Dust circulated around the woman, kicked up by the gusts of wind that blew in from the exposed balcony of the spire. Transparisteel was scattered along the floor, alongside a throne; the former broken by the fall of Darth Junra and the latter destroyed by the thronebreaker himself, Mikhail Shorn. The hum of Darth Ayra's Lightsaber shone in the moon light of Coruscant, so far up was the spire that it was one of the few places that the satellite could reach them. Events were taking place around the Sith Lord, as they schemed and fought their way to supremacy over the One Sith, but the blonde fury that stood at it's centre took no notice.
A tremor took hold of the Sith Lord's soul and threatened to tear itself apart. So powerful, that it nearly brought the woman to her knees. A hand lifted from the side of Darth Ayra to her stomach, as her spare hand held the cylinder shape of her Lightsaber hilt. It continued to hum in it's activation, but she paid it no attention nor the One Sith that stood around her.
The dust continued to swirl, before it's dispersed across the spire and out towards the balcony. Her yellow eyes lifted from where Pandeima had been stabbed towards the Sith Lord's remains. As her apprentice watched on, the dust dispersed completely until Ayra could see it no more.
As she watched on, memories came to mind. With the use of her Lightsaber, Darth Ayra had severed a relationship that had lasted decades. They had promised not to do this to one another, yet the work that they had done together had to be protected. In the end, Ayra's Sith Master had lacked the necessary qualities to do what needed to be done to protect their secrets. Pandeima had not expected the betrayal and her apprentice sensed that she did not fully understand it neither.
Turning her Lightsaber off, Darth Ayra lifted the cowl of her robe over her blonde head and headed towards the exit. Tears streamed down her face as she left, the hood shielding them from the One Sith. As she thought about what she had done, Ayra heard the familiar sounds of a carnival atmosphere...
Several years ago...
The carnival was buzzing, full of families, children and the odd date looking to win toys from vendors, board rides and buy candy floss. Neon lights were a flurry of euphoria that added to the atmosphere. Laughter, conversations and the sound of carts on nearby roller coasters were joined by vendors attempting to draw in punters to play their games. It would be like this for another four days in Hanna City park.
Alicia Drey wore a hoodie, hands tucked into it's pockets and sat on a bench, watching a family walk by. She scowled. A hand lifted from the pocket and her eyes lowered to the chrono on it to check the time. They would be here for another few hours. Her family were in the vicinity, but she paid them no attention. She hadn't even wanted to go. "What a waste of time," Alicia thought, eyes following the farris wheel as it spun with it's occupants on board. "I wished I was home."
Blowing a piece of bubble gum, the fourteen year old continued to sulk.