Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hanna Nights [Enigma]

| [member="Enigma"] |

The girl lowered herself into one of the sofas in the shuttle, folding one leg over the other. It occurred to her that a stranger had just picked her up from a carnival, who she barely knew. That she was significantly younger than Circe. Alicia had violated every rule there was when interacting with strangers, but that was the naivety of youth.

All she could do was wait and see what happened next.
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

The smile crossed her face stepped over to the kitchenette, making a quick mean of minced nerf steak for herself and her guest. For the former dish that would be going down her gullet, Circe chose a light sauce, creamy with a hint of white wine for taste. For Alicia, however, she decided on something a bit more exotic - a black, sweet barbecue sauce that very, very faintly radiated the Dark Side. "If you'd like me to get something else, I'll gladly do so."

Hopefully, though, she wouldn't be so reluctant to try a new taste.
| [member="Enigma"] |

The meal was exquisite. As she ate the meal, Alicia couldn't help but comment. "You're a very good cook, Circe. Where did you learn how to cook?" Obvious small talk, from a nervous girl.
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

Circe gave a slight, barely noticeable grimace. "From my past. I was a... a servant, initially. This being well prior to my learning the ways of the Force. My master attempted to do horrible things to me, which has always been one of the reasons why I have had a somewhat dysfunctional view of life. I try to keep it in check, though - the Force is quite a useful tool in doing such." She smiled, looking over the young woman.

"Are you ready to eat dessert?"
| [member="Enigma"] |

"Yes." Alicia leaned backwards in her seat, leg raised over the other in a cross, arms lain backwards as she observed the woman. Her fingers ran through the dark blonde hair that sat on her shoulders, a curious expression on her face. She didn't understand it, but Alicia was physical attracted to Circe. Young, predictable and naive, she served as the perfect little girl to mold into the galaxies most powerful woman.

837 ABY...

It had begun to rain. Water pelted the steel surface of Coruscant, as a hooded Sith Lord emerged from the Imperial Citadel. Ahead, waiting for her, was the Niathal-class transport. Darth Ayra paused, her eyes focused on the ship and the two Sun Guards who had accompanied her and Darth Pandeima to Imperial Center. They had spent a lot of time in that ship, flying about the galaxy. The trip on Muunilinst came to mind, for a moment. That was how she had discovered Sojourn and the Sun Guards that served her there.

Now she was gone. Obliterated. Betrayed. Deceived.


As she climbed into the Niathal, lowering the cowl of her robe and settling herself down into a seat, feeling the damp on her clothes from the rain outside, Ayra wondered how many had felt the way she did in the Order of Sith Lords. Surely it was a significant achievement to have defeated your Sith Master? The point of a Sith apprenticeship was to pass on your legacy and knowledge, so that it could continue long after your life had expired. It would have been a momentous moment. A day of days.

But all she felt was sorrow.

"Madam, where shall we take you?" asked the Sun Guard. Ayra lifted her gaze to the man, studying him with a parted mouth. Grief was etched over her features. She sensed that he was taken aback. Where Alicia Drey was normally a conceited, proud and self assured woman who spoke and act with authority, sat a tame imitation of that person.

"Sojourn. Bring me to... Sojourn."
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

The food and drink were almost equally corruptive as Circe's own presence. Each day, she taught Alicia more and more about the Force, and how to use it to achieve her own ends. The descent into corruption would be truly glorious as each year she aged, drawn further into the web of darkness and deception that Circe had woven around her prey. Until one day...

"Alicia... I believe the time has come for you to formally become my apprentice."
| [member="Enigma"] |

832 ABY...

Three years had passed since Alicia Drey and Circe Savan had met in the Hanna City Carnival. Months would go at a time in which the young and elder woman would not come into physical contact, during which they would correspond with one another via holo mail and communique. The relationship had been kept a secret from her parents, who had noticed a difference in their daughter in the ensuing years. Chandrilian authorities would not take kindly to an elder woman of stature, such as Circe Savan, meeting with a teenager such as Alicia Drey and the activities that they held together in secret.

Edison had once commented at a family meal that she seemed happier, more vibrant and yet there was a certain darkness surrounding their daughter that he and Anatasia, her parents, found troubling. They referred to normal teenage behavior, with hormones rife and so on. But there seemed to be something much deeper about it and they couldn't place their finger quite on it.

The meeting point was Hanna City, in one of Circe's lavish cars that she had hired for the day. With the drive opening the door for her, Alicia climbed into the back and instantly jumped into the arms of her girlfriend, embracing her in a hug. "I missed you," she said, leaning backwards. No response came for a time. Alicia had never seen the look on Circe's face before. "What's wro-"

"Alicia... I believe the time has come for you to formally become my apprentice."

Taken aback, Alicia moved into the seat beside the woman and asked, "What do you mean?"
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

Circe motioned for the driver in question to move on, allowing for him to continue driving as she looked over at the young woman she had begun to corrupt in question. "I suppose you deserve an explanation, Alicia. But first, please, drink." She gave the young woman a glass of a purplish liquid that, while thick, seemed to fizz as though it were a soft drink. "You see, I'm a bit different from what you would ordinarily expect. By now, you can likely sense the feeling of something emanating from me. That feeling is called the Force." She herself drank from a glass of alcohol that appeared to be a very thin shade of green.

"What you are, Alicia, is Force-Sensitive. You have the potential for tremendous power in the Force, a power that resonates within all life forms. This power can showcase itself in one of two ways - the Dark Side and the Light Side. I myself utilize the Dark Side, as far more impressive rituals and the like. I believe the term people like you would use is 'Sith.'" She was indeed a Sith - Darth Pandeima, Sith Lord of the Sith Empire to say the least - and had the power to prove it.

"And here I am, desiring to take you on as my apprentice. My dark apprentice. I will teach you the ins and outs of how to utilize the Dark Side to your own advantage. You will become strong in it, filled with it, and turn yourself into a vanguard of destruction towards anyone who dares get in your way." Such seemed simple enough.

"I have your first step already planned out."
| [member="Enigma"] |

Alicia drank the contents of the cup. She wasn't sure whether she enjoyed the taste or not. As she lowered the drink and listened to Circe, her expression steadily grew from a somber expression to one of disbelief. How could this be true? How did she have powers that a Jedi had? She had never even heard of a Sith before. Yet here she was, sat in the same car with one. One that she had been with for over three years now.

In a way, it explained the clandestine behavior. Why she had never revealed to her parents about her sexual preferences or where it was she went; and eventually they had grown to stop asking, content that their daughter was doing and exploring things a teenager would do. Alicia had never violated their rule about bringing trouble to herself or family either, so there was a trust between her and them.

"I don't believe it," Alicia said. "What do you mean by first step?"
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[member="Alicia Drey"]

Circe finished downing the glass of wine, then looked down a tad at the face of the young woman, truly clueless as to the situation. "You have but one obstacle that prevents you from becoming what you have always meant to be. Of accessing the nearly limitless resources available to you - not to mention the power. And that obstacle is your family." Silently, she produced from within her attire a long cylindrical object that remotely glowed at the end, despite being inactive.

"This is a lightsaber. I will not tell you how to use it, or what its capabilities are. All I will tell you is that you are to eliminate all members of your family with it so you may become the sole inheritor of the family business, not to mention so you may utilize their resources now." If Alicia could do this, Circe would accept her as though she was her own.

"I will disable the cameras. You must merely return the weapon to me. That is all I ask."

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