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Marriskcal Lati,
House Du Couteau
Equipment: Attire & Accessory, Throwing Knives
Location: Imperial Villa, Great Western Sea, Coruscant
Interacting with: [member="Eighth Guard"]

Under the artificial brilliance of the ecumenopolis, even the glow of the faraway stars faded into a curtain of blues and purples. Even as the sun finished its descend and dusk began its dominion of the firmament, the warm hues of ambers and aureate began to light up the skyline of Coruscant. It was a night of revelry, of yet another gala to endear the imperium to those who called the heart of the Core their home.
Dressed in a gown of smoke adorned by obsidian and mercury, with lips painted in garnet and eyes accented by stardust, Marriskcal Lati of House Du Couteau sauntered amongst the gathering of nobles and politicians both. With the poise befitting that of a highborn lady, the young woman moved from coterie to coterie with a crafted smile curving at her lips, gracing all who basked in her presence with warm greetings and honeyed words. Even the barest hint to her predatory nature was sheathed, obscured beneath illusions and the whisper of silk of her veneer – that of a delicate and lovely doll.
While Marriskcal cared not for such frivolities, her dearly adored brother has bestowed his auspices upon her. And it meant having the eyes of many on her person, be they covetous or appraising.
The darling sister of Lord Du Couteau.
Every word said and unsaid.
Every deed done and undone.
It was all trialled and judged by the measuring gazes of the court of opinions.
This was her world now.
While a lot of acts and niceties still escaped her, and she still struggled with undertakings that came naturally to most, Marriskcal was contented with the path her life has taken. And almost as though by providence, the thread that bound her and her beloved thrummed across the tapestry of the Force. With a gleam of amusement in her eyes, the blonde graced the older male with a smile filled with mirth and mischief.