Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Have you ever...

wanted a not evil empire?

wanted a chance to help build something from the ground up?

wanted to play at politics, the military or play at the running of a company?

If the answer to any of the above is yes then you're not alone. The Sith and the First Order are great factions, but both of them tend towards the evil side of things and that isn't the story a lot of people want to tell. It certainly wasn't the case for me and some friends of mine so we decided to make our own empire.

So, why am I here? Well, I'm here because I want to know that we're not crazy, that our ideas make sense to people and that other people will be as excited about them as we are. We're right now building the lore of the faction, the various codex and factory subs it will need to function once we take it live and we wanted to offer anyone who is interested in getting involved in the building now a chance to jump in, read through our stuff, offer your own suggestions. I mean we're excited enough about this that we'll build it all, and use it no matter what but I'd love to get other people's feedback on it too.

So, the basic rundown, we're building an empire based on Imperial Rome, so we have an Imperial Family, we have a Senate, we have the Patron System. We're even constructing a basic alternate force tradition since they've been out of the way for thousands of years. That said, if you have a pre-existing character you think you might like to run with this then they'll fit in too :) Military, senate, civilian, force user everyone and every story is more than welcome.

I just want to point out, this is not a LFG for the faction (I'll make up one of those posts later :D), this is a call out for anyone who might think they'd be interested in the faction and wants to read over what we've got and what we'll be building in the future and get involved right now. Right now, we're just looking at a nice minor faction that can tell some really cool stories, and establishing ourselves and seeing what happens as things go :D If you have any question, or feel that this might be something you're interested in then DM myself or [member="Lance Claw"] or stop by our discord.

Thanks for all your time and reading my wall of text ;D
[member="Luna Azur"]

Space-Egypt...Space-Asia....-Space Australia, I think we might even have Space-Spartans somewhere... and now Space Rome!

I like the sound of it so far, wishing you guys all the best of luck!

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