Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Happy Triggers

Candez had his little stall set up by his ship. This market allowed small enough ships to land by, and it was these sorts of markets he enjoyed his stay at. It allowed him to bring out all of his wares so easily, bringing them out by crates. He had many projects up his sleeve. Big guns, little guns. Explosives, snipers. Pistols, rifles. Weapons galore.

Candez Stoon did reminisce on some times however. The time under [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]'s service. "Yam? Yam?! You got those rifles down here yet?!" he shouted up the ramp, before looking back to the stall just a bit from the ship.
[member="Candez Stoon"]

There was a lot of names she attempted to keep up with, be they simple friend or mere contacts...however she never truly went out of her way to try and find a loose link. However a name kept popping up into her mind, one she knew ran away with its chain dragging, that was to say he didn't hide very well...but she needed him for more important matters so him dead wouldn't do

So she tracked him down, easy to day the least following a advertisement of a company...selling none other then guns...yet also made guns? Now this for sure made star curious, that little fether was climbing up

She started approaching the stall, opting out of her armor and instead wore robes that hid her face

excuse me sir...might I have your attention

The clattering of credits could be heard
Candez Stoon waited rather impatiently, and moved just aside for Yam Yaw to move down the ramp with a hoverlift, a crate atop it filled with rifles. That was when he heard a customer, and the familiar sound that got hands rubbing together. He turned rather quickly, pulling his red tinted goggles over. "Hello hello, Candez Stoon. How might I help another customer? Looking for a sturdy rifle for some range? Something to turn your enemies into nothing but a mess?"

He couldn't see whom it was, and their voice he didn't recall not one bit. So he couldn't study what kind of person, except perhaps secretive. "Maybe....I have something for the secretive type. A compact shotgun, how's that sound?"
[member="Candez Stoon"]

oh...maybe I'll buy that after...I wanted to talk to you about bulk private iv we can...I'd hate for...ears to listen

She said leaning in and whispering, star kept her voice a bit different, hoping to keep throwing off candez...least till they got into the ship
Candez gulped. It wasn't odd that someone asked him for a private meeting. He always came prepared for such situations, and he nodded his head towards behind his ship then began to lead the way. Once there, he was quick. Turning on them, keeping a few paces off with his armed WMB bracer at the ready. "Now...we have private. You try anything, you're must realize I am quite the cautious type" he said, keeping his gaze on them. Were they truly just a customer just willing for a more private business meeting, or was this a bounty hunter? Candez knew he still had some...he just over exaggerated how badly.
[member="Candez Stoon"]

She followed him, looking around as she stopped seeing him back up a bit, she gave a smile as she nodded her head

believe me, you should know that is I really wanted to...

She pulled her hood back revealing her face, eyes staring directly into his

I could've taken you easily candez, but that's not why I'm here...I require something actually business actually

She had a hand on her saber just in case
Candez seized up. And cursed in his head. How was he always getting in these types of situations? " got none of your guards this time? What, looking for a round two now?" He knew better to antagonize her but he wanted to know just what her game is. She suggested business, he laughed at that. "Oh really? More 'under your wing' stuff? I've got myself a group now, Star. You want my help, you gotta hire me." He was doing no more work for free, he was doing it for credits. Whatever the work was. He kept his bracer trained, and his gloved hand at the ready.
[member="Candez Stoon"]

do not be so bold candez, me and you both know that if I really wanted to you would already be on the ground

She slowly worked the force into his bracer, working out a few pieces here and there just as a precaution nothing that would....permanently break it. She placed her hands behind her back and stood straight

why would I hire you? I dont not NEED you I need your weapons...enough to arm a small force
Candez Stoon narrowed his eyes. Yeah, she was right. "Can't blame a guy for trying...but" he lowered his armed hand, still eyeing [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]. "You're right, I would be down by now. So you have my full attention, then." Still, he kept himself ready. Just in case anything was tried, at all. Just in case...

"Weapons? You need my weapons? Well that's surprising...I've got enough though" Candez answered back to her. "It'll cost you." And, depending on what exactly she wanted it would cost a lot.
[member="Candez Stoon"]

glad we are in agreement about that, only reason why I'm not going to a big arms place is I need this to be damn near silent...a wars brewing candez

She said stopping in front of him and looked him right in the eyes as she took a breath and sighed out

I need three thousand rifles, pistols, and shotguns...I'll throw in a bonus if you can get me a 1000 it rocket,launched, or hand held....[/cllor]
Candez Stoon had heard on the holonews. Commenor. He knew right away what she meant. But how much would one need for a war effort? Five hundred? One thousand? He was obviously thinking too little. He almost choked on his own air at hearing her request, coughing. "Th-Three thousand?! Are you supplying just one army or multiple?" He was very caught off guard by this. And once he regained his composure, he narrowed his red eyes on her.

"Two thousand. and Two hundred explosives" he countered. Candez had a small company, and such a request was big. Really big. Plus he had other customers to satisfy.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
[member="Candez Stoon"]

does it matter what I supply? in the end you get a sheb ton of credits from me....and that number I'd fine...I want them delivered within 2 galactic standard months ...3 if needed but no more then 3

She said crossing her arms remaining set in that deadline as she gave a little nod and took a breath, hen she suddenly smirked and chuckled

I cant believe you started going big time candez...surprised me actually I would've hought youd of stayed small time
Candez smiled a bit, usually people pushed when asking for an amount he couldn't supply. "It doesn't matter, no. Hell, you could supply a bunch of galactic terrorists. You forget, I have no morals" he reminded as he moved by her and back around to the stall. "I'll get it to you, just tell me a drop point. Will need to make more than one trip, though." He explained the situation to Yam Yaw, who nodded and started to pack up. Candez helped by packing all the weapons into a crate, then pushed the crate to her. "Here's your first shipment. You want help, Yam will push it." That got a disbelieving grumble.

"Hey, I had to at some point. I got debts. And ideas, so many ideas. Plus I' a gang now" he said, recalling the rule. "Gotta earn my keep."
[member="Candez Stoon"]

I'll tell you where to drop when done... you obviously must understand with the current state of things I can not risk anything

She looked to yam and smirked

good to see you still kicking you thick headed brute

She said with a teasing voice before turning back to candez, she looked the rifles over and nodded as she sat the rifle down and chuckled

I cant hate you to much...I was once a criminal myself, but I guess you can say I grew out of it...sort you can see here

She said and flashed a smile
Yam gave a grunt. He recalled the fight and how much of a punch her forces gave. Meanwhile Candez gave her a subtle surprised look. "Really? You? A criminal? I couldn't imagine that, the righteous vengeful Stardust a criminal. Oh, I am not gonna let that one go" he said. And he smiled lightly. But it was a bit of a sad smile. Yes, he had no morals. Yes, he didn't thoroughly enjoy working under her. But, it had been fun. And she had been very generous towards him. "I won't be able to carry all the ships, not in one go."
[member="Candez Stoon"]

She rolled her eyes and waved her hands to quiet him before smirking

yeah yeah yeah we all do stupid stuff once in awhile right? I cant admit and say I didn't have fun back then but things change a lot...

She gave a soft smile...then looked away remembering those days as she took a breath and sighed turning her attention to him

I'll provide a freighter, so you can do so in one go no charge at all
Not fun? What in this business was not fun? "Come now, what ain't fun with a bit of freedom? Exploring, pirating, smuggling. It's all so exciting, don't you think?" He nodded to the promise of a freighter but still with so many weapons to deliver it'll be multiple trips. Unless it happened to be a really big freighter. Then maybe, just maybe it could be one go. " got hit hard, didn't it?" he asked. Candez knew it would be touchy. Yet still, he asked. He wanted to know just how bad this whole situation was.
[member="Candez Stoon"]

She sat there chewing her lip a little, looking away for she broke into a laugh and nodded holding her hands up like she was caught

alright you got me it was a hell lot of fun, I actually started out doing small runs with fighters then just grew from there hiring myself to be a ace pilot joined up with a few was...simple back then really

She said as she chuckled and sighed, growing silent as commenor was brought up she glanced around, then back to him nodding solemnly

they destroyed a entire city...8 million dead just like that...they besieged the planet...I only escaped with my family because of a stleath fighter...
Candez hadn't ever heard her laugh. It was a nice change from when she was staring him down, trying to cut him in half. "I started out in gangs. Making guns that blew fingers off...I've gotten better since, don't worry. These rifles won't blow an arm off, or snap a wrist back." He regretted saying that sometimes his guns exploded, it lost him customers a lot of the time. Upon hearing of Commenor, he grew sad. Though normally he heard of conflicts, a whole city....

"Genocide...look I might not be one for morals but something that big?" He paused for a moment. "Three thousand weapons. I know some people who can lend a hand in transportation too."
[member="Candez Stoon"]

so you've improved the guns? Thank the force I was gonna instruct people to just use them as grenades

She held back a smirk, she looked down as she nodded her head and sighed as she closed her eyes, they shot open hearing him as she looked to him then relaxed and smiled nodding

I'll pay double...and throw in a favor from me...whatever you need done I'll see what I can do...or if you need some extra firepower you got me on call

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