Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Halcon Reporting for Duty!


Anzat's How it's Done
Welcome to the One Sith, friend.

I'm glad you're joining the Crimson Reapers, it's nice to have a group of stellar roleplayers segregated within the faction. :)
[member="Halcon Xelio"]

glad to have you aboard brother. I didn't come up with the name that would be our illustrious leader [member="Drex Skyreaper"] that did that, but I'm here recruiting and shooting at mandalorians and I am excited to have you standing at my shoulder.

Drex Skyreaper

[member="Halcon Xelio"] [member="Sero Valrel"]

lol the name just popped into my head when I was working on the concept for the character.

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