Shortly after her twentieth birthday she caught a flight to Nar Shaada where she was picked up by a pirate crew. After many raids and many disasters their run came to an end and she found herself on the wrong end of the law. Picked up by Bounty Hunters during a raid on their Shadow Port she was shipped to Kessel where she mysteriously managed to bust out.

Nobody knows how the wily woman did it, but they know she's at large. Among the hundreds of folks she's pissed off is Zila the Hutt, whom she stole a CR-90 from. After a brief sting with her Crew aboard the Dragon the corvette was scuttled in the outer rim when it came under attack by pirates.

Hala jumped away in a salvaged fighter, and no uses that as her sole means of li.ving


The Crimson Dragon- CR-90 Corevette

The Dancing Dervish- Scout/Fighter: Z-95 Headhunter- Lasers swapped for Kinetics- Sensor Package-Stock Engines-No shields- No Hyperdrive



Twin Rail Pistols

Space Armor




-Champion: She loves the Underdogs and the Misfits. Hala will protect anyoe she feel is weaker tha her, or needs saving. sometimes its good, sometimes it's bad.

-Hates Droid's: Hala hates droid.s. She find them to be annoying and downright detestable. Droid's can do things human can't, like hack systems. she's paranoid, she doesn’t want anything of hers hacked. Ever


Company: Jast Shipwright Co.


Wanted: Dead or Alive
The Naboo job (Open)
Illegal Salvage: Coruscant
Port Call! [Crimson Dragon Fun & Recruitment]
The Nameless Ship- [Open! Join!]
The Nar Shaada Classic [Open]
Sat Treasure Hunt: Taglia Station [open]
Deep Black Sea: The Starliner (open, see restrictions)
A New Home [ORC/Underground]
The Jast and Co.
This is my bar now (The Red Devil Cartel)
Church (Red Devil Cartel)
With Friends like these (Red Devil Cartel/Open Party Thread)
New Kid on the Block/Retaliation (Red Devil Cartel:OPEN)
Field trip to the Distillery (Red Devils/Open)
Private Sales #2
To Kill a Hutt (Ball/Red Devils/Open)
Welcome to the Famil Biz (Arlo)
Return To Nycteria: Prelude
Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
Return to Exocron
Jast Do It [Hala Jast]
The Tenloss Job (Corporate Raid)
Navis ad astra
Agriculture and Starships
Clank and Clunk, Salvage Junk?
Salvagestuff Reclamation
Trade Comes to Ardalon! (ORC/Open)
Stations and Starships oh my! ATTN: CIS
Trading Rights ATTN: All Factions
The Jamoura Jast Trade hub.
Manifest of Items Created


  • J1-Trident Kinetic Cannon: Good Capitol ship cannon. Fires bursts of Tungsten rounds, like a railgun. Three barrels, drawbacks apply.

  • Jast 1 Freighter : Fast Small Freighter. Good for running guns, smuggling, what have you. Built in smugglers hatches that are shielded from scans. Low weapons, but the speed makes up for it. This baby can turn easy and is super modifiable. A bit rickety though, keep her tuned up!
  • Jast 2 Freighter Still Pretty fast, with a heavier load out on the armaments. Decent speed.This one is less modifiable, but can haul more cargo in her holds than the Jast 1. Holds are still lead shielded to prevent easy scanning. Sturdier, but still keep her tuned up!
  • Jast 3 Freighter: It's bigger and heavier armed. She's got a few tricks to keep folks off her back, but she's super slow. With so much weapons cargo space was cut down, but it's extra room for mods was part of the cargo hold sacrifice. As usual still has the lead shielded holds, still need to do upkeep or some things might...... Explode?
  • Jast 4 Freighter: A Heavy Freighter with little guns but tons of cargo and 3x Shields. This baby can roll through a blockade and get hit over and over. Shields holding! Definitely a must have for a Captain who likes a ship that survives and hauls, but does not care too much about his weapons options.
  • Jast Blackout: A specialized support ship. The Jast Blackout is super fast, has no arms, but can hack like a pro. If you drop one of these in system things become very finicky. She can shut down commo channels, scramble sensors, and hack systems. Be aware of limitations.
  • Jast Shredder: A support ship that is heavy on the missiles. Decked out with multiple rapid fire missile tubes, and repeater Ion/Kinetic cannons, the Jast Shredder can put a lot of firepower downrange for a very cheap cost. The limitations to such a nice vessel are it's abysmal defences. If the shields fall, bug out. Best as a pack hunter, support ship role.
  • Jast 1st Rate A heavy Frigate. Stock parts and such, slower and less handling. It's weapons are Kinetic focused. This baby sports a hundred guns for 400M worth of vessel. Also carries a squadron of fighters. Built as a Ship of the Line
  • Jast 2cnd Rate: A medium frigate. Stock parts again but she has some punch to her. A balanced warship, se is Kinectic focused, sporting 94 weapons on deck. A split between Mass Drivers, Ion and Missiles for a cheap cost, she is any Captains go to support Frigate!
  • Reclaimer 1 : A great Support ship! 500M worth of power to Salvage. This baby can refit and Rearm a vessel, build Ships, Shipyards, capture and disassemble, mine asteroids and do a myriad of stuff. If you got one in your fleet, you can keep your stuff sailing for a long time. Downside is that it will die like the rust box it is in combat. Keep it away from the front lines.
  • Jast Pocket Carrier :A Decent Carrier. 500M, 38 Fighters, and few guns. Not super special, but enough of these can put plenty of fighters into the battle. Keep it near the back. It's average but very slow handling.
  • J-96 Headhunter: A very fast Scout fighter with advanced sensors and navigation gear. Laser Cannons swapped for Kinetics. She can fly fast, scout, and engage at extreme ranges. The J-96 can only take a few glancing hits however.
  • Jast Medium Fighter: Slower but well armed, the Medium has nice options. Lasers have been swapped for Mass driver auto cannons, with a choice of fast smaller caliber, or larger caliber but slower rate of fire. In addition it carriers six concussion missiles, and is the first Jast Fighter to have an Astromech slot, for repairs on the fly! Lends itself well to modding and mixing with other fighters.
  • Jast Heavy Fighter : A Heavy Fighter. As the name suggests. Slow Speed, a slew of heavy mass Drivers and Light mass Drivers, topped off with Missiles and a Plasma Cannon to bypass shields at extremely close ranges. Also has Shields and an Astromech. A bomb heavy hitter. As always Mod-able.
  • Jast Starfighter Killer Frigate: The last in the line of Jast Medium Warships. The JSK is what it says. A fully loaded star-fighter killer. Flak cannons, 30mm Chain guns, Warhead tubes, and Quad laser cannons make this suburb point defense vessel. It is weak to the big guns though. Keep it key areas to smash star-fighter screens.
  • Jast Whisperlite Shuttle :One of the fastest vessels in the Galaxy. The Whisperlite has Reflec to foil sensors, and untraceable comms. In addition she sports double hyperdrives and lots of engines. Made for going from point a to b as fast as possible. No weapons and low defenses.
  • VCS Angel: A large ship built to serve as flagship for the Voss Confederacy. Lots of guns and Defense. Property of the Confederacy and Hala Jast.


  • Jast Salvage Station :A huge Salvage platform with hundreds of docking bays. Haul one of these into a debris field and recycle everything with the buzz droids on board. Can refuel ships, provide medical services, repair and refit vessels as well as serve as mobile manufacturing station. Grab one of these to improve your economic output in a system.
  • Jast Trade Station: A Huge trade platform. With banks, bars, quarters and hundreds of airlocks and docks. You can refuel and refit, get medical services, visit a watering hole, stop off for leave in one of the space motels. Basically a small booming trade city rammed into a space station. Also can hos swoop and Podraces. Grab one of these to make money hand over fist!
  • Jast Defensive Platform: A medium defensive station, sporting over 700 guns and missiles in her arsenal. Meant to be parked outside of major systems with a fleet garrison or in pairs. Can hold off attack for a while, refuel and refit vessels, as well as provide medical aid to wounded.


  • Wild Space Outback Long gun: A solid slug thrower rifle Holds 30 rounds, can engage at 600m. Reliable, barely ever breaks or jams. Iron Sights only without a separate tech sub to mod. Weighs a fair amount. All in all a god ranged weapon for a cheap cost. Used by Spacers, Militia and Backwater folks. Excellent accuracy.
  • Wild Space Outback Rifle: An old timey lever action rifle that fires a .308 round. Can hold 18 rds per load, loading into a breech system. Good accuracy and penetration, just very impractical in a prolonged firefight. will operate in the crappiest of conditions and can be used as rifle or pistol.
  • Wild Space Outback Revolver: A Solid old school revolver with a longer barrel. Shoots a .45 slug, Iron sights, with inertial compensator to kill recoil. Will operate in just about any conditions, easy to maintain and repair. Typically used by Militia, Spacers and Backwater folks. Want a solid sidearm that packs punch and don't break? This is it.
  • Wild Space Deck Sweeper Shotgun: A Full auto shotgun that can spray 30 rounds in a minute. Can accept any gauge of shell. Operates poorly in below zero environments and high sand environments. Typically the Deck Sweeper is used for CQB aboard ships or urban terrain. All in all a god full auto Shotgun!

  • ZRX Speeder Bike: A fast medium sized bike with both a Laser Cannon and Chain gun mounted to the front. You can ride 1 person on it, carry fifty pounds worth of gear in your saddlebags and light folks up with a dual Laser, Kinetic storm of rounds! Standard issue for all Red Devil Members

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