Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Harli Hayes

Harli Hayes


NAME: Harli Hayes
AGE: 13
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 4'4"
WEIGHT: 50ish lbs
EYES: Light blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Light tan

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Loyalty: Harli's tribe is her family, whether by blood or not. She will stand by their side even if it results in personal injury.

Agile: Harli is an agile child thanks to her Elzeri ancestry. She is able to out maneuver larger opponents with ease. Which is a plus given her small size.


Stubborn: Never wanting to give up on a challange. Harli has a hard time backing down from a fight, even if she's outmatched.

Small in size: Being an Elzeri has its drawbacks. While blessed with a slim athlete body that is far more agile than the baseline human. She is small in size, which means she can't take the same amount of damage the average human can. This leaves her vulnerable to larger, stronger opponents.

Harli is a small child, barely standing at four foot four, although average for a child of her species. She has bright blue eyes, blonde hair, a lith athletic build and pointed ears.

Harli was born on a freighter deep in the outer rim to a clan of Elzeri. From a young age her life was devoted to fixing freighters and performing daily tasks to keep the clans flotilla functioning. The flotilla endlessly travels from one side of the galaxy to the other. Selling of exotic goods, hunting rare game, acting as mercenaries or navigators into the unknown.

One day Harli and her parents took a shipment of goods to Naboo. Unfortunately the vessel was intercepted by pirates and forced into a crash landing. The pirate raid not only claimed the lives of her parents, but saw her capture by the pirates. Harli and a few others escaped, but left the poor girl stranded on Tatooine

SHIP: Clifford-class Freighter (her clans vessel)

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Harli Hayes said:
SPECIES: Human (Mandalorian) hybrid
I would like to point out to you, that there is no "Mandalorian" species. The Mandalorians are a culture. An idea for people to come and work together. Any species can be a Mandalorian. Unless you are referring to the extinct/kind of extinct species of the Taung who was the species that created the ideals and beliefs of the Mandalorian culture back when Myths of the Zhell were still around.
That's why it's in parenthesis.

I label Ali's species as "Human (Mandalorian)" because she's human, which is a generic term that says nothing of the person's culture or homeworld. "Mandalorian" then denotes her cultural upbringing/homeworld.
That's what Harli's done here. I see it all the time. I've also seen "Human (Corellian)" or "Zabrak (Iridonian)" because Zabrak can be from two locations: Iridonia proper, or elsewhere in the Galaxy.

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