Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hatake Mutashi

Name: Hatake Mutashi
Faction: The Republic
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Species: Human
Age: 18
Height: 5'10
Weight: 145 lbs
Eyes: Blue on right side, Sith eyes on left
Hair: White
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: Oh, yeah

  • Ninja: Hatake is great in speed, stealth, reflexes, martial arts, melee weapons, flexibility, and strength
  • Quick Learner: Hatake is good at learning things that he doesn't know or doesn't have any knowledge at all
  • Flying: He hates flying. Don't make him pilot ships
  • Women: They distract him
  • Hasty: Wants things done ASAP
  • Bipolar: Has both Jedi and Sith personalities
  • Only uses one eye: He still can use both eyes but he prefers to use his blue eye
Has a mask to conceal his left eye and has a ninja bandana on his head (profile pic)​
Born to two Jedi Parents, Hatake was a happy boy with wonderful adequate life on Alderaan. As soon he could do things that most people could do his parents began teaching him about the force but most of the time he spent outside, roaming to new places. While he was exploring one day he met a man who could do things that were beyond of most people. He quickly took Hatake as a student at 6 and began teaching him and put him in hardcore training that most people wouldn't want to do. Thanks to his Master's training he could now do things that his Master could do such running on walls, do splits, and other things that Ninjas could do and was given a bandana when his training was complete and was a Ninja black belt at the age 15.​
Then, one day tragedy struck him. While he was alone in the house a Sith Master broke in the house and began torturing Hatake and poisoned him with Sith poison. Fortunately his parents arrived and killed the scum but it was too late for them to remove the poison out of Hatake. Instead they healed him and even though it didn't permanently took out the poison they managed to cure their child from falling to the dark side. After the event Hatake's eyes were different. His hereditary blue eye on his right side didn't change but his left eye now had Sith eyes. Something that he would live for now on. Though both eyes are still functional he only uses his blue eye so people won't see his other eye that is considered as a damnation.​
After becoming 18, his parents took him to Corusant where he could be taught by other Jedi that were more skilled than they were. From there Hatake will soon develop into a Jedi Master and something else than the boy he was a long time ago.​
You know that will barely happen​
I'm not a bounty hunter​

Beginner, Amateur, Moderate, Expert, Professional​

Force Speed(Amateur, WIP​
Force Jump(Beginner, WIP)​
Soresu (still in progress)​
Djem-So (Moderate)​
Makashi (Moderate)​
Shii-Cho (Moderate)​

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