Keepin Corellia Weird
Location: Cantina, Unknown World in the Kathol Rift
Glavo Pahro, the former Republic Jedi Knight known of Julius Sedaire, who would later become a Master of the New Jedi Order in the Galactic Alliance, and then drift into true Rogue status, sat unknowing at a sabaac table. A positively mind-boggling pile of credits sat next to him. A crowd of utterly disbelieving denziens of the cantina watched the grizzled Green Jedi flip over his third Idiots Array of the night. Truth be told, the luck he was having made even him nervous and anxious. But it was just as if the Force spoke to him. Reading the emotions of the other gamblers, instinct... It all came together in this. But he was pretty sure it was immoral to be doing thus.Just in case, a lightsaber was tucked into his sleeve. Dissembled to pass through weapons detectors at the door, once he was within it had been easy... He had excused himself to the bathroom to assemble it, knowing the detectors were at the entrance only. And of course, everywhere in the Rift allowed a bit of protection. It was a frontier world. Some protection was allowed, and so his MP-1 was strapped low on his thigh in a holster, and Leviathan Bracers covered his wrists, a beloved and much worn green cloak draped about his chair like a jacket.
"Well gentleman... I believe that is where I bid you all adieu and join the rest of the bar... To be fair, life was generous to me. More than, so I will happily buy you each whatever you desire. Drink, woman, man, spice.... One vice, so nice, on me."
The protests died quickly as he sauntered up to the bar and then ordered a Corellian whiskey, on the rocks, and waited as he passed on instructions.
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