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Have A Drink, Woo The Ladies! (Tatooine Bar Thread)

It was a very, very long and tiresome day in the work of radio and keeping people amused. Helen, in her deepest self pity, went to a bar on the local planet of Tatooine where she had earlier been broadcasting. After seating herself in a barstool, she ordered a sweet drink and looked past the thick smoke that filled the bar to see who else was in here.

A very small crowd made room for better conversations. With a smirk and a sip of her drink, she waited for the buzz to come in.

Join at your leisure. I'm doing this to meet new people and try out new designs for my writing.
Niall kicked the cantina doors open obnoxiously, and everyone turned. Most people had no idea who he was, not even that he was one of the most wanted criminals in the galaxy. He was smoking a e-cigar of water vapor. Nobody seemed to care though, as a lot of people in the bar were smoking. Niall took a seat at a barstool next to [member="Helen Louie"]. "I'll have some Jawa juice. On the rocks." He told the bartender.

The cantina was very beautiful and alive, full of various creatures and humanoids.
Helen adjusted in her seat softly and sipped her drink again like a lady born on the streets would. All of it. One gulp. She sighed happily after the sweet liquid ran down her throat, then turned her head and looked at the man who seemed to catch everyone's attention for some reason. Why people did that when someone walked in, she didn't know. "You having a good night?"

[member="Niall Priam"]
Some idiot had kicked the door open in his favorite cantina. A cloaked man would peek over at the idiot [member="Niall Priam"] who had done so, raising an eyebrow. Why did people like to announce their presence like that in a cantina filled with the galaxies scum? Honestly, he would never be able to figure that one out. Dismissing the idiot as someone who wouldn't leave the cantina alive, he would return to his drink, even if he didn't appreciate how watered down it was.

The bartender he knew wasn't on shift this week... Damn. He wouldn't water down the blasted drinks like this.

Ebon’s massive form wandered carelessly into the Tatooine Cantina. The soft buzz of music and the pool of ethnic jargon made for a carelessly malformed background noise that bothered Ebon’s ears to their very core. He offered a soft growl as someone stood in his way, using his massive form to push them aside before spotting a seat in the far back of the Cantina. Using his size, towering over almost all the human based species in the room, he made his way through the crowd, black hood and cloak hiding what muscular physique he had.

What he came for, was scouting. Not for an invasion as usual, or a raid, but of expanding his growing army. He had the fleet, he had numerous soldiers, but now he needed agents that would hold their loyalty to him alone. Men and Women he could train, trust with his resources, and produce the results he sought.

He took a seat in the back of the Cantina, gilded amber eye’s watching the crowd, purveying each face with a constant critique. As he did, his kept his mind open for possible force sensitives, something difficult for him to sense, but something he could do with enough focus. His lightsabers dangled at his thigh beneath his cloak, prepped for his defense if needed.

And so he’d wait, watching for someone to appear; hoping to find something of interest amongst the grossly xenomorph crowd.

"Venus, for the last time. YOU HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM" the assassin was wearing a simple civilian outfit. Jeans and a grey shirt... Of course his hidden blades in his arms but as their name said, they wouldnt be seen "Pretty please! We just travelled all the way back from Roon taking out your schemes for weapons and ships..." the pilot was wearing a skirt and a big comfy shirt. Tattoine was a good place to stay while their ship was resting, and she could repair or upgrade the AT-360 with more freedom of time.

The bar was big enough, so Acaleus picked a free table and sat, waiting for the waitress "Ac, give me some credits or im going to make you throw up in the next flight" Once Venus called him ¨Ac´, he knew she wasnt joking "If you come back to the ship with help, i will give you a worst punishment" said throwing at her a wallet.

In a bar, you could see the common mercenary but after a while on Nar Shadda and training he could divide and sense the people around, the one kicking the door seemed rude, a girl approaching him was weird, a force user showing off his lightsaber..."And thats why i always bring weapons to a bar..." thought while ordering a glass of vodka.

[member="Helen Louie"] [member="Niall Priam"] [member="Ebon"]
I came in at the wrong time Max thought. He moved purposefully towards the bar and ordered a nice glass of Ardees. No matter how lowly he thought of Tatooine, Max had no problems stopping by. He almost felt like a masochist coming to such a place before. But, strangely enough, it gave him comfort now. The scum here at least were pretty open with being...Well, scummy.

He had come here on a freestyle intelligence opportunity. Rumours and intel crossed people's lips openly around places like this, and even more easily for a few credits.
"I came here for a drink, and that sums up the quality of my night." He explained to Helen.

Niall pulled out his HoloNet phone and began streaming the local Tatooine. news. The weather was hot, as usual. The violence was high, as usual. The Jawas were scamming moisture farmers, as usual. "Nothing on this planet ever seems to change." He mumbled to himself. Niall made sure that his blaster pistol was holstered in case some of the scumbags in the cantina attacked him, as usual.

[member="Max Fel"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Ebon"] [member="Helen Louie"]
Helen smiled awkwardly at the man who came next to her barstool. She supposed it didn't really make a difference where he sat, he was still there. Besides, conversation is conversation! "Sounds about right. Why Tatooine, may I ask?" Headliners for new stories were piling up in her head. It was going to be a crash fest if she managed to get three in one night.

{ [member="Niall Priam"] | [member="Max Fel"] | [member="Acaleus Thorn"] | [member="Ebon"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] }
Josh himself had his Force present hidden, knowing that scum of all shapes and sizes came here. It was a precautionary measure, especially with the Sith being everywhere in the galaxy. But he had not come for trouble. Instead, trouble seemed to find itself everywhere here in this cantina. As he sipped his drink, he simply watched, and monitored...

Watched, and monitored...

He was the mediator in a potential clash of titans, and he knew it. But how he would act, and when... And if he would even make his presence known... Were all up to fate.

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Helen Louie"] [member="Niall Priam"] [member="Max Fel"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Ebon"]

"What do you mean you don't know for sure?" I curled my lip inin disgust at the information broker before me, a snivelling mess of a human. "I asked for leads, not butterflies! Why else do you think I flew to this godforsaken planet? Sure as Hell wasn't for the drinks!"

The human wrung his hands. "Finding one person, especially someone as talented as this Jedi Master, in the entire galaxy is like trying to find a needle in a metal-coated, fireproof haystack. A big one!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, seriously resisting the urge to Force-slap this sonuva blaster. It had been almost year since I'd first embarked on my mission, and almost two months since I had left the Order. And yet...nothing. Not a thing.

Suddenly a chill went down my spine, and I could almost feel the air go sour. In my ear, a breathy voice whispered, "Sithling, coming in." Gray. Lying at my feet, Maxi gave a soft whine.

Where is he sitting?

"Corner of the cantina, away from everyone but where he can see everything." Once I'd gotten used to the hallucination I called Gray showing up, I'd tried to figure out her purpose. Though I didn't know why this was the only daytime hallucination I had (night time was another matter), I'd deduced that she was a manifestation of my senses, not a Force construct, exactly, but more of as a way to allow my brain to process incoming stimuli easier. A product of the stressful events I had gone through, if you will. "He seems to be searching for something..."

"Not me, I hope," I muttered.

"Come again?"

I shook my head at the human, even as I began fervently to suppress my Force presence as best I could. Having a less than conventional training background, there were many things I had yet to learn about, and many others (like suppressing my presence) that I had yet to master. But, I figured the same principle of spreading your presence still applied, only in reverse. That is to say, instead of making my signature bigger and widespread, I needed to make it as small and uninteresting as I possibly could. And possibly pray to the overlords of us all that the Sith didn't notice me like I noticed his dark taint.

"Look, there's no way I'm paying you for this. There's barely enough information here to be considered a freebie." He started to protest, but I set my saber hilt on the table. Leaning close, I added in a deadly whisper, "Instead, you can either walk out of here scotch free with your drink, or I'll be forced to make an example out of you." I gave him a wicked grin. flashing my sharp teeth. "Don't think that all Jedi are tree hugging, peace loving hippies. Now scram."

Face pale, the human stood up and hurried for the door, taking his datapad with him. My eyes tracked after him until he was out of sight. I then looked down at my Blarth, patting my thigh to indicate I wanted his attention. "We just can't catch a break, can we, Maxi?" The Blarth whined again in agreement.
Acaleus saw the form of a lightsaber beneath the coat of a togruta that was having a talk with a human. The fact that he didnt felt her through the force was weird so he only thought that she knew the form to suppress her force signature. Of course in the mundane, one couldnt hide anything from the eye of an assassin. Acaleus stood up with his glass and approach to the table of the force user "Hello, dont wanna be a bother..." said scratching his back neck with a smile, without showing his wrist lightsaber, as sleeves were prepared to not fall once he rose his arms.

"...but can i sit with you? My company went missing and i will not see her until she comes to me to tell me she is ready to leave" the problem was that he could feel the presence of other force users around the bar. Jedi or Sith, he couldnt recognize the force signature, so sitting with another was an advantage. Of course he would always want to sit with a lady on a lonely night

[member='Helen Louie'],[member='Joshua DragonsFlame'], [member='Roshki Belawiiks'], [member='Niall Priam'],

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
[member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Helen Louie"] [member="Niall Priam"] [member="Max Fel"] [member="Ebon"]

I gave Maxi a long-suffering look. It was well within my means and my right to refuse this baboon a seat. After all, it'd been a while since I had struck gold in regards to the whereabouts of my Master, Kian Karr. Just thinking about it made my heart hurt, especially when I thought about what his reaction would be when I told him I'd left his beloved Order.

Through the Force, I did a basic probe of the guy. He didn't seem as dark and twisted-feeling as Mr. Malevolent over there, but he was definitely a Force Sensitive, if not a User. Which meant he could probably sense I was too, despite my efforts. I was good at hiding in crowds, but face to face? ...Not so much.

I curled my lip at him, partially revealing my carnivorous teeth. "Fine, but any funny business and I'll skewer you. Got it?" It was on the tip of my tongue to say "Jedi's Honour", but I held it in. No need to broadcast that, either.

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