Lord of Girth
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]
- Intent: Create a species of "Human-like" beings who had to endure living in the Netherworld when they were not meant to be.
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- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
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- Name: Haleth - Plural & Singular
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins: Netherworld
- Average Lifespan: Thousands
- Estimated Population: Scattered
- Description: Average height and build of most humanoid species. Showing many characteristics of baseline humans with the most notable distinction of being able to control the force akin to "Magic" from the Netherworld. Drawing upon the power of the Netherworld/The Force when they show no "force presence" or otherwise have any discernable signs of being able to do so.
- Breathes: Type I
- Average Height of Adults: 1.7 meters
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Typical human skin tones of Caucasian, through the spectrum of Darker skin tones, such as olive or Brown.
- Hair color: Brown, blonde, Red, typical human hair tone color.
- Distinctions: Unlike humans, Haleth do not show signs of aging. Once reaching maturity, an individual will only show a singular sing of aging, being that their eyes will change from their natural color, to that of a "Silver" or white iris. Akin to Human hair becoming "White" with age the Haleth show signs of aging within their eyes. Losing pigmentation in the Iris. There is little determination of their races that would make them be physically different. Instead, their races are determined upon full maturity.
- Races:
- Anuilthine - The people of the "Anuilthine" are a race that specialize in the concept of the Netherworld as their pantheon of "Qxinae" or gods. Namely becoming what many could consider as Shamans, Priests, Druids or the like. Practicing and perfecting the art of "Nethem" or what many consider to be the Force. Followers of the Nathem are often called "Nathemii" They show great talents in the Nathem/Force and are able to use it to a much higher proficiency than that of others of their species.
- Valnor - A race of individuals who have gathered for the purpose of becoming leaders of the Haleth. Conquers, warriors, Masters of weaponry. Many within their ranks can also use the powers gifted by the Nathem, but are lesser in its grandeur. Showing some skill, but rarely able to become powerful enough to rival the Anuilthine. They too also tend to worship the Qxinae, however only particular members of said pantheon.
- Ulorkos - Individuals who hold no greater powers, or gifts. Many can become warriors of great name and legend, however, many tend to be "citizens" or individuals who are for the explicitly purpose of furthering the Haleth people in whatever tasks that are not related to warfare, or that of the Nethem. Many could be farmers, metal workers, or other laborious tasks. Yet, unlike most cultures where they are typically looked down upon for not having the gift, are instead held above the others. As members who do a job to aid, and allow the Valnor, and the Anuilthine to perform their own tasks and duties.
- Force Sensitivity: Standard
- False Negative: A unique trait of the Haleth, is the ability to use the force, yet show no outwardly signs of being able to do so. Another force Sensitive individual attempting to feel them from within the force would be unable to do so. This is a boon, and a sacrifice in different ways. the Boon, is being able to be "hidden in plain sight." Force sensitive individuals would only know that a Haleth is capable of using Nethem or the force, if the Force Sensitive physically sees them perform said actions.
- Netherworld Magik: Nethem, or their term for the force, is used in mysterious ways comparable to the Witches of Dathomir, or the Kro Var. Seemingly influencing the force through arcane means rather than direct means. Utilizing a hieroglyph form that which grants powers to what it is attached to. In many cases, members will bare tattoos of this written language form that can perform special tasks or abilities. It could be considered a form of Alchemy, or Imbuement that is inherent to them as a society, and a culture. Should this written language of the Haleth not be usable, one could utter, or words in order to produce the desired effect. One can perform these effects without speaking, however, it is extremely dangerous to do so by the vice of having severe side effects they may have not bargained for.
- Long Lived: It is unsure why these individuals who may have very well be humans before, are able to live for thousands of years with no physical sign of aging other than their eyes losing pigmentation. However, They are not Immortal. While rarely would one die from old age, it is much more likely for one to perish by violent, virulent, or toxic sources.
- Nomadic Anarchy: The scattered nature of the Haleth, have created a system of communities called "Bagrel." These Bagrel are akin to Nomadic groups of individuals who have come together in order to survive in the Netherworld. Many bagrel can have varying systems of the community, and what state they are in for a governmental structure. Most are either of Anarchism, or Libertarian construction. Being a gathering of individuals who have freedom from one another, and have a very limited government, or none at all. Instead relying upon the aspect of "Common decency." This nomadic lifestyle lends to the survivability within the Netherworld. Allowing them as a small community within the species to move when the community needs to.
- Decentralized: As like any nomadic, tribal, clan, or small community based system, the Haleth are not the most opposing force within the Netherworld. Instead relying upon their ability to move about. This means that there is no central government, no one group, or individual to speak to on behalf of the species, or races. It would stand to reason, that while attempts to "unify" them under one banner or into a singular entity have been attempted in the past, most have failed to varying degrees of success. Either due to larger groups not unifying, or outright being exiled by multiple Bagrel.
- Mortals among the Immortal: Beings within the Netherworld, as they are dead, or no longer living, are essentially unable to completely perish. Its is these Haleth that can die within the Netherworld, that do not return to such place. Due to the multiple Netherworld events, as well as beings opening portals to the realm, this has allowed members of the Haleth to enter Realspace.
- Insensitive: A unique trait of the Haleth, is their ability to use the force, despite not having other "symptoms" of such. The like of a Force signature or "Aura." This can cause some complications with items that require the force user to be force sensitive in order to work or function. A Sensitivity test would show up negative, or items that would enhance a force sensitivity would not work. While they could use Force-Imbued/Jal shey/Alchemy treated items just as a Non-Force User would be able too, they cannot use items that require them as a conduit for it. Even simple crystals that would enhance powers through the force, would prove ineffective in "boosting" them.
- Carnism: The Haleth have a diet nearly entirely made of meats, or foods mainly storing protein. While they can eat greans, beans and the like, they can get a higher concentration of protein from meats. This is due to their metabolism, as well as the environment they have evolved in.
- Diet: Carnivore
- Diet is comprised mostly of meat as a main source of Protein, the most important nutrient necessary for their metabolism. Lean meats such as foul, boar, or equine fauna is best for those who tend to be of a lean but still fit build. Most members who take nourishment from Red meats, or bloody meats tend to on the more bulky side. While the require a high concentration of Protein, some members are known to farm beans, consume eggs of fowl, aquatic fauna, or even nuts, or seeds when in a pinch. However, eating an egregious amount of non-meat foods can cause stomach issues, indigestion, Runny stools, and even in extreme cases can cause one to hurl up the contents of their stomach.
- Communication: Various
- Sign Language: The Haleth use various languages depending upon the individual, as well as the situation. Many know various forms of Basic, such as Galactic or Imperial basic, however a language that all learn is that of a hand, or sign language performed by hand movements, and facial expressions. This language deemed "Holreth" is named after an individual who happened to be deaf. This language has been developed over many years and is very much considered in its infancy. However, it has many words, letters, numbers, and even phrases that are symbolized by motions, and actions of the hands.
- Knuusdoha: The written form of their runes, and hieroglyphics has been named Knussdohna. An amalgamation of the first three letters spelled out phonetically. These runes hold power in their beliefs. As such, writing, and the ability to learn how to write such forms is normally limited for the Ulorkos, or the common folk. This is because the runes are said to hold power with magiks, and thus cannot be wielded by them, for fear of accidentally injuring themselves, or others. Many of these symbols are used with war paint, Tattoos, inscriptions upon weaponry, armor or other artifacts, or even written onto a scroll, or parchment to detail events. Many times, it is believed that writing out the runes can only be done with pure intent. Having doubt in what is written, can cause an individual to suffer bad karmic actions performed against them by the gods, others around them, or even themselves.
- Nol: Derived from the word of "Voice" or "Speak" Nol is the spoken language of the Haleth. It is unsure where it had evolved from, but takes a few key linguistics from Galactic basic, Rhyl, Mando'a, and Hutteese to make a form of guttural, sharp and abrupt vocalization.
- Technology level: Rudimentary
- While most of their technology is based around using rather privative weaponry, being enhanced through their magiks, it is not so far from the possibility to rapidly evolve. Due to many forms of technology being found about the Netherworld from multiple happenings, as well as those who would seek to travel in the realm, There are a rare few who are able to use and harness technology to some degree, but they are few and far between. Many of the older members of the Haleth believe it to be heresy or blasphemous to use such "machinations." These devout tend to be individuals from the Anulthine race. Fearing that using technology would produce dangerous effects for those who can use their Magiks. More often, it is the common folk who will use technology due to their lack of ability with magik.
- Religion/Beliefs:
- Qxinae: A pantheon of many, Many gods and goddesses. These individuals are believed to be beings such as themselves, but have become gods through apotheosis. Becoming more than what they were meant to be. While they are not considered to be "holy" or in some pantheons of these deities to be "All powerful" or "All knowing" they were once Haleth. Beings that were fallible and now have become much more. Most who have become as such are labeled as "Aneir" or Minor Gods, while the "Kraneir" are the Major Gods. The largest difference of what determined this belief system, is that Major gods have a rule, or dominion over aspects in which other Minor gods can interact with, but Major Gods have full control of such, while minor gods only have a portion. A well known example of such would be the God "Achhal" being the Ruling lord of Conflict, battle, and Warfare, the Minor goddess of "Vonnaa" is that of Strategy, and Battlefield tactics. Many beings pray to both of these gods when in conflict, but the Infantry will be more leaning towards Achhal, while Vonnaa is more suited for commanders, or leadership.
- Major Gods & Goddesses
- Tyrixk - Lord of the Gods, Ruler of Water, rivers, and is considered the Life giver. As all Haleth are molded after him. Typically depicted as a larger Male individual that wields a spear that has two serpents coiled around the head to create a "Trident" like weapon.
- Gol: Lady of the Gods. Birth-mother of the Netherworld, and was the goddess who had provided Magik, Learning, Motherhood, and surprisingly, the emotion of wrath.
- Achhal - Brother of Tyrixk, Wedded to Gol, and is the Lord of Conflict, Battle, and Warfare. Most often depicted wielding a large battle ax, and covered in furs of prey, as well as scalps of enemies.
- Nikka - Goddess of Flame, Pain, and hardship. Typically prayed to in hard times, or when desiring another to be afflicted with poor attributes. Many times, she has been depicted with a dagger in one hand, and the Knuudohsa symbol for "Heart" or "Soul" in the other.
- Solihk - God of the Skies, stars, and Light. More often shown as a personage bathed in an aura of light, or a white flame, Solihk is the brother of Gol, and can be seen wielding a large claymore-like weapon.
- Gethel - A woman of all beauty, she is the Lady of emotions, Magik, and of the flesh. Many who have attributed medics, healers, Magik, and emotional connections, or uses tend to pray to her. More often than not, a Healer on the battlefield will pray to both Gethel, and Achhal for aid.
- General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
[ Include a description of the species history here. If your species is genetically engineered or Sithspawn please describe the process through which they were created, by who, and why. Explain the various challenges encountered during their creation. Most galactic species will be quite old - include major events relevant to the species in how they evolved and developed into what they are today where appropriate. Including Chaos canon events, where they impacted the history of this species, is a plus. ]
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