Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hard rewards means hard work


Since Striders death she realized that her armor wasn't going to cut it anymore. It was weak and flimsy and an embarrassment to madolorian armors. The problem is she can't trust the people she grew up around. Something was off, maybe it was her or something else but it has been bothering her. She didn't get closure so that could be it. Her mind was everywhere but reality she couldn't make clear choices or sleep well. All she wanted to do was fight then fight some more to make her father proud. Mercs legion had become a home away from home for her. Somewhere that isn't just mandoa but normal people looking for any work. She founded it even looking for locations to set up.

Still it was a dangerous world and she needed the prized metal to protect her. With contacts she'd found someone who would aid her in mining the stuff. She wasn't strong to lug metal around but she did know a location of the metal one untouched by many. Nightfall was hitting fast and she was alone. Cynthia lent against the wall of the cave her eyes draw to the fire.

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] Ξ [member="Matreya"]

Ghorua the Shark trudged, his every step determined and upbeat. He had never been to Mandalore, but had heard great things about its people. Mostly their warrior heritage and current skirmishes with the Republic, but coming in a close third was beskar, an extremely tough metal. Ghorua had done phrik raids before, but beskar was on a whole different level. Plus, from the way his new employer contacted him, it seemed there would be little conflict, which the Herglic was fine with. Despite his immense musculature, Ghorua enjoyed not bashing someone's skull in every half-hour.

He had made his way into the wilderness on his ship, the Whalebone, and had dropped off the ship a few miles away. At the moment, he was searching for his client. He'd gotten rough coordinates to the beskar mine, but he still had to search. The massive bounty hunter reasoned that if it was this hard to find a mine, it must be ripe with the super-metal. The sun had started to set, and Ghorua was beginning to lose hope, when he saw the distant flickering light of a campfire. Smiling under his helmet, Ghorua began to tromp towards the source of the fire.

It was probably terrifying, the sound of a massive creature coming closer and closer to the cave. Ghorua was indeed something terrifying. Recent genetic modifications have turned the already large Hunter into a 10-foot-tall goliath, with rows of serrated teeth, and muscles larger than most people's torsos. The sight would be made more terrifying by the hulking Koodan-class armor that he wore, black with the darkening skies overhead. TO avoid taking whoever was at the campfire completely off-guard, he called out. "Hey! I'm here looking for..." he pulled out his datapad, and checked the message he was sent about the job. "...Cynthia Garon. I'm supposed to be doing a job for her."

- [member="Cynthia Garon"] - [member="Matreya"] -
Ijaat muttered as he shrugged into his duster and flared the collar a little bit, then tossed his poncho over his frame and settled his favorite hat onto his head. The DE-10's rode low in the gun-belt, his shotgun and blade in their accustomed places as well. This little errand wasn't worth putting on full beskar'gam really, but it did necessitate showing up and figuring out what the kark was going on. And if it came down to it, well... He was pretty much always ready to fight since Selvaris, and his abilities were less obvious than beskar plating. The bandoleer holding the various grenades tight to his chest chafed a bit, and he spent a moment adjusting it, and noting the bronzium caps on his boots could use a buff and polish to get off some of the scrapes and scruffs. But that could come later, this errand wasn't such that it needed them now. No, just chasing some kids out of property and that was about it. He was supposed to go fishing today too, of all days for some punks to show up at a cave system just identified as having beskar within House Mereel territory.

Easing outside of the meeting locale, he nodded to the squad of House Mereel bodyguards, all outfitted in that ingenious new mandalorian steel that was spreading like wildfire. When they had begun to prove and distinguish themselves, maybe he'd tell someone to put them in beskar... But for the moment, the new metal more than sufficed, and the armor they were in was modulated to fit their individual styles and abilities. Ten strong, a unit just like the old Supercommando Codex advised, when he wasn't too busy lounging, he would pop out of nowhere to the training facility on his island and watch them train, or help train them himself. Promising men and women, each and every one of them. Not perhaps ones who would go down in fame and glory, but solid and dependable soldiers, the lot of them.

Approaching the campfire, he merely stepped inside the circle of the light from it, ignoring the beast he assumed was a Herglic. He had seen Mark III Dread Guard. Helped create and train them, briefly, on Mustafar and other places. The bulk and hulk was nothing more than an amusing reminder that people were constantly turning without to compensate for what they lacked within. Reaching up, he flicked his hat forward and tossed the butt of a cigarra into the fire and lit another, inhaling sharply as the flickering light shone across the t-visors of the squad following him. They were locked into transmitting back to some near the compound by Keldabe, which was supposed to be relaying to the Alor'e Council, because he was trying to play by the rules now-a-days. And besides, his authority to do this rested on their authority. He'd rather not tango with the roided out whale unless he had to. No sense in pushing and maybe breaking a sweat, after-all.

"Mind tellin me what a herglic and an Initiate is doing on my land, prepping for what looks like a raid to steal beskar I legally own? Downright disrespectful when a man my age is supposed to be retired, and instead has to come teach some young pup the ropes. Beskar ain't so common we can afford to just let it go freely like the old days. And I damned sure ain't armoring Willy the Whale here in the iron of my blood and people. Particularly when no one asked me first, kinda irritates a person, and old age has just made me even more irritable."

Drawing in another sharp inhale on the cigarra, he reached back a bit and clicked back both hammers on the sonic shotgun at his back and smiled as it began to charge with a high-pitched whine, right next to a lovely little concealed knife. A nasty business, that knife, and it would punch through even his enlarged friends armor. And he was sure of his speed against the beast, even Jedi struggled with that thanks to his foray out in the wild. So he smiled as his face was wreathed in blue grey smoke, and he slid the cigarra to the right-sided corner of his mouth, chewing it in place as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck a bit, speaking once more.

"So we'll make this real quick and easy. I am the greeting party. I am Ijaat Mereel, Aliit'buir of House Mereel, empowered by the Alor'e Council as one of it's members, typically en absentia. This ends here and now. Your friend there goes and gets in whatever he came here in and leaves. Or he gets into a pinebox and leaves. Doesn't bother me, I don't know him and so I don't care. You though miss... You however can take whatever you want. I have mining droids, trained smiths... You are welcome to their services, free of charge. But your friend, and any others not of our people, leave without a single ounce of this cave's contents. And they do so now. If not, then i'll have to inform the guards here of your decision, who will inform the Alor'e Council. And that will lead to very large bounties out for both of your capture if you should escape, and the capture of or death of anyone aiding you. It will also likely lead to a very much larger contingent of assorted mando'ade showing up here. And likely both of you rotting in a cell, or dead. Either way, at the end of all this, either you can come out with some beskar'gam, and your friend goes to his next contract, or you both wind up a non-issue, and at the end of both those roads, I go back to my beach and my daiquiris. Choice is yours. Speak and make it quick."

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] | [member="Matreya"] | [member="Cynthia Garon"]
It wasn't the sort of job that Morr was used to taking but the pickings are slim these days. These types of jobs were never his cup of tea but well he could use some beskar as well. After all in his occupation armor maintenance was important. Now this was a curious scene. Two Mandolorians and a beast....thing. Unconcerned he approached with his weapons holstered. As he got closer he couldn't help but overhear the fact that one of them claimed to own the stuff. Turning to the male Morr simply stared at him. After all you couldn't do much in the way of communication if you were mute. After mulling it over Morr decided he didn't give a bantha dung about who owned the stuff. Once that decision was made Morr raised his arm and made an extremely rude gesture. He was sure the male knew what it meant.
[member="Ijaat Akun"] | [member="Ghorua the Shark"] | [member="Cynthia Garon"]
Cynthia would draw her attention away from the fire to the entrance of the cave. No one other than the contacts would have known about the location. A deep voice shouted asking if she was the one who'd contacted the person. Before she spoke she'd move the helm at from in between her arm and body and put it on. "Thats me yeah. You the con..." The person didn't seem to be alone. In fact by the armor it was most likely the mercenary had been followed. "Well if your retired you could have fooled me lugging all that armor around. Besides could you prove ownership of this land?" In fairness she didn't ask for anyone but the contact to be here. "besides your the one been rude showing up uninvited." Her eyes would look directly to the cherry of the ciggerett as he took a drag. It burned red but dimmed quickly as he stopped taking it back to breath put a puff of smoke.

Cynthia waited for the man to stop speaking his arrogant words. She may not be madolorian by blood but she was raised as one by a man far more respectable and honorable than the one stood before her. Although Cynthia could put this to her advantage. She came here to do one thing and that was to gather the iron for her armor. At least finding a Smith to put it together didn't seem such a problem anymore. Still she hated to waste peoples time that she asked for help from. Its the whole reason she had a contingency plan if this mine was actually dry. She walked up close to the contact walking around the blind spot of the other man do and slipped him some paper with the coordinates of the second mine into a satchel. "I'm sorry to have wasted your time. Unfortunately I guess this is where we part ways not that we had a choice in the matter. Ill make sure to compensate you for the troubles."

Walking a little bit further past the behemoth closer to the entrance. "Well then Mereel happy now?" She said in annoyed tone. "Since your here and obviously nothing better to do than follow people I guess you can start by 'showing me the ropes'. Maybe with smithing beskar." Shed walk closer to the entrance of the cave to see yet another person and his rude gesture wasn't well appreciated. "And maybe this person some manners while your at it before I blow off his arm at the shoulder."

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] Ξ [member="Ijaat Akun"] Ξ [member="Morr Zard"]
Ghorua was glad that Cynthia didn't seem to care about his dangerous physique. His grateful mood was short-lived, as he heard armored boots clacking behind him. Ghorua turned his massive body around to see the other Mandalorians, one of them, who seemed to be the leader, was actively trying to ignore the Herglic. When the Herglic was spoken about, he kept his tongue in check, gritting his sharp teeth, once the man had finished talking, the Monster that was Ghorua crossed his plated arms over his chest. "Willy the Whale? That was the best you could come up with. You could have at least tried to disconcert me. Blubber Breath, Lamp Oil, anything else. You insult me with your lack of insult." The Herglic smirked behind his helmet, but his words were laced with primal energy, like a rancor preparing an ambush.

"I was under the impression that the Mando'a valued honor. Yet here you are, a representative, name-calling and being passive-aggressive. I would expect this behavior from a Jawa, or perhaps a small child." He looked behind the Mandalorian to his guards, grinning from ear to ear. He may have just signed his own death warrant, but he thought he had made a good point.

Ghorua turned around again as his employer addressed him. Seeing the note slide into his satchel, he scoffed. "Compensate me for my... You know, this was a waste of my time, and my dignity." The Herglic nodded slightly, and turned around. Walking away from the campfire, Ghorua nodded to the silent Mando behind the leader. "Yeah, what he said," he chuckled to himself, gesturing to the quiet man. With that parting shot, the massive beast began to go back to his ship, intent on leaving the planet for a few days, coming back, and getting what he wanted.

- [member="Cynthia Garon"] - [member="Morr Zard"] - [member="Ijaat Akun"] -
Ijaat merely turned a bit, nodding to the assembled guards as they shifted and eyed the Herglic walking off. There wouldn't be a further exchange of words needed. There was no need and nothing further to be said. Either he would leave, ostensibly peacefully and calmly, or he would be cut down where he stood. Was hardly Ijaat's fault his employer on a job was less than informed as to who owned what and where. Or that he himself was so simplistic to assume Mandalorians would just allow an outsider to waltz on planet, mine some beskar and waltz off with it. And if he thought he'd be free to just come back in system whenever he wanted... Well... He was free to try...Kids today, truly amazed him how they believed the world revolved around their wants and needs and desires. Which brought him to his next point, once he had taken a drag from the cigarra and a swig from a nice looking flask at his hip.

"Kid, I just met you. I barely even know you, or your worth, or anything about you beyond the fact you have an unparalleled ability to both trespass, and then act like it is my fault you didn't do your homework to avoid that. The arrogance in your little demand alone is staggering... Why on earth any of what you just said and did would mean I would show you something I spent decades learning and mastering, that my father and his father did the same for, that I traveled the Galaxy to master a craft of... Well, frankly princess, you can talk a long walk off a short pier if you think I'll be ordered around by some whelp who doesn't even look like she should be off apron-strings. Now, you have your leave of the mine. The guards will be stationed here to see that your friend doesn't come back. I've also let some Protectors know about this, so it is all on the up-and-up. Should your silent friend be there when they show up, he'll be arrested for trespassing and a few other things. Don't particularly care for his tone of voice...You? You'll be allowed enough ore from here for a suit. If you don't know a smith, one of the smiths at Gotal'Veman will be instructed to help you. His name is Jory, good fellow. Trained him a bit myself. Beyond that... Get your rocks, and then get off my lawn."

With that, the aging A'lor stepped back and turned his back to the entire group, rather tacitly declaring he found no threat in the assemblage what so-ever. He spoke for a moment rather quietly to someone with jaigeyes on his helmet, obviously a leader of the squad that had come with him. Either it was private comms, maybe even encrypted, or maybe they just spoke in hushed whispers or something else. Either way, after a few moments Ijaat clasped the guy on his shoulder and nodded promptly, then walked away without another word to anyone assembled. In reality, he'd be in his patrol craft a short distance away, monitoring the entire thing, not one to leave his boys all alone. The assembled Mereel guards said not a word, merely staring impassively at Cynthia, their job clear: Keep watch, make sure no one hindered the lass but under no circumstances were they to help either.

As he walked out of ear-shot, he sent a wave along Protector chanels, having briefly worked with them, as his father had once before.

"Ijaat to all Protectors listening. Got a Herglic, helmet capture pic transmitting, that I want monitored and kindly escorted off planet and out of system. Should likely be placed under a system ban with a bounty, caught trying to steal beskar from a new small time mine I bought up. There's a one Cynthia Garon that was with him, I would like escorted off the premises when she has enough ore for a suit of armor, she can be taken to Gotal'veman for help making it into armor, but after-wards should be informed, I find her on my land again, I'll shoot first before talking. Also a rather silent, broody type near the mine. I'd appreciate him escorted off. Should probably tell him that he steps foot on Mereel land again, my boys have been ordered to shoot to kill for him. Location transmitted along with picture and video of all three... Ijaat out."

[member="Ghorua the Shark"] | [member="Cynthia Garon"] | [member="Morr Zard"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Anija Betna"]
This was undoubtedly a waste of time. Turning to the girl he made an apologetic signal with his hand and walked briskly in the direction of his ship. There was never profit to be made here. After being a bounty hunter and assasin was never a good profession to have while on a planet of honour bound warriors. Seriously it just made living in the galaxy harder. Of course he was being a hybocrite. After all he was one of those honour bound warriors. Maybe he'd see these people again soon but who knows? He learned not to be surprised by life long ago.
[member="Ijaat Mereel"]
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
[member="Cynthia Garon"]
He wondered how the heck did some foreigners landed on Mandalore without a formal invitation from a Mandalorian, but once he heard the report it made sense since a female Mandalorian was accompanying the band. If there's one thing that he predicted that these foreigners were here for is beskar, and his prediction was right when Ijaat informed them. As much as it angered Ijaat it also angered the Field Marshal. Too many "Mandalorians" became a daughter or son of Mandalore just obtain this precious metal that came from the roots of Mandalore.

Moments after the report the Bounty Hunter arrived at the scene of the report with a squad of Protectors with him and were equipped with appropriate weaponry to neutralize these thieves, especially for the Herglic. Being the point leader and with his buy'ce on he approached Ijaat and the trio of thieves with pride. "Now, I'm gonna give y'all warning before I use force on y'all. Come with me quietly or get a beating of your life."

[member="Morr Zard"], [member="Ijaat Mereel"], [member="Ghorua the Shark"], [member="Cynthia Garon"]
She would grit her teeth together tempted by the thought of drawing her shot gun on the man. "At least your father was alive to teach you." She said under her breath. The next time their paths cross Cynthia would be better prepared to take him out in fair combat and a battle to the death as per tradition. Still she came here to do one thing and with the nuisances aside she was going to continue with the use of the droids. "You know your part now move it you buckets of bolts." She said in an aggressive tone. As one walked past she'd shove it to move quicker.

Cynthia was angry and she had all the reason to be. The land was just out side the delusional old mans land. Precisely point four miles out side it. Its not like she'd not do the research first and scouted the location. Just people poking their nose in where it didn't belong. Following the droids in she'd switch to night vision and activate the repulsor crate that was in the shape of a chest. After all she never had just one set of armor. One in her colours and a second in cammo that was still her intentions regardless of the old man. The more she tried to force her mind to the task the more she couldn't hold back the tears. Her eyes blurred from them made it hard to see.

From behind she heard a voice from behind mostly dismissing it. She didn't care, she wanted time away from the madolorians till things cleared up. She wished things would just be okay but the bottom line is that it's not. People just push and push and push without considering how someone felt, what they was going through. Sliding her shotgun from her side she'd place it on the crate and flicked off it's safety.

[member="Vilaz Munin"] Ξ [member="Ijaat Mereel"] Ξ [member="Morr Zard"]
As the droids began to to work mining chunks of beskar and loading it into the crate Cynthia lent against the wall of the cave sliding down it. She was going to wait till it was half full before she put the mental sheet across the top for the rest to be put in. While she waited she reached into a satchel to pull out a holo photo of her Strider. Her mind began to wonder At all the recent events. Deathwatch are going to pay for what they did. "I will be strong father. I will be for you and I'll bring justice to you." She spoke softly. She knew that she needed to be stronger not just mentally. The armor was just the first steps. She wants to craft weapons next. Some the likes of this galaxy have never seen. She'd drawn up plans for it but it's something she didn't want others to lean how they are made.
[member="Cynthia Garon"] #allalone ;-;

Time went by fast while she stared at the image her mind wondering from one to the next. Flicking the image off she'd stand up and look to see how much of the crate had been filled. See it it was just about half way Cynthia would pick up the thin metal sheet and lay it on top of all the chunks of beskar for the next half to be filled. If she had a way of clearing the mine she would to show the arrogant fool. Not that the mine was in his area it was purely to get to him like he had to Cynthia today. Time sped by even more as she thought to her self with bitter words about death watch and that man. She knew it wasn't dwindling on but she just couldn't help it. She hates feeling week and powerless. Other than how to fight she knows nothing worth knowing. Her skill sets are limited and yet no matter where she turns it's another dead end. Instead of just selfishly holding on to the knowledge people should at least pass it on if not others then at least their own people. Yet that was the problem everyone else knows best. Everyone judges without knowing a person.
The droids seemed as they where going slow agitating Cynthia. There was still some room left in the crate she wanted filled. Its things like this she wished she had asked for mini speakers inside her helmet to play music to pass the time. The mine it's self wasn't very big it was mostly untouched so she could see the entrance. Moving to the mouth of the cave she would take of her helmet then her hair fell into place. She could feel the warm glow of the fire on her face as it danced about. As her eyes watched it she saw a full ciggeret on the floor meaning the arrogant person had left it. Moving over to it she would pick it up from the floor and put it in her mouth, her lips clasping around the filter. Pulling a lighter from a satchel on her hip Cynthia would roll her finger across the Flint to ignight it, as it light up she'd inhale with the lighter on the other end of the ciggeret. The end would glow orange as she could taste the tobacco that felt somewhat spicy.
As she took the last drag she'd flick the cigarette out of the cave entrance and turn back to see the progress. As she walked up to the crate the droids stood idle by it. It struck curiosity at first that maybe they where malfunctioning. Although soon as she got closer the crate was full. Outside was a speeder she had "borrowed" well stolen with the intent of returning it in the same condition she took it. She struggled to lift the lid to the top of the crate putting all her strength into it. As the lid was partially on top she'd slide it into position and fasten the locks. "Thank God this thing will be easier to push." She said to herself. Although she did no work at all and left it to droids. Stupid mindless droids. Stupid mindless marking droids.

Pushing the crate up and out the cave she would connect the crate to the back of the speeder bike with the magnetic lock. "SCRAP METAL! YOU CAN GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM NOW!" Shouting down into the cave. Wasting no time they began to come out and headed south. without hesitation she climbed onto the seat of the speeder and made her own way.

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