Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Hansel Aulin

Hansel Aulin


"There can be no peace without war."

NAME: Hansel Dantanian Aulin

ALIASES: Buttercup | The Witch Hunter | Worst Jedi Ever | The Best Jedi Ever | The Greatest Jedi of all time



Force Master | Hunter of Force Users | OutLaw

SPECIES: Jacipri

AGE: 36

SEX: Male

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

HEIGHT: 6'0" (1.82m)

WEIGHT: 185lb (83.91kg)

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Tan and rugged


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :




He is the ultimate survivalist and comes off as if he is only out to save his own ass everyone else be damned. Yet the one person he would have laid his life on the line his sister disapeared a long time ago. His sister was the only person that mattered to him. He really does care about others because no one has ever really stuck there neck out for him. His sister was the only person who ever had his back and now that she is gone he is the only one who has his back.

Outside of that he is always giving some smart-ass remark or another. He hides his rage and anger at the witches and other force users behind his smart mouth. His smart mouth often makes him come off as cocky or a jerk to other people around him. He is also an adrenaline junky which ussually gets him in interest predicaments.

He can be very Obnoxious to those around him but all around a descent guy. Some might consider him cowardly as he avoids fight that aren't his like they are the plague. He is going to lay his life on the line for some dumb old vendetta between your government or order, that isn't his fight. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself and the preservation of his species of which he is possibly the last.

Guns | Women | Action or Comedy Holomovies | Fast Speeders | Explosives | Spaceships | Killing Force Users | Archery | Stand Up Comedy | Gretel Aulin | Himself | Being the Greatest Jedi Ever | Fan Girls | Avoiding Fights he can’t Win | Being Alive | Practical Jokes | Baked Goods | Ice Cold Beer | Surviving

Bad Lying | Admiting he is wrong | Having | Most Force Users | Witches of Dathomir | Witches | Other force entities of great power | Being Dragged into a Fight he has no part in | Being put in life threatening Danger by others | Helping others | All the Jedi Rules | Dying | being severally injured | Anything happening to his pretty face

Adaptable | Adventurous | Capable | Charismatic | Charming | Confident | Creative | Flexible | Freethinking | Genuine | Honest | Independent | Individualistic | Masculine | Observant | Perceptive | Playful | Protective (Of Gretel) | Relaxed | Resourceful | Skillful | Strong | Witty

Abrasive | Arrogant | Blunt | Brutal | Childish | Contemptible | Crafty | Criminal | Cynical | Difficult | Disruptive | Escapist | Impulsive | Inconsiderate | Insulting | Mawkish | Nihilistic | Obnoxious | Opinionated | Opportunistic | Reactionary | Realist | Selfish | Self Preservationist | Thievish | Unprincipled | Venomous | Vindictive

Leather Jacket, Blue jeans, and a t-shirt. He has no concept of formal he has never dressed like a Jedi or force user of any notable order ever in his life. He also has a tattoo of his family crest on his left Bicep, his sisters Initials (GA) on his back at the base of the neck.


After the death of his parents, Hansel's only surviving - and known - relative was his little sister. His parents and family where killed in the Genocide of Jacipri by a group of witches from Dathomir. Hansel and his sister where captured however by the witches and where enslaved. Though captured by the witch Hansel and his sister where often to gether and Hansel declared himself protector of sister. Acting as friend, brother, and parent to his sister as she grew up. Though they were slaves Hansel made his life revolve around his sister. He never really put any thought towards his own future it was all about giving her what she needed or wanted. Both him and his sister where eventually given there freedom in a sense as outsiders they were no longer slaves but they were not allowed to leave Dathomir. They were both integrated into clans.

That was a really long time ago the short of it was eventually Hansel broke away from the witches when they tried sacrifice his sister. He vowed to destroy them all, him and his sister escaped to the Jedi. He was taken in by force user there who had themselves defected from Witches. He managed to reach the rank of master though he isn't technically trained in traditional Jedi way, he has been trained by witches despite despising them. His sister washed out and went to join her former Jedi Master Cord Starfall as a pirate. Hansel himself though stuck with the Jedi though he did engage in criminal activity on the side often helping his sister and the pirates.

On one of those excursions Hansel got trapped in ice. Recently he was unfrozen by some scientists and the realization that he is all alone nearly 800 years int he future has set in. The last of his kind, the last witch hunter one might even say. The greatest Jedi that history doesn't remember, now the war will begin again and this time he has nothing to lose.

"A man with nothing to lose is a dangerous man."
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