[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Helen Louie"] [member="Niall Priam"] [member="Max Fel"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"] [member="Ebon"]
"What do you mean you don't know for sure?" I curled my lip inin disgust at the information broker before me, a snivelling mess of a human. "I asked for leads, not butterflies! Why else do you think I flew to this godforsaken planet? Sure as Hell wasn't for the drinks!"
The human wrung his hands. "Finding one person, especially someone as talented as this Jedi Master, in the entire galaxy is like trying to find a needle in a metal-coated, fireproof haystack. A big one!"
I pinched the bridge of my nose, seriously resisting the urge to Force-slap this sonuva blaster. It had been almost year since I'd first embarked on my mission, and almost two months since I had left the Order. And yet...nothing. Not a thing.
Suddenly a chill went down my spine, and I could almost feel the air go sour. In my ear, a breathy voice whispered, "Sithling, coming in." Gray. Lying at my feet, Maxi gave a soft whine.
Where is he sitting?
"Corner of the cantina, away from everyone but where he can see everything." Once I'd gotten used to the hallucination I called Gray showing up, I'd tried to figure out her purpose. Though I didn't know why this was the only daytime hallucination I had (night time was another matter), I'd deduced that she was a manifestation of my senses, not a Force construct, exactly, but more of as a way to allow my brain to process incoming stimuli easier. A product of the stressful events I had gone through, if you will. "He seems to be searching for something..."
"Not me, I hope," I muttered.
"Come again?"
I shook my head at the human, even as I began fervently to suppress my Force presence as best I could. Having a less than conventional training background, there were many things I had yet to learn about, and many others (like suppressing my presence) that I had yet to master. But, I figured the same principle of spreading your presence still applied, only in reverse. That is to say, instead of making my signature bigger and widespread, I needed to make it as small and uninteresting as I possibly could. And possibly pray to the overlords of us all that the Sith didn't notice me like I noticed his dark taint.
"Look, there's no way I'm paying you for this. There's barely enough information here to be considered a freebie." He started to protest, but I set my saber hilt on the table. Leaning close, I added in a deadly whisper, "Instead, you can either walk out of here scotch free with your drink, or I'll be forced to make an example out of you." I gave him a wicked grin. flashing my sharp teeth. "Don't think that all Jedi are tree hugging, peace loving hippies. Now scram."
Face pale, the human stood up and hurried for the door, taking his datapad with him. My eyes tracked after him until he was out of sight. I then looked down at my Blarth, patting my thigh to indicate I wanted his attention. "We just can't catch a break, can we, Maxi?" The Blarth whined again in agreement.