Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Happy new year, folks!


I've been away for about 2 years
Nice to meet you all!

I have a bit of experience with RP, though recently I've hit a wall. It has been a while, my inspiration being very much thwarted as of late. However I got on a Star Wars high after playing through Republic Commando again, and then Rogue One was released which I thoroughly enjoyed. So here I am.

As your average moviegoer with little knowledge of the Legends side of things, I wouldn't call myself a huge Star Wars fan, but I like the universe and it sure would be cool to try out some characters and play around in it. I like to think that I'm quite laid back, feel free to approach me and we can chat about whatever. I'm all for having some chilled out fun, and look forward to RPing with everyone. See you around!
[member="Eventide"] Welcome to the board!

Don't worry too much about not knowing a bunch of Legends canon. That's what Wookieepedia is for if you need to look something up, or ask someone. :) It's totally possible to start RPing here without huge background knowledge.

Glad to have you aboard, and happy new year!

Connor Harrison

[member="Eventide"] Welcome to the Chaos! Enjoy your time here and please just shout any time if you have questions. :)

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?


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