Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hansol Mining Corporation

Corporation Name: Hansol Mining Corporation

Headquarters: Demonsgate

Locations: Pergitor: Mining; Arcadia-N-30: Trade post; Demonsgate: Resonance Station

Operations: Mining, material R&D, and shipbuilding

Rationale: Galven
used the vast amount of wealth he had from working with his family to start this company. He also used the profit he had made from the selling of an investment program that was more accurate in predicting future stocks for 40 million credits to a stock trader and receives 5% of the profits from it. This allowed him to easily set up a tier 2 company. He hoped to create a company in The Kathol Outback to support the relatively small Major Faction build its fleet.
With profits quickly coming in Hansol bought more land on Pergitor and bought a small trade outpost in the merchant district on the capital of Arcadia-N-30. This has been going well, and now hopes to get investors from larger corporations to grow to one of the largest mineral suppliers in the southern region of the galaxy.

Tier: 3

Description: Hansol Mining Corporation was created to become a major mining exporter to the galaxy, but specifically The Kathol Outback. Galven Honsol admires the factions ability to give refuge to people and allow people to do whatever business they want to do; Hansol hopes to become a major mineral supplier to the faction and companies loyal to it. He started by placing the H.Q at the Capital of The Kathol Outback to establish good relations with them, then setting up a mining operation on the mineral rich Pergitor planet. With minerals quickly coming in Hansol set up a trade outpost on the busy trade world of Arcadia-N-30, and now has started to attempt to gain investors. Hansol is not afraid to be a monster, and due to Pergitor's unappealing landscape, he is not afraid to absolutely destroy the landscape, although if his public reputation becomes tarnished, he will make changes to increase it again, but will still be hard in the areas people don't see, such as business transactions between smaller enterprises, will always focus on his own personal gain.
Originally Hansol Mining Corporation begun by only mining, but as they grew closer to one faction or another, their focus began to change to a more military focus. The biggest advantage HMC has is that most of their materials are mined by themselves, allowing for their products to be cheaper than most others on the market. The largest advantage gained was the discovery of kyber in an asteroid field near Demonsgate, allowing for the creation of Resonance station, and development of kyber infused weapons.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

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