Mandalorian Outpost
New and Old collided on Dxun.
A divine contrast existed in the form of the Outpost's Forge. You see, among the ranks of the Aka'liit stood Mandalorians of many walks. Some held an almost religious reverence for the ancient methods - preferring to work fabled beskar without the usage of modern equipment. Conversely, there stood a generation who had no qualms with modern techniques. As such, in the interest of serving all needs, the Outpost did not select a single method to equip. Rather, it accommodated both in tandem. Side-by-side did the ancient and modern stand - two workspaces within arm's reach of one another. However odd it may have looked to an average soul, this arrangement worked.
And speaking of odd, the Forge was currently empty.
At this hour, several hands would have descended upon the equipment. Some would have wanted to make adjustments or repairs to their armor before the next engagement. Others would want to tinker or create. Yet this day, a standing order had been issued by the Mand'alor himself. This day, the Blades of Mandalore would have their time to work the Forge in peace. The congregation dedicated to protecting their liege had little time to spare as of late - how could they? In the wake of Mandalore's near destruction, there were plenty of souls who hungered for the Sole Ruler's blood...or mantle. It, then, fell upon their shoulders to prevent the untimely demise of their culture's foundation.
For, in the past, the Mandalorians survived without Mandalore.
But without a Mand'alor, the people crumbled.
As such, for a single day, the Blades' momentous responsibility would be shelved. For a single day, they would have the time to Forge their weapons, repair their armor, and ready themselves for whatever laid in waiting. This was their chance to prepare - and by the gods above they would seize it.
[member="Tyra Gozen"], [member="Jagen Wren"], [member="Xander Carrick"], [member="Malok"], [member="Odion Kryze"]