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Harkin Kane

Harkin Kane

Back In The Saddle

NAME: Harkin Kane
FACTION: Neutral
RANK: Neutral
AGE: 37
WEIGHT: 215lbs
EYES: Blue
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+Mechanical Eye The eye he keeps hidden under the eye-patch is actually heavily modified. It features highly amplified sight, Multiple sight renders, and can store bounty profiles.
+Mechanical Arm Incredibly durable, immensely strong, and chopped full of useful gadgets
+Nimble Living in the hull of a ship, it is hard to become encumbered by food consumption. No chef can make canned rations taste gourmet every single night. This leaves the body capable of becoming rather fit with little physical effort on the owners part, and dodging blaster fire becomes second nature after a while.

+Experienced Through good times and bad Harkin has trudged and stomped there and back again. His mind is a book chalked full of useful and useless information from his own experiences. With age comes wisdom...and kidney stones....

+Lucky Well, Harkin finds himself shoulder deep in trouble the majority of the time, and he has washed down many of his teeth with gallons of his own blood but still he stands. He seems to always cut the right wire, or barely make that leap of faith. We wouldn't necessarily say things go his way, but hey he has always made it out alive.

+ Experienced Tracker Harkin, through years of work as a bounty hunter and preservationist, has become a highly skilled tracker. Be it through space or planet side, it is difficult to hide from him.

= Loyal Take it as a sign of obedient cowardice or noble professionalism, Harkin Is loyal to his employer and will execute every trick in his arsenal to carry out his orders.

=Fearless Factions love it. A solider is a disposable asset, and one that dives into the lions pit head first is a useful madman. If nothing else it plays for an entertaining diversion.

=Crack Shot From The Hip. Up close and in guerrilla warfare Harkin is a damn fine shot. It needs very little more description, but through a scope, he couldn't hit the ocean on Vaynai. He blames the booze... He blames the booze for a lot of things

-Impatient Patience is a virtue as the saying goes, but this is not a virtue Harkin possesses. He is rash and fast to take action. The element of surprise is always an ally, but not when it costs you your life for charging blindly into the front-lines of hell.

-Cursed Harkin doesn't have many friends... Oh sure he's a nice guy. Catch him in a good mood he'll even buy the shots, but those close to him often wake up dead.... Not literally of course that would be preposterous, but Harkin has worked along side many crews, lived amongst many nice folk, waged war along side the bravest of warriors, and they always seem to die. He has caused Harkin to develop some serious relationship and trust issues. This goes above and beyond even examples such as these... as you'll soon see in the coming biography.

-Alcoholic It is a pretty straight forward concept. In recent years, Harkin has found himself rather fond of the bottle. He isn't a mean drunk or even a stupid drunk. He is a “sure I'll go first in roulette with a blaster rifle” type kinda guy. Remember talking about that fearless thing up there ^^^ Liquid courage my friends...

- Aging The poor guy has more laser wounds then a Nar Shaddaa dance club ceiling, an uncountable amount of broken bones, and more emotional baggage then all the alcohol in Hutt Space could numb.

-The Tissue around his arm The tissue surrounding the modification on his arm is much more sensitive than that elsewhere.
-Ion Blasts Could Affect His Enhancements

The Lady's Favor



Modifications/ Upgrades:

A.L.S.M.A: The Lady's Favor is equipped with a unique A.I. program called Alsma (Artificial-Lifeform-Systems-Management-Application) She is capable of basic ship operation, navigation, mechanical and electrical diagnostics, and an array of other useful operations.

CS-Mark 12 Holoprojector: Large holoprojector located in the living suite.

Harkin's mother passed away during his birth. She never held her son. He grew up the son of a ship yard owner in the small city of Kahnz on Alderan. His father, Horrace Kane, was a respected man in the city they called home. Harkin worked along side his father for much of his youth, but he sought adventure that just could not be found coaxing people into the driver seats of land speeders.
[SIZE=9pt]His father, a man always supportive of his son's ambition, called in some favors to an acquaintance in the Terrarium City. Harkin was hired on to be the apprentice of a King's Council Preservationist enforcer. This was a group hand selected by the monarchy to preserve the sacred species that were native to the planet. This involved matters such as population control. Such as when a species growth was stunting that of another. This was quite a common occurrence and occupied an immense amount of Harkin's time. Learning the patterns of the creatures became a subject of obsession to Harkin. Being a predator and knowing his prey forward and backward was a taste of exhilarating satisfaction Harkin has never topped.[/SIZE]

More interesting than many of the other duties his title held him responsible for was his obligation to pursue poachers. The act of killing the creatures native to Alderan without the proper writs of permission was considered treason in areas close to the cities. Treason was a crime punishable by death needing no trial amongst peers. These hunts were Harkin's favorite. They felt to him like a colossal game of hide and seek., and he had become a very talented seeker.

He had rose through the ranks of the KCP quickly to become one of the most well recognized preservationist on the records. And he had become the son of a very proud father, but misfortune began to break over the horizon... On a mission to apprehend a poacher, Harkin had to gun down the brother of a well know cartel smuggler in self defense. Word of the deed traveled through the space ports quickly to Nar Shaddaa, and the brother quickly made preparations towards retribution.

On a routine population check the word of the deeds went unknown to Hawkin for 4 days. On the way back to the Terrarium City Harkin had planned to stop by and see his father. Citizens were still hard at work putting out the flames of the smoldering city. His childhood home a crater amongst the ghosts of his neighbors. Seeking an escape into solitude and mourning, Harkin left Alderan.

A few years passed by and Harkin had spent them in the company of mercenaries. Warrior for hire was a lifestyle he found he had become well suited for. He seemed to always have something warm in his belly, a soft spot for his head, and the women seemed to dig the danger-seeker outlook. He caught the eye of a pretty seamstress on Naboo given the name of Naomi Vientress. He let the ship he arrived on leave without him staying to settle down with his new wife and his pending child.

A few short months after the matrimony ceremony was over, Harkin's pregnant wife was gunned down by yet another revenge seeking scoundrel whose name had accumulated a bounty. A bounty Harkin was paid for filling. A man by the name of Orcai Hargin. Harkin allowed himself time to grieve for his wife and child before embarking yet again into the life of a killer to trail the man who had taken all the family Harkin had left. From star-port to star-port Harkin chased Orcai in a game of cat-and-mouse until finally catching up to him on Coruscant and gunning him down on a busy street. Republic space did not always approve of bounty hunters, especially those enforcing death on someone with no record in there systems and so Harkin served a little over 10 years in a galactic prison for murder, but hell, at least he made a few

He was able to pay of the rest of his debt in credits he had stored from years of collection, and was released to drown in his own self pity. It was apparent his destiny was to be alone, but then again he was no Jedi and did not have to fall victim to destiny or illusions such as fate. With a slight headache and a faint smile he began to travel the galaxy living the only life he knew...
Much later in Harkin's career, he had a run in on Nar Shaddaa with the psychopath James Parker. In a tragic explosive Harkin lost his left arm. Harkin had a bionic replacement tied in to his surviving nerve ends, and while on the generous dime of a compensating Empire had his missing eye and limb replaced with advanced bionic replacements. Plagued by the deaths of the mingling scum and innocence in the Nar Shaddaa bar, Harkin continued to struggle with his drinking and the belief that everyone around him dies....

N/A (The list of npc's made up to make him just a little cooler is simply to long to go here)

N/A (Another cynical comment like the aforementioned :) )



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