Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Happy Cinco de Mayo

From your friendly neighborhood Sith Lord. Hope all of you had a good one. :D

I love Cinco De Mayo
And not just because when I was in Kindergarten we celebrated it in class and I ate like five tacos/burrito thingies
But most non-homemade Tacos taste horrible in Washington...
Kind of hard to celebrate the holiday.
And I'm not Spanish, nor Mexican
And I have no idea how to actually celebrate said holiday
I'm not Mexican either. I'm Cuban. ^^ But people celebrate it a number of different ways depending on the culture they come from. If I remember correctly I think the US came up with the holiday anyway, though it does signify some old history, too, in Mexico.
I saw a Mexican kid come to my school dressed in his local traditional clothes. You know the large hat an all. He even came in with a bang like instrument (forgive me for I am ingorant of you ways.)

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