P A N [D E M O N] I U M
Nar Shaddaa
Starport Lounge
10:21 PM, Local Time
There he stood, at yet another bar, sipping yet another drink. Murky brown liquid in a round, squat glass. Ice cubes bounced and clinked within the concoction as he lifted it up, taking another drink. The illusive Sith Lord was garbed in black leather from head to toe, the pants tight, the boots tall, and the coat long enough to kiss the floor. Under the coat, no shirt was seen, showing off myriad tattoos, scars, and brands. Upon his fingers, the words "Hate" and "More", a fit phrase for one such as he. His brow furrowed as he looked around at various patrons. A Hutt who was fat even by Hutt standards commanded a small entourage near the back, a band of humans and bith playing some sort of techno/jazz fusion just kept on playing, Twi'Leks trying to ply their trade to various males, and a couple angry looking Trandoshians to boot. Then again, when did the lizards ever NOT look angry? He brushed his free hand through his hair, letting it rest on the back of his neck before rolling his head around. A few thick, loud cracks could be heard as sapphire blue eyes closed, enjoying the sensation. Downing the contents of his glass, he motioned at the toydarian bartender, and he fluttered over, filling the glass once more.
"Waiting on someone, eh? Maybe one of the Twi'lek girls could keep you company, eh?"
Ket looked to him a moment, and then shot his hand out, grabbing the flying insect by the throat.
"If I wanted company, I surely wouldn't pay someone for it. And if you want to live another day to make your money off selling company to foolish men who don't know any better, i suggest you just concern yourself with keeping my glass full, you blue poodoo with wings."
And with that, Ket shoved him back going back to his glass, eyes lost within it's swirling movements.