Grey Eyed Hero
Jasper hadn't thought about the Maw in some time now. He was far to focused on relief efforts, delivering aid to those being afflicted by the ensuing crusades. This all changed, however, when activity came up on his radar. It wasn't much, only a small raiding force that had attacked Selvaris from deeper in the unknown regions. A warlord state, clinging onto territory in old Maw territory near Exegol. He reasoned that this was something that he would attend to personally...
But not alone.
"Bastards always had a taste for miserable planets," Jasper noted with a scoff, looking through a pair of binocs.
Marissa was here with him, which was at the very least a comforting presence. They had good synergy, and it had been a while since they had gotten their hands dirty together. In this instance there was less fire and cyborgs, but Mawite raiders and whatever gross Sithspawn lie within had it's own charm. He didn't mind the chilly weather, but the snow was irritating. He perched himself on the hilltop they had set down on in a manner to not get his flight suit wet, assessing a structure below. It was blasted to hell, covered in scarring left behind by turbolaser fire. Still it stood, suggesting that it was only an outer shell for a much deeper structure. That made infiltration far more interesting.
"Their gear is junk," he relayed as he analyzed the guards. "They're running E-5s... they gotta be down on their luck."
Prone to misfire, terrible accuracy... There was a reason there were so many of the model manufactured. They wanted quantity, not quality.
"Ten guards up top," the knight continued. "Shifts are unorganized from what I've gathered. These guys are holding on by a thread. I figure killing the top dog will send them runnin' for the hills."
Jasper would turn to his partner, giving a playful smile. He had always been curious about how she operated in the field covertly, what with all of her modifications and fancy CorpSec training. The knight couldn't help but express a little excitement about going into battle with her, if not to just see her kick some poor soul's teeth in. He wasn't often eager to do work like this otherwise, but he had exceptions.
"Whaddya think, M?" Jasper asked with a grin. "Group tally or are we keeping a personal score?"