Development Thread: Ask and ye shall receive
Manufacturer: Kuat Drive yards
Model: H.A.R.C-1
Affiliation: KDY(Anyone)
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor
Material: Mostly Durasteel
Description: The HARC Class of ship was designed by Kuat Drive Yards to be an effective hit and run vessel for planetary defense forces needing to strike at more powerful targets that normally they would be unable to damage or even touch.
Because of this significant design function the HARC is extremely fast, its hyperdrive is incredibly advanced and powerful making the ship move from planet to planet faster than most would suspect. The exact same function can be seen in sub-light travel, the HARC is incredibly fast and its engines were designed to cut through space like it was nothing. Its maneuvering capability was incredible outstripping most blockade runners. This however detracted from the ships other systems like its shielding and weapons. As well as this the ship is generally considered to be “ugly” sacrificing bigger sections of armor for slanted edges and deep pits within the hull. This meant that the HARC class could not take as many direct hits as other ships of its size, though it did mean that it was less vulnerable to Missiles and kinetic weapons due to its slopped armor nature.
Overall the HARC is designed to move into a system quickly, hit its targets incredibly hard, and then run away as fast as possible. The HARC is not meant to stand up to direct combat, only staying in a fight if it absolutely must. Its weapons systems are designed specifically for this as well.
The two Composite Beam Laser Emitters sit directly at the front of the ship. These CBL's are powered by a sole I-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor, this gives them enough power to punch through most shields and significantly damage hulls. The CBL's themselves fire in short “burst” shots as completely sustained fire has proven to overwork and kill the Reactor that powers the weapons. Because of the nature of this weapon the CBL's can only be utilized when the HARC has its own shielding down making it very vulnerable when in use.
Alongside its more unconventional weapons the HARC also has several other weapons on board. The various laser cannons serve as a means to cover the HARCS immediate field of view in suppressing fire, making it so no fast attack craft can approach the ship without taking serious harm. Meanwhile the 16 proton torpedo launchers on board the ship served the same function as the CBL's. The missiles are fired almost immediately after exiting hyperspace at hard targets, meant to take out any resistance the HARC's CBL's could not take care of(Other Missile ships, Space Station Shields, Small Fighters, etc...)
Classification: Frigate
Role: Fast Attack Craft
Height: 105m
Width: 125m
Length: 325m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: I-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor[2]
Hyperdrive Rating: 1.5
Minimum Crew: 4
Optimal Crew: 150
-4 Ship sized Composite Beam Lasers*
-20 Turbo Laser Cannons
-34 Dual Laser Cannons
-26 Proton Torpedo Tubes
Hangar: 10-16 Various Fighter Classes(Maybe less depending on size)
Non-Combative Attachments: Advanced Sensors array, Advanced Life Support, And Other basic systems.
Passenger Capacity: 50
Cargo Capacity: 3,000 Metric Tons
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 4