Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Half-Back From Unannounced LOA

Some of you might have noticed the fact that I haven't been posting (or even appearing online) for a little bit. Why? Well, er, you know, school. But a few issues were resolved and I'm still on track to graduate a year or two late. Not the best, but still pretty good considering the health problems I've had these past few years. Either way, don't worry. I'm doing pretty well. And I've still got plenty of time to do even better.

Within a few days I should be back to posting regularly on the site with the following characters: Drapeam Nyx, [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"], [member="Svarin Wolfbane"], [member="Vhrendai Embersky"], [member="Penn Novella"], and maybe a bit of [member="Nemesis K. Khurshid"]. The first two and Penn are my priorities at the moment. Other characters will probably be used, just not as much.

Have a wondrous day, fellow writers!
[member="Drapeam Nyx"] Welcome back - was just wondering if everything was alright with you.

Also I just realized you have Ellie as a play-by for a character. You should feel bad for reminding me of how emotionally crippled I am by that game. -__-
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]
You were concerned about me?
I'm not sure whether to fangirl because you know who I am or apologize profusely for making you sad/worried.
And, uh, yeah, I should say sorry.

My sincerest apologies dear Madam, I never meant to cause the resurfacing of foul memories. I assure you that the sight of such a wondrous, but pained, little lass like Ellie gives me a chill as well. Poor darling has been through so much...
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Did you make a dark side clone of the Jedi Grandmaster?
Oh wait... Ire has a sort of GF again... darn it.
Oh wait... Nyx has an iffy sexuality at the moment... it is to early for her to ooggle the boggles.

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