Bombshell Genius
After the transaction that led to the sale of the ionite Ringovinda StarYards used to hold on to delivery, bought from a Christophsis-based speculator as a futures contract, to one Janus, Jessica stayed on Ringo Vinda because her relationship to this new prototype Therapy Command ordered to replace another of the aging classes used by the Alliance navy, the ANS Lothal. Yet the Lothal was still not yet ready for its space trials, no more than it would be able to undertake its weapons tests, due to its fitting-out not being quite finished. Of the weapons systems, installed onboard, only the aft hypervelocity cannon was tested, having been used on multiple occasions. So the point-defense 20mm HVCs being used as a CIWS, the long-range Scarifs and the Toprawas, not to mention the Ziosts, all of which come in triple varieties. That's a lot of power in only a small number of emplacements, so while it may cut down on maintenance, it makes the ship that much more vulnerable. Yet [member="Catherine Soja"] doesn't suspect that Electric Judgment is not about primal emotions, just vector calculus. When Catherine is about to arrive in the not-quite-finished hangar bay of the Lothal, which is being finished right before her eyes... she crossed her fingers, hoping that Christophsis never comes up.
"Welcome, young Jedi. You have searched far and wide for someone willing to train in pyrokinesis, cryokinesis and in Electric Judgment"
"Welcome, young Jedi. You have searched far and wide for someone willing to train in pyrokinesis, cryokinesis and in Electric Judgment"