Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
A New Year for the Primeval!
I'd like to start off with that I hope everyone had an enjoyable week of holidays and family time, and that the rest of your year will be great!
I apologize for dropping off the face of the earth for a week, but it wasn't like anyone was going to do much of anything during that week anyway... but I'm back now! I hope to see all of your faces coming on back and doing Primeval-y things for us.
- First act of 2016, I would like to welcome our newest member [member="[member="Dion Kayl"]"]! I hope you find it enjoyable to be here once we really kick off the new year
- Second act of 2016, I'd like to bring our attention back to this thread here, The Darkest Hours. It's a Skirmish with the SSC, GR, and the GA that started before break, that I would like to continue if possible! I'll be posting in it today as one of my other faces, and I hope to see one of yours as well!
- Third act of 2016, I'd like to do a roll call to see who's ready for the new year to begin, and take a poll on what sort of thread we want to start next, hopefully finally solidifying our Civil War arc that started a couple months ago, maybe wrap it up by the end of the month! (Goal)
Have a great day!