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halcyon & beyond


Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]


Under the artificial brilliance of the ecumenopolis, even the glow of the faraway stars faded into a curtain of blues and purples. Even as the sun finished its descend and dusk began its dominion of the firmament, the warm hues of ambers and aureate began to light up the skyline of Coruscant. It was a night of revelry, of yet another gala to endear the imperium to those who called the heart of the Core their home.

Dressed in a gown of smoke adorned by obsidian and mercury, with lips painted in garnet and eyes accented by stardust, Marriskcal Lati of House Du Couteau sauntered amongst the gathering of nobles and politicians both. With the poise befitting that of a highborn lady, the young woman moved from coterie to coterie with a crafted smile curving at her lips, gracing all who basked in her presence with warm greetings and honeyed words. Even the barest hint to her predatory nature was sheathed, obscured beneath illusions and the whisper of silk of her veneer – that of a delicate and lovely doll.

While Marriskcal cared not for such frivolities, her dearly adored brother has bestowed his auspices upon her. And it meant having the eyes of many on her person, be they covetous or appraising.

The darling sister of Lord Du Couteau.

Every word said and unsaid.

Every deed done and undone.

It was all trialled and judged by the measuring gazes of the court of opinions.

This was her world now.

While a lot of acts and niceties still escaped her, and she still struggled with undertakings that came naturally to most, Marriskcal was contented with the path her life has taken. And almost as though by providence, the thread that bound her and her beloved thrummed across the tapestry of the Force. With a gleam of amusement in her eyes, the blonde graced the older male with a smile filled with mirth and mischief.
Captain Frederic Salan - Imperial Security Bureau
Equipment: Tuxedo
Location: Imperial Villa - Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Status: Accompanying [member="Marriskcal Lati"]


Frederic Salan, formerly known as the enigmatic Eighth Guard, had no idea how he was convinced to attend the event before his eyes. A room filled with generals, admirals, and politicians, both arrogantly young or condescendingly old. He also, for the life of him, couldn't understand how he was cajoled into doing such without the impenetrable shell that was his crimson armour.

No, instead he had donned a tailored tuxedo and elected to show his exotic features to what felt like the whole world. It was very difficult, in his experience, to brood in a dark corner when he had a face people could actually look at. Doubly so when some just insisted on conversing with him, to the point that he just casually meddled with their mind enough to leave him alone. He had not said a single word to others unless absolutely necessary for the better part of the last seven years, and it was not a habit he was going to break just because he wasn't a guardsman in some now-deceased tyrant's retinue.

The room seemed to darken for a split second, a searing pain prompting him to instinctively grab his left forearm. He blinked and the illusion seemed to disappear, the pain already so easily forgotten by his mind. Frederic grimaced, these sorts of interruptions had only happened in his dreams up until this point.

He wasn't permitted to linger any longer on his sinister thoughts, for an echo in the Force gave him the sense that he was being watched, prompting him to turn and exhale through his nose when he saw the appearance of his betrothed. A dress, coupled with her smile, most likely designed to taunt him. Fred allowed nothing other than a smirk to encapsulate his lips; a gesture, especially from him, that irritated her to no end.

He walked towards her like a duelist approaching an opponent, his gait calm and collected as he came up next to her and extended his elbow, saying nothing but raising his eyebrow slightly in a silent invitation.
Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]


A frisson of keen anticipation and wary annoyance threaded through her aura the moment she discerned the presence of the smirk on his mien. It was a look that she knew intimately, as the wicked arc that pulled at the corners of his lips and the assured gleam in his eyes never boded well for her. But as with how their little encounters usually unfolded between the pair, the blonde knew she would just have to be patient and wait to see where his devious mind led them.

Her gaze swept surreptitiously over his form, admiring the cut of the bespoke ensemble that moulded itself against his frame before she lowered the cast of her gaze in a coy manner. Even with her thoughts so distracted by the presence of her betrothed and the fluid cadence of his stride, Marriskcal still managed to impart the last of her well-wishes and practiced prose before he reached her side. And perhaps it was faintly discourteous of her not to introduce Frederic to the coterie of gentlemen and ladies, but the blonde was a selfish creature and found herself wanting to keep him to herself a little longer.

Gracing them with a final painted smile and a graceful slant of her shoulder, Marriskcal drew close to the older male, placing a hand lightly at the bend of his elbow like she always did. The only difference was that instead of smooth and unyielding phrik and laminate, her fingers curled into the rich fabric of his suit.

You look handsome tonight,” she hummed appreciatively, angling her head to peer up at him through the veil of her lashes. Not that she has ever thought otherwise, but this was a novel occurrence for Frederic, and the blonde has always enjoyed uncovering yet another facet to her other half. “I almost thought you would decide against attending the gala and would be waiting for me to come to you instead.
Captain Frederic Salan - Imperial Security Bureau
Location: Imperial Villa - Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Status: Accompanying [member="Marriskcal Lati"]


Frederic's smirk morphed into a smile upon hearing her comment, relishing for a split second her hand coming in contact with his arm; he had lost count of how many times she had held onto his arm like that, from their sparring sessions on Skye to the battlefields of the Unknown Regions. He hummed in approval as he broke eye contact to survey their surroundings, his introverted behaviour making him ever wary of the others attending the event.

"I considered such multiple times, but you somehow managed to convince me otherwise." He answered lowly, just loud enough for her to hear, "I am still astonished at how a woman, even an extraordinarily beautiful one such as yourself, persuaded me to come in anything other than armour." The image of him in a crimson tuxedo with his helmet on flashed briefly in his thoughts, prompting him to let out a small chuckle.

A young man, a lieutenant, began to anxiously approach Marriskcal from Frederic's peripheral, the former's intent causing him to instinctively lock eyes with him and subtly nudge him to sod off. Fred blinked, slightly disappointed in his jealousy before quickly justifying his actions. "Perhaps you would care for a dance, Marriskcal?" He queried, changing the topic of his thoughts as he purposely enunciated her name in his accent, something he knew made her turn redder than a Kaas gundark.

He looked down at her, his smile returning along with the glint of mischief in the irises of his eyes.
Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]


While the words that left his lips were mellifluous and blasé, as though he was merely speaking of a scenario that unfolded because of his aversion for others, they both knew better.

Her fingers curled deeper into his arm, her own lithe frame leaning against him in quiet gratitude. The older male has struggled with much, and has come a long way in the past several weeks. And while she would never fault him, his decision to stray away from his preferred state of seclusion to escort her to this gala was an evidence of just how much he had managed to move past his… previous state of being.

I suppose it will just have to remain a mystery,” she remarked with a knowing spark to her eyes, though the blonde refused to divulge any further on her little scheme. However, when the low chuckle came, followed by the stray image that crossed their bond, Marriskcal smacked his arm lightly. “I am most definitely glad that I somehow managed to convince you. The end result is well worth it.

The faintest stiffening of her companion and the sudden pause of his form made her follow the angle of his gaze. Her eyes fell on the figure of an unfamiliar male when she felt the gentle swell of the Force rising a moment before the other began to veer away from the pair. Just as she was about to arch a brow at him, Frederic spoke, his query and the devious caress of her name flustering her as it often did. Accompanied with the gleam in his warm eyes, Marriskcal found herself averting her own as she tried to dispel the rose hue that risen on her fair features.

I would love to,” she answered him softly, her aura spelling out the shades of her pleasure and embarrassment even as she pulled him gently towards the edge of the hall, so that they appeared to be just another couple amongst the people already dancing.

It was another first for them.
Captain Frederic Salan - Imperial Security Bureau
Equipment: Tuxedo
Location: Imperial Villa - Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Status: Accompanying [member="Marriskcal Lati"]


His attempt at distracting her from his subtle display of jealousy worked wonderfully, the hint of scarlet that appeared on her face had not gone unnoticed even as she glanced away sheepishly.

When he heard her answer to his seemingly innocent question, he gently removed his arm from her grip and replaced it with his own hand, his callused digits contrasting against her smooth skin.

Frederic allowed himself to be led to the edge of the room, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up slightly each time he sensed a pair of foreign eyes pass over them. But that was all soon forgotten when they stopped and stood in front of each other, his free hand positioning itself at the top of her back.

They began to move together, the older male leading the way in a slow but steady rhythm. "I suppose this is alright, right now I'd be halfway through a bottle of Kuati wine and watching those cheesy holo-dramas you keep recording." He grunted quietly, all the while allowing his hand to glide down her exposed skin before resting at the small of her back.

He raised their hands above both of them, twirling the smaller woman in front of him once before they returned to their original position, a tiny smile making itself known as it conquered his features.
Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]


With his fingers intertwined with her own and a hand resting on the blade of her shoulder, Marriskcal smiled tenderly up at the older male, placing her other hand lightly on his bicep. She swayed, her slender frame flowing gracefully against his as she followed the quiet guidance of his form. Even though this would be their first time coming together, it was as effortless as breathing.

They are not cheesy. While some of their decisions can be a little difficult to believe in at times, it only adds to the charm,” she insisted, the curve of her lips forming into a pout as she defended her current indulgence. “But… I would prefer a quiet evening myself,” she continued, her confession uttered in a quiet tone. While she was able to play the part of a highborn lady and traversed amongst the vaunted and gilded, it was a mask she crafted for the exalted.

It was then that she felt the rough edges of his fingertips tracing over bare skin as they glided downwards, and while it was lower than what decorum would deem as proper, they were together. When his warm palm trailed from the small of her back and onto lace as it moved to capture her hand in his own, the young woman allowed him to draw her into a twirl, the sheer shadow of her skirt flaring as she did. And as she returned to his embrace, Marriskcal leaned deeper against his form, a joyous peal of delight escaping her.

Have you been hiding your talents from me, Frederic? And to think I was merely expecting for us to make an appearance… And for me to expend some time conversing to ensure my presence has been marked before we disappear to a quieter part of the villa. I heard that with the lanterns against the skyline of the sea, the view is exceedingly lovely.

And speaking of which, the blonde noticed the pepper-and-salt hair of an elderly Lord she had to remember to greet after their dance, lest he took affront against House Du Couteau for her lapse. “Though… I may need a minute or five before we leave,” she said apologetically as she lifted a hand to brush lightly against the line of his jaw.
Captain Frederic Salan - Imperial Security Bureau
Equipment: Tuxedo
Location: Imperial Villa - Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Status: Accompanying [member="Marriskcal Lati"]

He continued to stare down at her, his eyes full of mischief, as they continued their dance across the room. "I have some skills I may or may not have been keeping from you..." He purred quietly "...after all, fighting is just dancing with the possibility of death."

When she mentioned vanishing to some place less frequented by party-goers, he couldn't help but smirk at the prospect of them already ditching the dreadfully boring event; after all, the open bar could only drown out so much of the pretentiousness festering throughout the hall.

"That very well may be true, but I think I already have an exceedingly lovely view." He hummed, waiting for her flustered expression to return, "But I do like the idea of being able to explore this place further, perhaps see what it has to offer a couple of troublemakers." Frederic once again twirled her around, stopping to hold her close to him as before.

He noticed the sudden chance in her demeanor and followed her gaze, identifying an old man whom did not know. "That is quite alright, I am content with knowing that you'll be returning to me, my bunny." Frederic whispered, gently grabbing the hand she brushed against his jaw and pressing his lips against it, "Just let us have this last song."
Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]


With the familiar gleam of trouble etched in his eyes, his words were akin to a promise of sorts. A spark of thrill hummed through her being and across their bond.

But before she was able to tease his plans out of him, he spoke once more, his voice deep and mellifluous even as he continued to look at her with intent as they moved fluidly across marble and weaved amongst other dancers. And while Marriskcal rarely received compliments, and is more likely to scorn them than to accept them with grace, when they were uttered by her intended, she found herself at an impasse.

Predictably, the rose hue that Frederic was waiting for shaded her mien once more, even as she pivoted on the heels of her stilettos in an elegant twist. “You are a menace,” she murmured, giving him a narrowed eyed glance even as she was drawn back into his arms, her frame pressing into his chest. “And I doubt the bartender would mind parting with a bottle of wine for a certain pair of troublemakers either, especially if they were to ask nicely.

And at the endearment, she finally averted her gaze from his. Most definitely a menace. A true threat to my continued sanity,” the young woman complained, though the besotted glimmer in her eyes betrayed her true sentiments when it came to the male before her. “One last song,” she echoed in a soft lilt, allowing the hand he kissed to slide down to the curve of his shoulder, even while the fingers of her other laced itself more insistently over their clasped hands.

Lost in a world that only held the two of them, Marriskcal leaned her pale gold head against the hollow of his throat and listened to the slow beat of his heart as they moved together in a flowing adagio.


It was with much reluctance when the last notes of the song’s refrain resonated through the grand hall that the young woman parted from her beau. “I will see you in a few minutes,” she assured him, running the ends of her fingers over the lapel of his suit with a final longing sigh before she made her way towards the elderly lord, a demure smile in place as she once again wore the guise of her bequeathed eminence.

Fortuitously for the unversed creature that she was, the lord soon found himself inundated by his members of his customary coterie and Marriskcal excused herself graciously, feeling just a little weary of all the silvered words and false sentiments that suffused the air. But the hints of her lassitude dissipated the moment her gaze fell upon the unfamiliar figure of a lady standing before Frederic. It was apparent from the way the brunette was smiling and reaching out in an attempt to touch him that she had less than innocent designs for the older male.

A sharp flare of jealousy pierced through her aura, clear and unveiled.

Once, she would have stormed back to his side, bearing down like a hurricane incarnate on the focus of her ire. And while the blonde still had moments where she lapsed, her veneer of a highborn was nigh flawless. Lowering the lids of her shadowed eyes in a coy manner, Marriskcal meandered back to the older man’s side as she graced the interloper with a saccharine curve of her painted lips, one that never boded well for its recipient.

I apologise for making you wait on me, dear heart,” she began, curling an arm around his own, her eyes never leaving the other woman as the words left her lips. There was a flash of challenge within her brilliant blues, moments before her gaze flickered away from the brunette in a silent act of dismissal. “Shall we leave?
Captain Frederic Salan - Imperial Security Bureau
Equipment: Tuxedo
Location: Imperial Villa - Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Status: Accompanying [member="Marriskcal Lati"]

Oh how he hated these situations - when his beloved left him unattended for more than a few minutes and somebody else came over to strike up conversation, what made it even worse was that this time it was an obviously single woman. While normally he would've remained as silent and still as an aurodium statue, he allowed himself to speak sparsely to appear somewhat polite, that way he wasn't admonished for being an introvert by his bunny.

But the moment a hand reached out to latch itself on his forearm, he visibly cringed and took a small step backward, right into the steel grip of his betrothed. He didn't dare look down, for he could very easily feel the jealousy radiating from her over their bond. Frederic nodded silently and allowed himself to be pulled away from the danger, making a point to pass by the bar and persuade the bartender to part with a bottle of one of his more expensive vintages.

"I assume your situation has been dealt with?" He uttered quietly, trying to placate his love, "We can have the rest of the night to ourselves."
Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]


While she much preferred to meander through life without the need to don any of the array of veneers that she had hewn and partake in the game of gilded words, Marriskcal has learned that there was a need for her to obscure the keen edge of her nature on a stage where every being was an immaculate thespian. So despite the displeasure that rippled across the otherwise serene stream that was the Force, the young woman continued to etch a smile for their audience.

With her head held in a graceful incline, the blonde led her intended away, staying quiet until they found themselves alone down a quiet hallway with a bottle of vintage in hand. His murmur soothed some of her frayed nerves, and with a gentle nod of acquiescence, Marriskcal released the limb she held captive so that she could lean more deeply into his side. While she has always been a covetous and selfish creature, the dark sentiment that has roused within her was unexpected in its intensity.

Allowing a soft sigh to escape her, she rested her golden head against the dip of his collarbone, a hand coming up to curl at the edge of his suit. It was awhile before the young woman trusted herself to speak once more, veiling the brittle shards of envy and avarice away from her lilt. “I… would like that a lot,” she said in a whisper.
Captain Frederic Salan - Imperial Security Bureau
Equipment: Tuxedo
Location: Imperial Villa - Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Status: Accompanying [member="Marriskcal Lati"]

Frederic felt the tug of a smile on the corner of his lips, raising an arm to wrap behind his fiancee. He directed them into a deserted study and through a pair of double doors, which opened into a balcony overlooking the vast Western Sea.

"Marr..." Fred started, letting his arm descend until he held her hand, their fingers intertwined "I don't need our bond to know that you're feeling jealous." The former praetorian knew damn well that he was playing with fire here, saying it directly, but he needed to reassure his love.

"I want you to know that I love you, and only you." He uttered quietly, pressing his forehead against hers, "The most beautiful woman in the Galaxy could show up, and I wouldn't spare her a second glance because I already know that she's you - and I would be unable to tear my eyes from you."

Frederic's smile grew wider as he urged her nearer to his form, pushing his chin forward to brush his lips against hers - the rough texture of his stubble grazing her maddeningly smooth skin.

"The Eighth Guard was the First Order's, but Frederic Salan is yours."
Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]


With the warm hand of the older male resting on the curve of a hip, Marriskcal yielded to his quiet guidance and allowed him to lead her out into the secluded balcony. She was greeted by the gentle caress of a zephyr that wafted in from the sea and the distant sounds of waves lapping against the shore. Her eyes beheld the horizon, where myriad of lanterns were glowing softly as they soared amidst the indigo and lapis sky.

Enchanted by the splendour of the view, she would have been contented to bask in the presence of her betrothed and allow the vestiges of her dark sentiments to fade without ever speaking of it when Frederic caught and tangled their fingers together. And perhaps it was born of a deep understanding, for Marriskcal flinched as the words left his lips, ever true when she standing before the being she loved.

I” she stumbled over her words, her usual eloquence eclipsed by a mélange of shame and remorse and the dying embers of her earlier fury. As Frederic continued to forge ahead, she carefully kept her eyes lowered and rapt on their clasped hands… until she felt his forehead on her own. Trembling, Marriskcal raised her head and gazed into the warm eyes of the older male as he uttered his vow, each and every word reverberating across their bond. Even while they were carved into her heart and soul, hearing it whispered so calmed the hurricane within.

And as always, the blonde came willingly into his embrace, her slender frame pressing against his own as she moved to the tips of her toes to reciprocate the butterfly kiss. Resting her palms over his chest even as she tilted her head to regard her betrothed, Marriskcal smiled, a faint and timid curve of her lips that rarely graced her mien.

Just as I am yours.

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