Serren Leonis
It was a good plan, Serren would see. Holden just had little time to explain it. Well, he had no time to explain it. The truth was, he was making it all up as he went, but that was not something he was about to admit to an assassin that clearly had control issues. Oh, it was obvious that she liked to have every dot and dash on every letter that required them before even moving forward. It made her good, and allowed her to exploit what little predictability Tark had.
That was the thing about Holden though, he was rarely predictable.
“My hands are up, and I don’t have a weapon in them,” he shouted once it was clear the turret was manned.
He shot his hands up for all of them to see as he walked out.
“I would not take that case if I were you. First off, bozo the clown here did not even think to check if there was a tracking device on the case when he stole, and number two, if you do my very trigger happy friend is going to blow all of us to smithereens.”
Holden pointed to the turret which was promptly aimed at the ship.
“So here is the deal, we could have killed all of you by now, and taken the case back, easy peasy. However, I figured that everyone here would prefer to work this out and walk away breathing, no harm no foul.”
They would be so lucky if that happened. What they did not know was Holden’s datapad was busy cloning the ship’s transponder while he was stalling. Oh, they were going to take his offer. They may be able to kill Holden, but they would not be dumb enough to test whether or not his “partner” had the guts to pull the trigger and make good on his threat.
It was not a threat, and Holden was not bluffing. Besides they were about to need a change of britches when he told them who they were stealing from.
“This really the best offer you’re going to get. Now, if you go along with this, I can forget this ever happened when I explain to
Jolene Bastra
why I was delayed.”
Their eyes went wide at the name. The case was promptly tossed to Holden. He checked to ensure the idol was there, and intact. It was. The Corellian nodded to both parties.
“I am so glad we could all see eye to eye on this one.”
Without much more words exchanged, they all started to go their separate ways. By the time Serren reached the bottom of the stairs from where the turret had been, Holden was waiting for her, leaning against the wall.
“Told you I would get the idol back…”