War Doc
The Halls of Healing at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant had fallen quiet as the evening hours crept in. Jalen had been busy helping patch up those who had lingering ailments from Tython, a recent disaster which had seen the Galactic Alliance fail to retake the ancient homeworld of the Jedi Order. He was exhausted, not that he'd show it. Rather grievous injuries had wound up before him, things that took a little more reassembling than taking a Bacta bath. Yet, with all that said and done the day was over. Jalen let his tall, lanky figure slump down into one of the desk chairs, a heavy breath escaping his chest.
He was probably ready to be knighted now. Jalen knew that as well as anyone. Yet even so, here he was with a braid still on his head. There was something that he wasn't ready to let go of yet. More time. He needed more time to train.
Days like this made him miss that night he had spent with

Maybe it was his brain telling him he needed a vacation.
"Medical staff log, three-zero-four..." Jalen began, speaking into a recording device, "Twenty-three patients admitted, eighteen cleared for leave... two critical condition. No casualties to report. South wing bacta supply is low. Request for restock. End log."
Over three hundred logs now... the end of the year would be coming soon. Jalen could only hope that it would spell a decrease in critical injuries at his table. Jalen slipped the recording device back into his desk. With nothing else to do, the blind man retrieved his Hallikset and began to mindlessly strum at the cords.
Just to clear his head.